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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. :o OMG....That was just bloody awesome.

    I swear I'd pay money to read that in a magazine, just being 125% honest.



    I've not read a mag article with pics that good ever.


    I've seen and read reports of Large NWT Lakers, but never have I ever seen Char like that!

    Simply Awesome,

    Thanks so much for sharing that!!!!

  2. I was truely saddened to hear this yesterday, and even more now.

    When Personal experiences are shared it always seems to put a little more reality to the news, and being a Sad state of affairs it puts even more perspective to the event.

    This man was not Just a soldier...these men have familys, freinds, and could be your neighbor.

    Lets remember that, and not alow ourselfs to become desensitized to the statisics.

    Your account has served him well Holdfast.

  3. Plenty of summer yet...30 degrees today with humidex in the mid to hih 30's

    But that being said, I totally got that feeling the other day as well comming out of work in the evening...

    Crisp, clean, comfortable air, and that crystal clear sky..not an ounze of haze in the air

    I do love the fall, but I love summer as well.

    I guess I'm niether excited nor sad LOL!

  4. Alrighty then!


    Thanks guys...I'll try the local shops first.

    To bad though its about 30L of fuel mixed and ready...

    I filled it up 4 years ago because I was "supposed" to be headed on a trip to a freinds Hunt camp, and something went sour (long story...)


    Guess The Gas companies got away with a few more of my dollars...

    Hard to beleive that I probobly filled that tank for about $23-25 and now its about $37-$39 :wallbash:LOL!


    Oh well..

  5. I have 9.9hp evinrude I have not used in about 4 years...nothing wrong with it, I simply have not had a boat that required this size of engine since then.


    I wanna get her started, and tuned up for a freind to borrow.


    My issue is The tank is 100% full.

    I'm about 100% sure the Gas is pooched...

    Unless your able to re-stabilize gas????


    Anyway being I've stored it indoors its been recommended that I just dispose of the gas, re-fill the tank and give her a few yanks before I start mucking with the carb, filters, and plugs as they are more then likely in good shape...and now I just realized,

    I have absolutly no idea how to go about that, or were to take the gas to be disposed of :dunno:

    I have never had to worry about such a waste before :rolleyes:


    I figured if anyone would know...someone here would!

  6. Lets see how my math is. That tells me they stayed in Canada just long enough to get their (I just sucked Canadians for free papers) . Too much of this crap going on. Not Canadians in my books. Kind of reminds me of the so called Canadian Lebanese fiasco.




    We don't know that these guys are innocent at all.... :dunno:

    For starters there is video tape evidence from what I heard on the news last night that was taken with cell phones?

    These two are apparently pretty darn guilty by most accounts.

    Maybe not 1st degree murder, but they are 100% guilty of Manslaughter at the very least.

    Which in that country can carry the death penalty as well, and they are citizens of that country as well...

    Not sure a Canadian Intervention is warranted.

    Would we be invloved if the police were putting them into prison for life?

    I doubt it...

    Its mearly the punishment that got people riled up.

    The Idea of Be-heading is still fresh in peoples minds(Ie the greyhound bus horror)

    Lets face facts,

    These 2 guys are way more Saudi then Canadian to put it bluntly.

    They were born abroad, spent the minimum number of years here to gain Citizenship then left...

    Text book case of milking the system.

    So were is the line drawn?

    Should we intervene only when some one is sentenced to death?


    These guy live there and they are subject to those laws the same way people who live here are in fact subject to our laws.

    One thing we know for sure is they Killed someone!!!!

    Was it purposeful?...I don't know, and neither does anyone here

  7. They are pretty pursistant buggers at times....At my old house I had a nest in behind the flashing of my sideing in my Covered Porch.

    I sprayed the crap out of it with the foaming stuff, and even put the nozzel piece into the siding and sprayed till the foam was comming out of the corner joints LOL!!!!


    Anyway a few hours later I had angry wasps, including the Queen wasp(GIANT scary looking bugger)

    Flying around in my basement work shop!!!!!

    I was only alerted to the issue by the sound of crashing tools, and pipes...My cats were going Bizzerk chaseing them!!!!

    Luckily I got the cats outta there and closed the door before my cats got stung to death.


    I sprung into action with the best anti bee device EVER!!!



    I felt just like a ghost buster I swear...must have sucked up about 20 of the little buggers!

    The next morning I found 3 more but that was the end of it.


    So if you decide to Hammer them with the Foam just "bee"(pun totaly intended) aware of any potential indoor escape route!

  8. I've actually seen a Black widow in Bruce county...sauble beach to be Exsact.

    My Mother found it and FREAKED OUT!!!


    So we all came to see it before Dad..errr...well lets just say he disposed of the potential issue.

    Rare, but yup they are around.


    Now if they are in K-dub...I'm out! :o


    But now you GOTTA post the Findings when you get treatment..inquireing minds want to know

    But My bets on a Hobbo spider, it fits the M.O.


    My Daughter was bit by one on her back....she was playing "under" the deck, and got tagged.

    She has a massive welt, that wept, and the sore was raw and weepy for a week after the fact, and bust blood vessles all around the site.

    The doctor perscribed her a cream, and said if it gets worse, to come back but that was it.

    Still has the scar, but it healed up in about 2 weeks.

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