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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. That is correct - I am in the range. However if I start adding weight to the boat (i.e more people, which I do quite often) I will fall out of the range. From the reading I have done, you want to get as close to the red line as you can. Figure dropping down a pitch on the bigger prop will do nicely. Hole Shot was not the greatest either.
  2. The winterizing for the E-TEC is built in. You just do a key combo on the ignition and it fogs itself. The other benefit is if you decide to go out again after...you can just go...and then fog it again.
  3. Thanks. That is what I am guessing - something inside or it burnt out. I will try to get to it this week. Mine is (from what I can remember) mostly white with some blue on it (I think). Might be time for a new one anyway, as I don't think the current unit has an auto shut off.
  4. I have it back at my shelter. I took everything out of the boat as it was going to sit at the marina for a while. I forgot to pick it up before getting the boat.
  5. So had a bit of an issue with the boat yesterday - namely forgot the plug. (Long Story). Then my Bilge Pump cut out - so that was fun. Made it back to the ramp, and all was well (we had a lot of water there for a while). Question on the Pump - does it short out, etc. if it is under water and running? I am guessing no - but figured I would ask. Right now, when I turn it on, the Circuit Breaker will pop after a second or so. At this point I don't know if I have to replace it. I am thinking it may have sucked something into the Intake. I have never worked on one of these before, so any suggestions on what to look for would be great. It is a Smokercraft Pro Mag 182.
  6. Finally got the new motor installed on my Smokercraft. With the old Optimax I would top out at 41MPH (2 people) at about 6000 RPM (It was probably more like 5800 RPM - don't think the gauge was all that accurate). With the new motor I am topping out at 44MPH @ 5500 RPM. So I have a little more RPM's to get out of it. Currently running a Rebel SS 3 Blade - 3x15 1/4x19RX Prop. When the Marina did the water test, they were hitting 6000 RPM with an Aluminum 3x14.5 19P (Not sure on speed, as my GPS was not in the boat. If anyone has some suggestions on what to look for RE: the Prop, let me know. I am thinking I may need to go down a Pitch on the SS, as it is a wider diameter. I am looking for more top speed in case anyone is wondering. Hole Shot was good with this prop. So far I am really really really impressed with the new Engine. Cannot get over how quiet it is, even at full throttle. Hardly smokes at all - and is great a trolling speeds.
  7. Nice looking fish. I might be up there again in October (long weekend usually). I did find a lot of smallies out in the Islands last time, so if I am there will probably focus on that area again. Though I will still try for a Musky...that hunt will also continue.
  8. Have a 2006 Optimax 115 HP powerhead for sale. Hit a rock last year, which took out the skeg. When looking at getting it fixed this year, noticed that I had actually cracked the Leg higher up. Technically all one would have to do, it take it to an aluminum shop to weld. Everything else on the motor has been looked over (currently at St. Onge). I also ran it the weekend that I hit the rock, so know there is nothing mechanically wrong - but if you want to check it over, I have no issue on that. This can either be a part motor -> or as mentioned a fully functional engine with a little work. Not sure what to ask for it, so make me a reasonable offer. If it is more than St. Onge is going to give me for it, we will talk.
  9. I ended up switching brands. Got a excellent price on a new 135 HO e-tec. So going that route. From what I can see these are pretty impressive motors - though I know there will be some haters out there. Going to see if I can sell the Powerhead to my Optimax, which is in good shape.
  10. If he is selling them, does he not look after that? That is what happened when I bought a US boat. When I picked it up it had all its new registration numbers, ownership, etc. By the way - where is this guy? I might be in the market for a new used boat myself. PM me if you could.
  11. I guess my other concern was, would the 115HP 4 Stroke, provide less performance than the 2 stroke it would replace.
  12. What can I say? I feel the need........the need for speed.....?
  13. Ok. Will have to see what they say. I think the 150 still makes sense. The 41 mph is at WOT. If I can get that, but with fewer RPM's because of a larger motor, it might be a win. The original boat test videos I watched for my boat all had 150's on it - and it was part of the build package too. As such I would suspect it will handle it just fine. Appreciate all the input - giving me some things to think about.
  14. Actually power has been good, once I got it propped properly. With two people can get 40+ MPH out of it. I just don't have experience with the new 4 Stroke Motors. It appears that the new ones don't have the power/weight issues that old 4 Strokes had.
  15. Based on the cost to repair my motor, it appears to make more sense to get a new one. I have have contemplated upgrading before. Because my boat has a Merc - I will probably stick with it, as it is already wired, etc. for that brand. I may also go 4 Stroke (currently have a 115HP Optimax). I am doing some research on the 115HP with Command Thrust (4 Stroke) or just going to max HP and hang a 150 on is (that is the max rating for my boat). Anyone have experience with either motor? Boat is 18.2 feet - Aluminum. Would be interested to know what performance you are seeing, etc.
  16. You are correct on deadrise - it is 17. It looks like a pretty solid boat - I think better built than my current boat (Smoker Craft Pro Mag 182). If I decide to go forward, will take it out for a test drive 1st. Thanks for the feedback. Will see if I can find that review as well.
  17. Hi Everyone, I might be looking at a new (to me) boat. Have a Crestliner 1850 Raptor that I am keeping an eye on - 200 HP Optimax. Anyone been in one of these? Looking for feedback on how it handles in rough water, thoughts on the build quality, etc. Anyone have a 200HP Opti? (I am running a 115 Opti - been a great motor). I can troll with my 115, so wondering if I can do the same with the 200HP (no kicker on the boat). Thanks in advance for the Feedback.
  18. Thanks for the posts. Going to go the Insurance route.
  19. It was. I thought I had taken out the Hull. My family heard it from the Island we were staying out, and came out to investigate.
  20. Hi Everyone, Looking for some assistance. At the end of the season, I hit a rock and damaged the Skeg. No biggie I thought, as I have access to someone who works with Aluminum. Finally able to pull the boat out this weekend, to get it addressed, and ready for the season. However after we took the Lower End off (which came off fine) we noticed that I had actually cracked the Aluminum further up as well - by the shifter. Any thoughts on what I should do to get it fix? And where I should take it? (Barrie, Ontario). I am not sure it will be a quick fix. I am checking with my Aluminum guy as well and will see. I was turning when I hit, so I am guessing that is why I have damage further up. Mechanically the motor works fine - I used it the rest of the weekend without issue. (By the way - what do I call that part of the motor?).
  21. Have a friend looking for a small lake that he can put his tinnie in - so he and his boys can fish for Walleye. Huntsville area -> North. If you know of any and can share, please PM me.
  22. I did it for a while. Lots of fun. Will probably do it again at some point.
  23. Yes. What I misunderstood from listening to my Dad/Uncle, was that the area out towards Georgian Bay was not charted as well. It corresponded to the fact my Map would disappear when I came out of the straight. But doing a little more research (after hitting a rock) and I have discovered that it is just my map chip that needs to be updated. D'oh. Oh well - at least if I get a new chip, I will not be leery about trying Iron City - have not gone out that direction for Musky, as I was worried about the water.
  24. I guess what I mean is I need some where to store the data I am collecting. Have to look at my unit, but I think it only has one chip slot. So either the Map Chip - or a storage device - I assume anyway.
  25. Great looking fish.
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