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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Ya, so one of the earlier posts mentioned about a fishing show that was more like and infomercial and it got me to thinking; wasn't there a move by the C.R.T.C. to stop blatent product pushes on fishing shows?????


    I know that it stopped for a while buy I'd say it's back to where it was and then some! Now, I've seen the disclaimer that runs before some shows that mentions something about the program may be payed for by the sposonsors or products mentioned in the show. So, is that all it took?


    Either way, I enjoy watching pretty much anything fishing related on tv( I'm a bit of a junkie that way )so me beef isn't with any of the shows or the hosts. Just wondering if anyone new why product pushes are ok now.

  2. ..and a status symbol/place to woo business clients for the "fans" attending the games. ever notice how many seats are empty after an intermission? it's 5 minutes into the period before they are full again!


    That's because they're still in line for the bathrooms!!!!! It's literally impossible to leave at the end of a period, go for a wizz and make it back to your seat in time for the next period.. let alone if get into a consession line as well.


    Definately better watching games from home, and quite a bit cheaper!

  3. Politics aside, the thought of some crazy large (fish?, mammal?) lurking in these waters is intriguing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to stay up all night listening to 'coast to coast am' (phenomenon radio show in case you don't know) waiting for the latest psychic readings and predictions. I suspect most of you are the same - although I'm new here and really have know idea who any of you are. However, I am inclined to feel intrigued at the possibility of a new discovery. Perhaps a largest lake trout known to man? A giant squid living in the most perfect environmental conditions?


    In the end it's entertaining and I hope something else surfaces whether - it's something that must be seen with your own eyes in order to believe...


    Then you'd really like the latest novel by Steve Alten; "The Loch!" I read it when it came out in the spring and it was great! Terrific if ya love underwater monsters!

  4. Mike I spent about 5 weeks in Florida, beginning of August till Labor day weekend. Tampa-St.Pete area, Largo, a mile from the beach, saw the ocean - gulf. ??? big deal? not for me no interest in salt water, living 10 feet above sea level or paying 200 grand for a home that might fetch 100 grand here.


    Stayed with the first ex-wife, in her house, nice place I guess but a 60`s era home? Room for 1 car in the drive with out blocking the sidewalk, lol my van and trailer parked on the grass on either side of the drive and no room to expand. Way too much traffic in that area and no jobs. Not only gators but poisonous snakes in the area, in the city. Ex stepped on a pygmy rattlesnakes a couple of years ago cutting her front grass, 2 people in Tampa bit by them, in their yards while I was there. I saw 2 black racers(snakes) in the ex`s yard while I was there, 1 about 3 feet 1 about 5, not poisonous but a bit of a surprise?


    Just seemed like loads of scammers down there, 3 trips by a supposedly reputable heating and air conditioning place to get the ex`s new central air to pass inspection? Always scam alerts in the news and papers. People drive like nuts.


    No interest in living off the land! LOL, fesh are for catching not eating!


    Yikes! I can see why you're not into the Florida thing, Paul. Guess you had yourself enough of it. I vacationed on the gulf side a handfull of times and enjoyed it. Being from the inner city( Hamilton ), you can imagine how different it was from what I was used to. Pelicans, gators, dolphins, man, I felt like I was in a nature show everyday!


    Goodluck with your search, Paul, and I know you'll end up in some nice new 'digs.'



  5. I dunno Paul, I'd still travel south a couple more states 'til you get to my favourite! ( FLA ) LOL Probably pretty expensive though.


    I remember meeting a fellow on a Florida pier who moved to Florida from New York so he could go shrimping, pier fish and harvest wild berries and such. Almost able to live off the land exclusively.


    Anyhoo, good luck with your move. I'm betting there is some good stream/river fishing in Tennessee and some great bassin'

  6. Good fishin' as usual Bigugli. And a nice haul of tomatoes. I always say. if someone hasn't eaten a freshly picked tomatoe, they've never tasted a tomato! Isn't it funny how the ones at the grocery store are bland and tastless comparitively.


    Anyhoo, hope to run into ya one of these days down in the Pennisula!

  7. So what would you suggest to someone using live bait such as worms. If they aren't bitting worms, will they bite rubber grubs of different colours?


    Good question, LucG. I don't find myself fishing crawlers or minnows on a bare jig very often. I do use worms and minnows as an addition to my grubs, though, to kinda super-charge 'em. lol


    I would think, though, in the case of using live bait exclusively with a jig, that painted heads could work as an attractor. I just don't fish 'em often enough to be sure.

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