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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Nice Brownie!


    You do this little Trip every year with similar results eh?

    I remember the past posts by the situation....Small Tinny in some cold but open mid winter Lake Ontario water LOL!

    I admire Your persistance.

    Sure its cold but if there are fish to be caught why the heck not?


  2. Wasn't the best coaching from Quinn that's for sure.

    Never have I been a fan of his methods...


    The biggest 2 things the Canadians were missing last night was Confidence, and subsiquently they lacked Presence.

    The two go hand and hand!


    Where oh where was the Physical game they played against the States, Germany, Slovakia?

    Where was the Quick acurate passing, or the quick release shots?

    Their heads were clouded with doubt and Nervousness...

    You could see them second guessing their plays, and more importantly they were second guessing their Hits.


    Because they were afraid they would miss, or let their man go...


    I'll tell you this,

    Benching your guys, Sitting silently on the back bench and deviateing from your game plan is not the way to bolster confidence in your boys.

    Its shows your scrambleing...

    Changes are for Practices, not for Game time.


    Dump and chase BANG BANG BANG Along the boards, Cycle, and crash the net...thats how we've won medals all these years, thats how we made it this far, and THATS how its going to be done tommorrow.

    The minute we try and play cutesy-poo Euro hockey we're done...nobody plays better Euro hockey better then the swedes.


    A Physical game will knock the Swedes game plan out of the rink.



    They need to forget that poke checking crap, and get back to takeing the Body, and taking it hard!

    Its hard to make a fancy passing play to your wingers when they are slowly getting up off the ice about 10 strides behind you.

  3. Maybe I should have posted my reply in this thread LOL...






    What a nail biter!

    Cripes that was a bloody rooler coaster eh?


    They boys looked flat the whole game until Over time IMO...2 soft russian goals as well.

    Not nearly as good as the USA match, but way more intense in the end!


    I was not looking forward to a shoot out...kinda figured we'd get screwed, but hey it all worked out!

  4. I actually learned this lesson the hard way.

    Got a hit, and set the hook...or so I thought.

    the whole spool of line slid away from the spool, the only fix was to let ALL the line out, re-tie with backing, and reel it in again.

    But I lost a fish over the mistake.....won't happen again.


    Another trick that I adapted after that day and works well is a simple glue gun.

    Apply a single bead of hot glue to the spool running vertical, and wrap your line as normal.

    It holds the line in place nicely, and peels off easily when re-spooling...super easy, cheap and effective.


  5. Ya NHL is ok I guess... :whistling:


    I just never returned as big of a fan after the strike.

    Truth be told I started frequenting the local Ranger(OHL) games during the strike even more then I had before, and basicly came to realize I I enjoy the OHL as much as the NHL so why spend more dough?

    I'm lucky that with my Job I often travel to Sarnia & Peterborough so I check them out on occasion, and sometimes find myself in St. Johns watchign the Fog Devils(QMJHL)

    One thing I can say with 100% certainty is there is more heart in those Junior regular season games IMO.

    And they tend to be 10x as intense and "most" NHL season game.

    But the NHL Play offs are a different story...thats some good stuff right there.


    But In all honesty I would seriously would rather be in Ottawa to see the Boys play for gold, then watch some random team hoist the stanley cup, but thats just me :dunno:

    If it were the leafs which won't happen any time soon...I might change my mind :rolleyes:


    so long as Slovakia doesen't make another upset but i doubt it....


    Now that would be something wouldn't it?

    Can't say I see it going down like that but I'd love to see it happen!

  6. If god were to strike me down right now,I would say,I just watched the best game ever.


    Agreed...heck of a match, and what quick paced game!!!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again....

    This tournament is the BEST hockey of the year.

    I'd rather get tickets to the juniors gold medal match then Lord stanleys mug any day.

    You simply cannot beat the intensity, and the heart these kids throw out there for the world to see.


    Love it!

  7. yes we won,but was the Geramn team that good or did the boys hold back this time??


    I don't think they held back?

    The German team played well...for being out skilled by a mile.

    They were twice the size of our boys, and they did a great job playing a physical game, which is about all they had to offer

    (besides a pretty dam good little goaltender)

    To be honest I think the physical play made the boys think a bit before crossing the blue line, and charging the corners.

    Not that they had to think all that hard about it, but it was the first game in this tourny playing a sizeable opponent, and the first time anyone was dishing some punishment back at them...


    It took the boys until the 3rd period to figure it out completely, so...

    Ya I'd say the Germans played good...The Candians were just ALOT better.


    It was probobly a great thing to get a physical game out of the way considering is the USA next...

  8. Yup...

    Its true, give an inch & they try for a mile...

    We gotta stick together.


    I gotta say a slot for Pike does seem odd for northern Ontario?

    I find it a bit hard to believe populations of Pike are hurting up that way?

    I'm no expert by any means, and wouldn't have any grounds to dispute the slots, But I could see the Ban being more related to Tourism, and breeding Trophy Pike then conserving their population given the geographic area.

    Heck most Guys Up that way that I know catch so many they consider them a pest LOL...

  9. (GCD @ Dec 28 2008, 02:27 PM) *

    I am doing research right here on this thread, seems that no one can answer the question definitly with exactly what group and exactly what regs!


    Heres a great exsample...

    Although its about Hunting, but its the same idea.





    Events Leading to the Cancellation of the Spring Bear Hunt


    Please find below a list of chronological events leading up to the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. Click here for the official press release that was released by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources on January 15, 1999.


    December 18, 1997


    F.W.C.A. receives Royal Assent; Spring Bear Hunt remains intact.

    December, 1997 - December 1998


    Regulations being considered.

    October 7, 1998


    Minister John Snobelen, through his Deputy Minister, promises the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) and Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters (N.O.T.O.) that there will be no changes to the spring bear hunt unless both O.F.A.H. and N.O.T.O. agree.

    December 17, 1998


    Minister Snobelen states in a letter that there is no basis to cancel the spring bear hunt and that the spring is, in many ways, the best time to hunt bears.

    January 1. 1999


    F.W.C.A. is proclaimed into law with the spring bear hunt intact.

    January 5 or 7, 1999


    Robert Schad (who in November/December 1998 launched a two million dollar public advertising campaign against the spring bear hunt by targeting vulnerable Conservative MPP's in Southern Ontario), met with Premier Harris.

    January 8, 1999


    On the January 8. 1999 weekend, N.O.T.O. past President Roger Liddle received a telephone call directly from Premier Harris who advised the spring bear hunt was being cancelled.

    January 12, 1999


    Premier received the Premier's Briefing Note entided "Implementation Plan for Closing the Spring Bear Hunt"

    January 14, 1999


    N.O.T.O. President writes to Premier's office expressing extreme disappointment in the Premier's decision to cancel the spring bear hunt (contrary to the position stated by the Crown, there was no response to this letter or denial that it was the Premier who made the decision).

    January 15, 1999


    Government publicly announces cancellation of spring bear hunt because "it will not tolerate cubs being orphaned by hunters mistakenly [and illegally] shooting mother bears in the spring."






    Robert Schad is listed by Canadian Business Magazine as the 45th richest man in Canada. He likes bears… all kinds of bears… but in particular he likes Ontario black bears. He and his minions struggled against public opinion for many years trying to get the province's bear hunt cancelled. They bombarded the public with radio, billboards and television advertising claiming the bears were endangered, they were being killed to extinction for their gall bladders, and hunting black bears over bait was unethical.


    His plea was totally emotional and had little to do with truth. The fact that the spring hunt was no threat at all to the healthy black bear population of Ontario (estimated to be at least 100,000), was of little or no importance to Schad and his doomsayers.



    Bottom line....

    Sometimes Special interest groups can actually change the regs.

    It does happen, and I'd bet the farm local lodges have their say with the MP's in "some" instances when it comes to fishing.

    My guess is its a rare, but happening occurance.

  10. Argentinean Wines have come on strong in 2008...many Melbacs making their mark

    I hosted a an Argentinian Wine Makers dinner back in the Summer, and enjoyed it emmensly

    I've not had the chance to try Fuzion Yet


    The thing about wines though...

    They will not be the same year to year.

    Try it while you can because the next batch will more then likley be more expensive, and not as good....Thats how these Wines go.

    Its basic supply and demand.

    Its popular now, so the next batch will be up in price, but of course the growing condions of the next few batches will vary and so will the flavors.....so reproducing this same batch will be tough.


    Same thing happend with a brand called Conundrum

    It was a 2003 California White that rocked the Proffesional Culinary world.

    They had a batch of different Whites that were Messed up by proccess, so they mixed blends of Sauvignon Blanc & Chardonnay

    And Pawned it off on the Employees....the feed back was so positive they didn't know what to do but ulitmatley ended up selling it hence the name "Conundrum"


    It sold like hotcakes, until the next batch...

    Price went up, and It was never dupicated to the same level of Quality.


    Then another more well known but similar story...Yellow Tail Shiraz

    It was at one point quite cheap, and a GREAT Shiraz

    Now over the years its ran the Gauntlet of Pricing, and has a surprise factor...

    You may get a good year...you may not all depends of the Year.


    This Fusion most likley sounds like the "yellow Tail" or "Conundrum" of 2008

    At that price it was not expected to be good at all, but has turned out to be great.

    Just remember the Year, and try it if you can.

  11. "advertised" ice huts and their availability


    Aint that a poodle....


    I won't go back there after my last trip.

    I went to get 3 things all "advertised", and walked out with a headache.


    Funny part was they were from all different areas of the store So I'm not sure if one person is responsible for ALL their inventory or not?

    I was after Hunting boots, a new Back pack, and a new Thermal sleeping Pad...none of which were in stock.

    When I asked an employee if they had anything in storage I got a snotty answer....no (even though he didn't check the inventory).

    Of course I spoke to the Manager who offered a rain cheque, and explained to me that the website sales can be outdated, and not indicitive of the inventory And suggested next time I should call before comming....

    Is it me or does that Seem a bit silly to have to call a store to ensure they have what they advertise?

    Hey...what do I know.?

    Considering I drove in from Kitchener, and would have to drive in again I wanted a little somthing more for my time...but nope.

    Just a Thank you come again.


    Guess I'll support the locals even if they are a bit more $$$$

  12. I had a S-L-O-W year :dunno:

    Not much time on the water between Moving early in the year, watching the 2 kids, and the birth of My Son in July....Ya I was swamped LOL!

    But I had a Great trip to Algonquin for the opener...Caught a Wack of Fish

    The Last day My Youngest Brother and I kept a nice Stringer of 3 beautifull Algonquin Specks




    This Picture just says "postcard" to me :Gonefishing:






  13. Makes no difference to me really...

    The Builder more or less told me to take a hike, so now the insurance company is going to do the work and sue the Builder

    And hopefully return my $1000 deductable so I pay nothing.

    He had a chance to deal with me, and blew me off...

    Its going to cost him much more now I am sure.

    Either way he has my number....

    If he decides to save his ass and do it himself he just has to call me.

    I'll gladly accept his appology and save him the Aggravation, if he's willing to fix it fast.


    but the balls in his court...

  14. Good stuff Cookslav... as for the carpet.. different colours/styles in each room give a house character !! biggrin.gif Get them to cut it right where your door closes and tape/glue the seam to your new carpet. Guess you'd hate Leah's Burgandy dining room with hardwood... the striped blue front sitting room beside it thru the french doors with carpet.... or the yellow smooshed living room that we enter our brown walled, light gray carpeted bedroom from. lol


    LOL...to each there own right ;)


    In our case we wanted all the carpets to match on this floor...its all newer carpet as is.

    The house is only 2.3 years old....hopefully they still have the same dye # of the carpet available...

    To be honest I reeeely don't want to replace it....its nice newer carpet with no stains, or rough spots, but I do want any replacement to match if it needs to be, and if that dye number is no longer available I want it all done.

    That and newer carpet or not, the wear and tear on the old carpet is sure to stick out more once you put a brand new peice beside it.

    IMO when the Insuruance contract says

    and I quote

    "Coverd loss and(or) Damage will be replaced, or repaired to the condition it was previous to the incurred Peril"

    To me that says I will once again have flowing matching carpet...


    It would not be the same condition, nor dollor value if it was not matching carpet...

    (I'm Pretty sure most real estate agents would agree from a resale point of view.)

    Hopefully it all works out...

    The adjuster/Contractor should be by today to make the assesments, then we'll take it from there.

  15. Well,

    Luckily the insurance Company has agreed to fix the source(yet to be determined)

    And the interior Damage.

    they have a contractor comming into assess the problem tommorrow and fix it...yeah!

    If its veiwed as "Faulty Workmanship" The Insuance company will be going after the Builder, and returning my $1000 deductable!!!

    It seems likely the leak is comming through the roof were the Garage meets the house, which appearently is Gaurenteed for 15 years

    (the life of the Shingles)

    Turns out the builder more or less lied about the coverage of their warranty, and the insurance company caught their little fib.

    The Insurance company will now take care of it on our behalf.


    Only issue now is what will become of my Carpet...

    The Insurance company is fixing the damage, and the source(which I am gratefull for)

    But they only want to replace the stained carpet in the room that was damaged....

    Being I have seamless matching Carpet on the entire second storey of the house

    that extends down the stairs as well...that isn't going to fly

    I can't have one room different then the rest.

    Especially when its th ONLY carpet in the house, as the rest it Hard wood or tile....that would look like hell?


    Anyway thanks for the advice, and Pm's

    Turns out a little tough talk goes a long way with these big companies sometimes.

    Let just see If I can get them to do the right thing and replace all the carpet.

  16. Do you have a plumbing vent stack in that wall?? and water gets in around it's rubber roof seal and runs down into the wall.


    Do you have any water pipes in that wall ?? Drywall screw into a pipe...that's been a snow leaker and has now grown!



    Nothing there its an outside wall and nothing on the roof line in the general area.

    I'm guessing its some how got under the Flashing Around the window?

    I can't see any holes, bends, or anything to suggest that but the locality of the Damage suggests the water came in somewere close to there...I may re-calk it, and seal it again after the Adjuster has come through.

    I think my best bet right now is to wait for the adjusters...find out what they are thinking and hopefully they will discover something, or at the very least I can then rip away the damaged dry wall and have a look.

    If both of us are unable to determine the cause I guess I'll call in an expert...what else can I do?


    Bah humbug!

  17. Couple of thoughts:

    1. I would still get in touch with Tarion in case they'll do something. Don't assume that the time's up so you're outa luck.

    2. Your insurance will likely only cover the damage, not the house repairs to stop the leaking.

    3. Is it possible you've just got ice damming on the roof somewhere?


    Already dealt with Tarion, and the builder....both are not going to lift a finger.

    I have no leverage there as both Warranties end at 2 years.

    As far as the obligations and the Law go they are off the hook, according to My lawyer whom I just consulted.

    He feels the Insurance company will be on the hook for the interior work for sure, but the Exterior fix is in the air.

    If the origion of the Leak is able to be pinpointed and determined as damage, or faulty The insurance company "DOES" indeed need to fix it, however they are not on the stick to "FIND" the cause, as their job is to repair the damage not find it.


    The issue at hand is if they just repair the water damage and leave the source for me fix it, and it happens again they can deny my next claim for reasons of neglegence...

    In other words I failed to "Maintain" the roof in a reasonable fashion.


    Its crap if you ask me, but I guess I need to get some one in to determine the origion of the leak, or find it myself.

    But Like I said I have no idea were its comming from?

    Its Hard to fix an invisible problem...

    I fear the only real way to find the cause, and reveal the extent of the damage is to tear out the drywall and follow the staining.

    But I can't do that until I talk to the Adjusters AFTER they've made their assesment.


    I can't just go ripping up walls and then ask the insuance company to pick up the peices...

  18. Just had a significant Leak "somewere" in my Roof or Flashing.

    I noticed a wet spot back in the summer in my Master bedroom Carpet Against the Wall, but I figured it was just a spill from one of the kids.


    Well a month ago, my wife had some laundry sitting near the area, and it was damp?

    So I checked it out, and figured it could be another spill, but I'd keep and eye on it and see if it happens when it rains.


    Well we got some good rain last night, and awoke to my carpets being SOAKED this morning and discoloured redish(on cream color carpet)

    Turns out the rain came through in Spades, and the rust from the nails in the flooring washed into the carpet, and extended 2 feet into the room, by about a 10 foot section...

    When I pulled the carpet back I noticed it had wept through the Cracks in the floor boards, so I imediatly checked the ceiling below the bedroom in the Garage, and front door entrance area to find MAJOR drywall damage in the Garage, and puddles of water on the floor...

    Its a huge mess.


    My house is 2 years and 4 months old...appearently the Tarian Ontario new home builders warranty expires for Leaks after only 2 years, so I missed the window by 4 months. The Builder is refering me to Tarion, and wiping their hands of the situation, Tarion has wiped their hands clean, and now My Home owners Insurance Company is telling me they will send an adjuster to assess the situation but...


    In this case they are generally only responsible for the damage caused inside,

    So I'm on my own to fix the actual leak out of my pocket....

    This sounds strange to me?

    Its a 2.3 year old house, and I've not done anything to the roof, nor Can I see any visible damage or cause?

    So I don't even know were the water is getting in, or what I'm suppose to fix!!!


    Correct me if I'm wrong but,

    Should the Insurance company not take my deductable, and FIX the entire issue so its done correctly the first time thus avoiding future claims?


    I've never filed a claim in my life...

    I'd usualy fix it my self if it was cheaper then the deductable but this is a doozie.

    My Carpet is ruined, and I have matching Carpet on the entire 2nd storey that runs down the stairs as well....

    So in order to maintain the flow its all going to need replacement.

    The Garage I could care less about....just slap up some new insulation, and fix the dry wall....easy fix

    but I'm still unsure of were the Water came from, so there may be massive water damage or mold behind the dry wall in my Master bed room, so this is going to cost $1000's of extra dollars that I don't have grrrrrrrrr!!!


    Any way I'm curios to know If I am correct that they need to cover the outside repair as well?

    I just need to know how hard I can push the Insurance guys before I decide to call the lawyer if need be.

    Any advice from someone in the field, or someone who has gone through this would be greatly appreciated!!!



  19. I didn't know Zebco's were made for trolling whistling.gif .


    Just about spit out my coffee...LOL!


    At the end of the day A government bail out is only a temp solution...

    Its not changing anything.

    It will only DELAY the end result, thusly wasting Tax dollars that could potentially prop up social services during this tough time for not only the Autoworkers but the other 90% of needy people out there....

    All last year it was easy to blame the oil companies ,now with the low oil prices its the Autoworker to point the finger at. ......When this blows over who will you naysayers point the finger at...United way ? welfare recipients? Handicapped persons ? Have you no consience .


    This is about as ridiculous a comment as I have ever heard...


    Your putting yourself on the same level of hard luck, and circumstance, as the handicapped, and less fortunate?

    2 words for you.


    We all have to hold our own, and business plans need to change by means of nessesity.

    It has been shown time and time again the companies will not change their direction, and niether will the unions so the only logical course of action is to let the peices fall until the ship is light enough to sail on her own again.

    people will encounter rough times because of this, but the hardy will work hard and survive.



    My God?

    Have people forgotten how to adapt?

    I guess its easier to ask for hand outs then beat the pavement...

  20. Wow,

    Suddenly I understand why the statictics are the way they are....

    In fairness I suppose at 100km it won't matter if your wearing a floater or not.

    If you hit anything, or fall off your screwed Either way be it on open water or not.

    The way I see it the polite thing to do would be to wear a floater so your recovery team can leave the diving suits at home :rolleyes:

    geeeeesh this kind of mantality just makes no sence to me.

    My Mustang suits warm as heck, and not stiff at all?

    Was it expensive....yes, but who cares?

    If your on a lake its the "smart" thing to have on...I thought That was common sence?

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