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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. mmm...I'd say it goes a bit deeper then the regions personally.


    There seems to be an issue with the Police, and even the Government spokes people telling the complete truth, amidst allogations of coverups.

    Which might be political shinanigans shared by most of the worlds leaders when it comes to tax money, but in this instance its violent crime, infectous disease, and the general well being of tourists.....I think I'll spend my money at home for now ;)

  2. Thats a beauty,

    And one heck of a deal!

    That model hits my weight requirements as well at 52lbs....I know as I did the research because I actualy saw that canoe while shopping, and scrolled by it based on the price tag, but boy did I drool on the screen a bit first :P


    That will serve you very well on your next adventure, she'll be a dream in the still waters.

    I just got a new to me" ultra lite Fiberglass Scott and it weighs in at a lofty 50lb's but then again its ony 14', with aluminum trim, and not nearly as pretty to look at :)


    I'm jealous....very jealous :lol:

  3. Have fun...Its a Zoo


    Lotta weekend warriors out there zipping up and down the lake with no concern for their wake.

    Last year there were a few threads about canoes, and small boats almost being swamped....

    I almost got into a bit of a situation with some goons...

    I was Drifting along the inside of the island in a very obvious path when this :asshat: litteraly Flys by me with in 10-12' and stops maybe 30' in front of us and procceeds to drop anchor, and start casting...he didnt like it much when I adjusted my drift to go "between" him and his "magic" casting spot.

    Nothing a few hand gestures could't work out....


    I used to enter years ago, then stopped because it litteraly is a Zoo out there, then I gave it a whirl last year...never again.

    Nothing against the tourney, but that shoulder to shoulder competetive stuff is not for me.


    Just be carefull out there because there are MANY who are not.

  4. I'm not a big fan of stocking. I'd rather see efforts put into conservation and habitat rebuilding so that all species are self sustainable. Stocking just seems like an easy way out and is taken for granted these days. That's not the direction we should be going IMHO.


    I agree with Dan 100%

    Habitat rebuild is were its at moving forward.

    If the introduced species can't take hold in a positive manner and become self sustaining perhaps were better off switching our focus to improving the odds for all species with proper and protected Spawning beds?...money well spent IMO

    Personally I'd like to see more stocking of sustainable Native fish as opposed to the latter

    Splake are fun and mighty tastey but not sustainable unless we continue to stock them being they don't reproduce, and I'm not even sure where to begin with regards to Salmon sustainability.

  5. Don't worry Ontarians, the harmonized sales tax will fix everything.........Dalton says so.


    Yup nothing spurs an economy like taking away any disposable income we have left, and increasing our cost of living a few percent...oh wait does that make sence?

    :blahblah1: yup....he's an :asshat:


    I like the feds idea about 100x better, but then again...not like I'll see any of it.

  6. Anybody else smell a sweep?


    I'm all for Canadian teams doing well, but Boston is going to wipe the floor with 'em

    As of the half way point they only had 15 wins ouf their last 41 regular season games....not mention they ended the season with 4 losses in a row "barely" making it in over Florida...yikes guys!


    Stanger things have happened but if any of the Series are likely to be a sweep.....this is it.

    Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it LOL!

  7. Its a nice thing to have for control, and stealth for sure, and before I bought my boat I did the same thing...

    Rented and rigged my own trolling motor up.


    I have never seen a foot peddle Transom mount before?(doesn't mean they don't exsist I suppose)

    But the idea of a transom mount is to use it in absence of your Tiller.

    It controls the very same way with a handle based throttle....easy to use.

    Its possible to use it on the bow, but you'll need a block of wood or somthing to get it to sit strait between the hull and the brace clamps.

    Its not quite the same as a rod holder, because the motor is pushing, so the motor can bounce a bit as the aluminum of the hull is not reinforced were the clamps sit usualy so it bends a bit under the pressure allowing the motor to wobble...a nice peice of 2x4 between the hull and the clamps will help keep it out and a "bit" more stable.


    I use a 40lb thrust Transom mount version myself on my boat for controling my drift, or trolling, and it works fine.

    A bow mount is better for control in the wind, but its not a luxury I have, and its definatly not a transferable unit like your looking for.


    As far as Battery length...

    Thats pretty variable.

    The capacity of the battery you choose will give you running times the battery stores. So you can purchase larger batteries that say you get 4 hours, and smaller batteries that say you get 3 hours of running time....personally I'd take an 1 hour off of those estimates.

    Then again its also subjective to the uses.

    If your just useing it to adjust your drifts, and bounce along structure your battery will last you a few days before needing a charge, but if your trolling or running with It you'll get the posted maximum running time(minus an a hour LOL!)

    Also if your into weeds you'll be working the motor harder, and drain the battery a bit faster.


    So, if your going to a spot with no electricity, I would definatley recommend 2 large capacity batteries.

    As for Shaft length Most Transom mounts are around 36", but can be as short as 30"

    The longer the better if your going to use it on the bow(most bow mounts are 52-54" I beleive)

    But if your going to stick with useing it on the transom I'd just get a normal 36"

    Thats plenty of depth for most 14-16' rental boats.



    There is no reason you "have" to take them out of the boat other then theft...

    They are built to be outdoors, so if you wanna leave 'em there they will be fine.


  8. Thats funny stuff Nemo, can't have it both ways! :D

    I've seen them whipping around on back lakes Via motor boats, and I think you just answered a long time puzzle in my mind...

    I wondered how the heck they got the Motor boat out there!!!

    I was thinking these 2 guys must be ripped, on roids or just have a lot of time to kill in order to carry a 12' tinner with a 9.9 back here LOL!


    It never dawned on me that they could have been dropped off in the area by plane...

    Makes scence now!

  9. mmm...enlightening post


    I was thinking about getting a Beagle someday, but Was tossed between a Coon hound, or a beagle.

    I was under the impression as far as hunting dogs go the Beagle was a good "house pet" as well as a hunting pal, were the Black and tans are obviouslt both but...

    They also cost a bloody fortune LOL!


    After hearing these testimonials I'm leaning towards spending the cash on a good 'ol Coon hound

  10. I've only dealt with them 3 times in my life time of fishing, but "most" of my fishing is in the boonies LOL!


    Once on a dock just messing around for Pan fish with the kids, and he was cool...just asked if I had a license, but didn't make me produce it, and we chatted a bit.

    He was just surveying, and wanted to know if we had caught and Pickeral.

    My Second time was odd...

    I was WAY out in the stix along a small creek In bruce county fishing for Browns/Rainbow in early May when I hear a lot of comotion comeing up stream?

    It was a C.O. in waders just tromping through the creek....I was A)-surprised to see one out there, and B)-Pissed that she was walking through the water spooking any fish that may have been in the area!

    She casualy walked up, and asked for my license, and asked if I had caught anything...Man I was pissed off, but I didn't bother to show it, I just left angry.

    Third time was at Smoke lake right on the docks on my way out of the algonquin park.

    They were blitzing everyone comming out that day.

    Checking Licenses, and coolers...nice to see

  11. My brother who was a schizophrenic before he committed suicide(not with a gun) had no problem getting a gun license and it was only during the waiting period that through the extraordinary efforts of my mother, that he never got the license. He would have been dangerous with a handgun. Not that he would kill someone with evil intent, rather that he was so delusional who knows what he would have done.


    By the way...

    For the record I'm currently in that same boat.

    I'm glad your mother did what she did to stop him, and I think thats the duty we face as family & freinds in that sort of situation.

    My bro is ill(diagnosed psycotic/depression) , and has his license, and obtained it before he was ill, but....

    The registry hasn't brought the police to his door demanding his firearms, nor does he even have a police record indicating he is ill.

    The registry isn't going to stop him or anyone from getting a firearm if they are determined...be it leagally or not.


    I hate to sound like a broken record, but Guns don't kill people....people do.

    If he had intent, not getting his hands on a firearm is hardly going to stop him from acting out what ever delusion exsists.

    Sad, but very true

  12. You don't think it would be important for the police to know that an individual had say a dozen weapons including handguns, say vrs a single rifle?


    Actually...I'd say no I don't think its important.

    I'd say its Nieve and dangerous.


    The responding officer should respond to a call the same regardless of fire arms being registered to the subject or not...

    Assuming their subject has no firearms simply because he's not in the registry is a potentially deadly assumption.

    I would say the safest bet is not to make any assumptions, but treat each case seriously, and not jump to conclusions.



    Just for the record...

    What does the registry have to do with helping police Identify potential gun owners?

    Could they not simply look at the license data base?....yup they could and it would accomplish the very same result.

    Although I'd still have to say assuming that I'm more dangerous then someone who does not "APPEAR" to have fire arms simply because I do have legally registered firearms is incredibly stupid, and dangerous...not to mention insulting.


    All that registry does is vilify firearms owners.

    It doesn't aid police, it makes them vulnerable if they rely on it as a tool, and further more, its not working...

    Its simply a massive drain on our Tax system that could potentially be going into out health care, school system, or better yet...into our police force.

    That money is 10X better spent on increasing our forces.


    You wanna cut crime down?

    Put more boys and girls in blue out on the street...

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