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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Pete's a great guy. Fished with him in a Pro-am a few years ago. I still keep in contact with him. I'm sure you'll have a good time.



    I'll second that.

    I don't know him personally but I know he's a great guy.

    3 years ago the boat we rented out of Merlin park had engine trouble, and we needed to be rescued as we were dangerously close to the Ferry.

    He answered the call and towed us in, then hung out for a good 30 minutes after swapping info and chatting.


    Like its been said already...he's a great guy.

  2. I can't say much about Service Master, but my Insurance Company uses both Them and Paul Davis restoration.

    I had a choice, and went with Paul Davis for my claim based on word of mouth....

    I'm not exsactly pleased with them Either....

    Not sure If Service master is any better to be honest?

    All I can say is no matter who does the work, be involved, present, and MAKE them explain every detail of what they are doing.....

    Some things are covered, some are not, so my advice would be to not let them touch any thing until you have it confirmed as being covered with your insurance adujuster.


    Don't forget these guys get paid for the work they do.

    The more they do, the more they get paid....even if its not nessasary or covered.

  3. Mine is a moment I wish turned out better for My Dad.


    The company my Dad works for organized a fishing trip up at one of the lodges there, and my Dad convinced me to Cater for the 30 guys breakfast lunch and dinner for 3 days.....lotta work for one guy and a stove LOL!

    But anyway,

    We went up a day early to get the lodge set, and food prepped, and decided to head out Early the next morning before the guys came up for a few hours. Dad was pretty excited to catch a few pickeral, so he was rigged light(as in 6lb test)


    Like every good fishing story goes he litterally thought he was snagged....till a MASSIVE musky broke the surface.

    This fish was enormous!

    To this day I still swear would have been worth a weight check, but anyway. :whistling:

    He had no chance at landing that fish...but to see him with his game face on for the next couple minutes before the hook was spit was just priceless....To see the shear excitement in his face was like Deja vous

    That very same excitment for fishing he instilled in me as a kid was right there on his mug the very same as it was 33 years ago.

    It was lesson about the passion one can share for this sport that I know will last a life time.

    I only wish he had heavier gear cause the face after landing that brute would have been so much better.


    But ya...

    That was moment I'd like to have back...except I'd have made him use heavy gear LOL!

  4. People who say things like this about Koivu clearly just don't know...


    The guy came over as a 5' 10" kid from Finland. He had played no "North American Style" hockey at that point. His first training camp they had to tell him to stop hitting his teammates so hard. He skipped playing in the AHL and made the big club. By his 3rd (?) season he was wearing the C.


    The year he missed the season because of cancer he came back to help them clinch a playoff spot. They came from behind (3-1) to beat a powerhouse Boston squad in 7 (the Bruins had Guerin and Thornton that year, and were favourites to possibly win the cup). Anyone who says Koivu lacks leadership or can't "rally the troops" needs to find a copy of this series and watch it. Seriously.


    Sure he's had moments...same as Sundun

    But he lacks the follow through, and consistency.


    Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for him(mainly his determination)

    But he's not a leader, and neither was Sundin.


    Both had the fancy hands, but both can sulk with the best of 'em, and can take a mean dive on occasion too....

    Thats not a leadership qualtiy IMO.

    Great players to have on your roster for sure, but not with the big C ontheir chest.

    But hey we'll see....Thats the beauty of Sports!


    We can see how it goes week to week!

  5. After reading this I find it strange that everyone is slamming the Ontario liberals for all the "new taxing". The truth is the FEDERAL conservatives have told the province of Ontario if you want any chance of getting what you rightfully deserve in transfer payments instead of getting screwed like we always have in Ontario you MUST harmonize the taxes....


    Got any links to prove that by chance?

    This would be news to me?

    I HIGHLY doubt they told Dalton to harmonize Ontario Tax...

    Heck I could be wrong and I'll appologise if I am, but its seems very speculative to me

  6. Its so simple...

    More Taxes mean less money in our pockets to spend in the economy.

    The only thing that acheives is less money in the services sectors, and more layoffs....

    But hey the government will be able to fund the infrastructure plans they have which creats jobs for a hand full of road crews, and people affiliated with such industry.


    Doesn't do a dam thing for store owners, restaurants, shops, offices etc....

    Its robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    And we all know when things recover the tax Structure will remain the same.

    When was Income tax instituted again...to pay for what? ;)

  7. That map is acurate...very.

    I've not done that trek but You can certainly tell the portage from Shrew to dove will be..."character building" LOL!


    It pretty up and down, and then it looks like it could get a bit wet & buggy near the end.(depending on your season of course)

    It starts at 420M in elevation, and crests at 440M in the middle only to drop back to 390M by the time you reach Dove.

    No "major" hills But theres plenty of up and down inbetween.


    You'll have a blast regardless I'm sure.

  8. , I think our ( Canadian) style of Hockey is good the way it used to be. I hate it when Politicians and media always got to say that everybody else is better than us and give us some stupid European example. Nothing wrong with the way we were brought up before the Sensitive 80s.


    Amen brother...Amen


    Simply, you can't teach heart

    I used to feel this way about the leafs as well...

    Sure Sundin could score, but could he ralley his troops, or just appear to care for more then one or two games in a row?

    Just sub Koivu in for Sundin and I think you'll find the same equasion.


    Yup IMO thats it in a nutshell.

    Not enough heart, not enough character, not enough strength.

    They got some fancy hands, and speed, but I tell you what...the Puck is not going in the net when the players are easily forced outside, or laying on the ice.

    The team is just plain deflated, demotivated, battered, bruised, and uneffective right now.

    Put them into a hard hitting playoff series and they will crumble.

  9. Nice Fish Bud,


    For the record I still have no idea what creek, bridge, county, or municipality that is...because I've never been there before.

    Anyone who has not been there before will not know that spot, unless they have walked by it, and thought about it trying it before.

    Don't fret dude.



    I see from your pictures that there are 6 dudes including yourself fishing that small stretch so I'm assumeing its definatly no Secret, your just being made a scapegoat for some frustrations others share.


    And a little FYI about bluring pics...

    I know I've personally Identifyed tribs by the color of the bloody sand and shape of the banks in pictures that I've seen on this board before LOL....

    I'm sure I'm not the only one either, so don't let others fool you by dramatizing the blurred picture effect.

    If You've been there before you may recognize the area, if not...its just another bridge.

    (Giant well known land marks such as the CN tower exluded)



  10. ... but you gotta go with your gut.



    We have instincts just like animals....we just choose to ingnore them most of the time because we don't put ourselves on their level.

    But when in doubt its always better to play it safe then sorry.

    Besides who wants to be looking over their shoulder all day :o

    Better to go at new water with company, be it because of poor ice conditions, unknown wilderness or other(AKA bears)


    Beleive me I've had a run in with a big Bruin in the west arm that turned out good, but boy was it a tense couple of hours...

    And yes that Spring hunt cancelation is to blame... :lol:

  11. The future of guns at the show first became an issue last June, after city council approved Miller's "city based'' measures to address gun violence, including a bylaw banning shooting ranges and gun clubs on city property, except those related to policing. A Scarborough rifle club at a community centre and gun club at Union Station were subsequently evicted.



    Lemme get this strait.

    He wants to ban all estabished Shooting range buisiness's that employ citizens of Toronto, and caters to the sales, and SAFE practices of LEGAL firearms in a SECURE and SAFE enviroment????


    I guess he would prefer that people travel to the outskirts and practice outdoors in farm fields, or take their money to other municipalites?

    I'm guessing Mr Miller is not very educated on the subject.

    Because if he was he would know the owners of LEGAL Firearms are not the same people shooting up downtown...

    We're also not the people selling them Firearms, and we're not advocating their actions either?

    Mr Miller doesn't seem very bright if you ask me.


    What on earth will a ban on shooting ranges accomplish?

    Please someone explain to me how banning Shooting ranges will stop a thug from blasting away at his gangster buddies, with an illegal firearm?


    Banning & Limiting firearms only does one thing.

    It pisses off the responsible Firearms owner....

    It does not take the firearms out of the gangsters hand.

    There is only one thing can do that....More Policeman

    Give them the funding to do what is needed, and cut through the red tape faster.

  12. LOL...

    A lot of heated responses for a whole lotta nuthing?

    Seemed like a rather humorous situation to me but whadda I know....


    If Holdy read him right the first time, my guess is there's a great story comming ;

    If not, I'm sure his response will be "hat in hand"


    Either way I'm wanting the scoop now :P

  13. Unions are losing members in today's society. And the standard of living is going down as well. Coincidence? I think not.


    Thats an interesting comment,

    Not sure I'd agree though...


    Ultimately the cost of production drives the selling price.

    Automobiles are ridiculously overpriced due to obseen labor, and profit requirements that have been inflated over time by unions and Execs.

    Thats what puts our standard of living down...companies chargeing the common man to much for nessasary products.

    Energy, Gas, food, realestate...


    Its all over priced, becasue the entire world has messed up our wealth distribution.

    We pay our Garbage men outrageous amounts of money, and we pay an unskilled Laborer crazy amounts of dough to assemble parts at a plant, Yet we pay EMT's & Nurses who could save our life and deal with tradgedy every day like crap....

    We pay a dishwashers minimum wage, but a janitor at a school or plant $20/hour


    Its messed up, and I don't think Unions are helping that very much.

    Trades seem to be on the level as far as fair pay for work, arguably doctors & Surgeons seem to be paid fair.


    You know what would be really cool, but it would never fly....

    A federal wage cap, and profit share requirement for all business in Canada.

    Put quite simply...

    No man woman or child can make more then 1 million dollars a year, (owner ship excluded)

    That coupled with a 15% company profit margin cap...meaning any profit brought in over 15% has to be divided amongst the labor.


    That would evenly distribute the wealth, that would make a lean mean work force, no union needed, and the economy fixed.

    But we all know thats to simple...that would never happen.

    But wouldn't it be nice?

    Every person working getting a fair share of Extra cash to spend...no fat cat execs makeing $20 million dollars...all comapnies held to the same profit requirements meaning the only competative edge left is the quality of your product.


    Thats fair and thats why it'll never happen.

    To much greed out there from the ground up....but just Imagine.

    Cue the music ;)

  14. Yes they are,but thier not crying for a bail out. Thier making an HONEST LIVING.


    Zing! :thumbsup_anim:


    The whole dam thing is pooched...let her crash and burn to the ground, and rebuild it on firm foundation.

    Sure Execs are over paid, and so are the workers....its a scale

    I suppose if a guy with no education who takes an entry level job and sticks around for 10 years can earn $40/hour with benefits bringing a total wage near the $60-$70/hour mark why can't a guy who spent years of his life in school, learning business, then working in offices for 20+ years who THEN takes a high ranking exec job earn more like $140/hour?

    Seems fair to me?

    To bad for the fact that us regular people paying $30,000+ for your automoitve products are the ones getting screwed, not to mention that we the public are then asked to bail your arses out with our tax dollars....

    Maybe that would be an option if in fact we saw ANY change in the structure, ANY change in the Product to move towards a cheaper, More reliable, and efficient product that was being made in a SUSTAINABLE manor.



    I say let the unions crumble and the execs topple.

    Its only a matter of time anyway.

  15. Welcome to sleepless nights, grumpy spouses, constant cleaning of puke, pee, and poop!

    Savor the moment LOL!!!!


    Naw its all good inbetween ;)

    Take it all in cause it flys by and before you know it they are in school....then you miss these days.

    2 words of advice,

    If you think you've taken too many pictures....take more

    ALWAYS place a cloth over babys bits when changing....boys are born wanting to be fireman LOL!



  16. Now I see Crysler is threating our Goverment.Ya know what,CLOSE UP,go south,what ever.You all got yerselves into this mess.



    That made my blood boil when I watched the news last night.



    How ridiculous is that?

    They are about to fold, and they have the audacity to "demand" a 2.3 billion dollar bailout in Fedaral aid and are demanding we wipe out a $500-million lien on Chrysler's Brampton plant in public Tax dollars or they are leaving Canada?



    Go ahead...close your meare 2 plants (Windsor and Brampton), close your 200 dealerships, and the one parts plant you own.

    Go ahead and lay off the 6000 employees then pay them out their severance and be on your way....


    We'll just take Thats 2.3 billion dollar bail out, and the 500 million dollar lein and divide it by the 6000 unemployed workers and give $466,666.67 to each one...that would not only make the employees dam happy, but most of that money would make its way back into the economy, and buy a CRAP LOAD of time to get these employees re-trained to do somthing else.


    Sure that will never happen, but it sure puts the "demands" into perspective Doesn't it?

    They want wage consessions of $20/hour from each employee, and aid/releif of $2,800,000,000

    And with out this gross amount they say they cannot compete in the market....


    Heck I bet could compete in the market with that kind of money and I don't even own a factory LOL!!!!

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