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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. I assume your useing it for marking fishing holes(being a fishing site and all)

    But if your useing it for hunting and exploring the wilderness or even new waters.....

    Do your self a Big favor and keep alert, know your land marks and pack a compass too.

    I've Heard a couple of close call stories with regards to malfunctioning GPS units, dead batteries etc...

    They are a "fun & conveneince tool", but one should NEVER rely 100% on it to get yourself home.


    One slip, and a broken GPS could leave you lost.

    Common sence in the outdoors is not always common...I'm sure your a smart dude, but for safteys sake thought I'd mention it.



  2. yup.....above zero with rain, and up to 12 degrees by Wednesday smaller lakes are comming apart quickly.

    I was at belwood lake Friday with a good 16-18" of ice but the shore was more like 4" with open spots, by yesterday the shore was open 15-20'...only way on or off was by boat. Today she was open 30' in spots and the ice out deep looked really sketchy.

    I think some smaller lakes will be done for the season by mid week.


    Oh well bring on spring! :P

  3. LOL...ya I'm a big Chicken I guess.

    There was an easy 18" of ice last weekend, so I guess it should be fine minus the edge...

    There is Zero Current there so I'm guessing it'll be ok.

    Its just I've never ventured out there in that kind of weather... :rolleyes:

  4. I always wanted to Try Rowan also as it is little known.

    Nice little lake...heavily stocked with Splake these days, And an unmaintained portage that can be a bit soggy depending on the weather LOL!


    Grand Lake is a big lake even for a boat when the wind picks up


    I'll second that LOL...


    Last year the week after opener the north wind got the lake rocking with some decent crests for our trip home......

    Nothing like a low riding canoe in heavy cross winds, and driving snow while being rolled around in "fizzing" 0.01 degress cresting swells LOL!

    A wee bit nerve racking but we made it across with some numb hands, and shakey knee's


    be safe out there, Algonquin can be unforgiving in the early season.

  5. QUOTE(irishfield @ Feb 27 2009, 07:43 PM) *

    One day doing it that way he's gonna cut his tallywacker off. Absolutely nuts steeling towards one's self !



    But thats the proper method..... you shouldn't cut anything off unless you're retarded lol.....



    That vid was correct except for the direction of the stroke.

    You should never bring the knive inward...lotta hot shots on the food network stick to the old school ways and set a bad exsample.

    But truth be told,

    You'll straiten your edge regardless of the direction you run.

    The fundimental difference is you can't cut your self if your running the knife away from yourself, were there is an increased risk you'll catch yourself by bringing it in ward.


    To each there own, both directions work...one is safe, one is not.


    But yeah I'd throw that knife out, and get a new one unless your partial to it?

    Cause the only real way to sharpen it is to get a good stone or sharpening system which will cost more then the $10 you spent.

    Or you could have it sharpened at your local knife store but again...its gonna cost a few bucks.

    A steel is great for Maintaining your knife after, and before each use, but even that only prolongs your next actual sharpening.


  6. Like the song says...If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all.


    I do a happy dance if I get a free ticket LOL!.

    Seriously I usualy get nuttin...


    Mom on the other hand...

    Super lucky over the years 5K on a banco ticket in 90's, couple grand here and there at the casinos

    But her luck hasn't alway been so good....

    The classic antismoking pitch.

    Had a set 6 numbers she used to play on the 649 most weeks....as the story goes, she had enough change in the purse for the ticket or the smokes, but not both. Lets just say she will never quit smoking as she calls it her million dollar habbit.

    (before the days of Debit)

    True story.

  7. Sometimes I think I'd be better off that way LOL!

    but the Wife and kids....mmmmm not so much.


    Could I?

    Yes....not concerned with it.

    "Never be reliant on luxury"

    Thats a lesson that was handed down from my Dad when growing up, and never have I forgotten it.

    Its worth mentioning your biggest worry thats not been touched on in a social melt down scenario isn't finding food and warmth...its avoiding other people.

    Panic brings out the worst in people.

  8. Hey Big Guy,

    I'm sure you know this but just incase...

    If you go the braid route just remember to set your drag back to your leader strength.

    Your line will only be as tough as the weakest link especialy during hook sets LOL...

    If you run a low stretch line such as flouro for your leader bare in mind your braided main line is ZERO stretch so when you set that hook your putting

    "A LOT" of pressure on that shorter peice of low stretch leader.

    Thats a recipe for disaster if your not loosened up on the drag.

    I'd actually recomend mono in that instance myself....its got a bit more cushin for that kind of set up.

    but then again I suppose all of that would depend on the lb test your useing as a leader.


    Nothing wrong with braid and a leader, especially in the situation you've outlined just be aware there is a bit of a learning curve in the use.


  9. Love it...


    Its all I use in the spring for trout.

    I ususaly spool up with 6lb, and fish lakers & specks in Algonquin...super impressed with the results to be honest.

    Sounds like some had issues, but as far as testamonials go I switched 4 years ago, and have never looked back.


    I like it for the low stretch when setting the hook


    exactly....I find it very low stretch, and super tough I might add?

    I know some are saying they had a bad experience with it but not I?



    Then Again I'm useing 6lb exclusively so Maybe the higher lb tests are a not as good?

    it only stands to reason a thicker diameter would be more likely to have memory issues.

  10. wouldn't it be nice if the school could pay for it instead of the teachers out of their own pockets?


    Pretty sure most of it is?

    Do they not have a budget?

    I know my daughter teachers complain about it not being enough so I assume there is a limited budget.

    Maybe not enough for some...maybe adequet for others?


    I guess its subjective to the lessons.

  11. I hope you find what your lookin for, cause from alot of recent threads about CTC sales, it seems many folks are heading to the stores only to find that nobody is carrying any of the advertised sale products......me included wallbash.gif


    Aint that the truth...

    Could't find a four man sub Zero ice hut all season in Kitchener/Waterloo...saw 2 of the smaller versions back in December

    Could't find an sub zero 8" auger all season saw 3 of the 6"

    But still to this date, not one store carries these items in stock in waterloo region yet they are on the website, and even been on sale in their flyers.



    I generaly love Canadian Tire but this seasons been a bugger...

  12. They have been working without a contract since august. They were offered MORE money in august, but less funding for students. They took more funding for students and less money now.


    Yes but this "more funding" is not for the students supplies per say...its to hire 1,500 more teachers to lighten the work load more then anything....The main issue for teachers is not salaries this is true, its about the work load.


    Sure more teachers lowers class sizes, and lightens the load...some would agree thats needed(myself included)

    But why not threaten a strike based on THAT?

    Why hide the agenda in a mass coverall clause of "funding for students"

    There is something a bit shady about the way it all went down if you ask me.

    I for one will be watching to see how many new teachers are actually hired in the next 4 years, and see what pay

    increases are handed out so the next time a strike talk comes up...I know were the line is.


    The unions Stance here(hidden agendas and all) is laid out like this...

    It is about a $711 per student funding gap between elementary and high schools in Ontario.

    Sorry but I'm not sure a Junior kindergarden through grade 8 student needs as much cash for supplies then say...a grade 9 through 12 highschool shop, music, science, art, or biology Student?

    A saxaphone costs a bit more money then say...Paper and paste.

    That just seems like an unrealistic margin to bridge?

    Unless of course you mention that $700 of that funding is going towards hireing new teachers, and building new schools to lighten the work load.

    The teachers union needs to invest in Public relations rep LOL!

    People might atually buy into what they are selling if they present it better, but of course the union doesn't want to be on the stick for actually Spending the way they said they would....They just want the funding.


    The sad Fact is they "were" offered an $800-million deal that would have given teachers a 12 per cent pay raise over four years which supposedly wasn't enough To bridge that gap AND hire more teachers to lighten the load, so it was not accepted...in retrospect that was a HUGE mistake now that the econmoy tanked, and those funding are no longer available.


    All I know is the pulic will be watching closely now...

    This whole little ugly mess left a bad taste in our mouths, and I hope there are 1500 teachers hired, schools built, and

    no talk of strikes for the next 4 years.





  13. The whole Idea rubbed me wrong from the start.

    Not happy with the job???

    Then Leave, and go somewhere that fits your wants and needs.

    Strikes are ridiculous IMO


    Teachers got it good...sorry but its 100% true

    Not saying its easy by any means, and I'm not saying it was not earned but lets review the facts.


    Great pay consistently over the national average

    Great job security

    Weekends off, and reasonable hours

    Great...and I mean GREAT Pension plan and benefits

    and more time off then pretty much any industry I can think of.


    It ain't easy I'm sure (lots of opinions out there on that)

    but its better then many, or most have it right now, and that's why there was so little public support for this "near" strike.

    The whole idea was not in touch with today's reality, or Public empathy.


    If they were not happy that Highschool teachers get more perks...then go teach in highschool?

    Gosh it seems odd that a dullard like me should half to point out such a simplistic & reasonable solution to the elite minds of our educational system LOL!

  14. Lets see what does Avery does and 90 percent of the Habs, Sens, Leafs don't do. Bet ya he aint no Pussey.

    2. Drops the gloves



    He puts on a show, but thats about it.

    C'mon Holdy you must have played a bit to be such a fan.

    He's useing the old strait arm clutch every time.

    Oldest trick in the book when tossing with a guy you know is more then likely gonna kick yer little behind.


    Grab the sweater cross arm to tie up the arms then keep your foe an arms length away with your head turned and way...way back.

    The distance keeps his pretty little face clean...sure he'll get some lumps on the back of his noggin but its all for show.

    Plus that little death grip on his opponents sweater gives him the ability to pull him close with head down to minimize the damage if the battle goes south...AKA the Turtle LOL!

    Sure he'll muck it up, but its all for show...he's not laying the beats to no one.



    I'll meet you half way...he can play a grinders game better then half the Habs or leaf for sure!

    I just don't think his antics, or morals fit my idea of Canadian hockey.


    A couple guys who played that ruff an tumble grinders game in the corners, and could draw penalties, and knock some teeth out when need be that come to mind...

    Wendle Clark, Cam Neely, Ricky Tocket....maybe even Mr Bertuzzi(allthough he's a case on his own)

    Avery could take a lesson from them on class for sure.

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