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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. ...and i hope you learn when you're supposed to use capital letters!


    Shouldn't "i" be capitalized LOL!!!!

    How’s that crow taste?


    Politics brings out the best in us I see?

    Spelling police raids...unprovoked and waiting to pounce :rolleyes:


    Fiberals had their time and they blew it....

    I would like to see a blue majority and be done with it.

    If they screw it up then I'll consider that next time around.


    If Iggy wants to go to the polls it'll be a mistake.

    Fiberals are loud, but I have a sneaking suspicion Canada will send him a message

    he's not expecting....

  2. Dont forget about Nostradomous, 2012, lol and I See massive trees, root balls and all displaced 10 km from where they were uprooted everyspring on some of our bigger tribs,...what is your point?


    Crap I forgot about him...

    No need to worry about climates at all if he's right...we have 3 years :o


    Hey kidding aside,

    I'm all for conservation, and keeping things clean...that started from childhood.

    Momma taught me not to be wasteful, keep my room clean, and not litter.

    Those lessons are important on a day to day level, not just a long term doomsday projection.

    but in truth "if" this climate change event is occurring at a faster rate due to us pesky humans I pose this question to you science folk.

    Is it better to figure out how to slow it down, and focus on that, or are we better off excepting the inevitability that its going to change naturally regardless.

    Are we better off buying time, or focusing on how to adapt.

    Put that in your peace pipe to ponder for a while.


    If the climates "normal, and natural " change happens over 100 years, and we increase that to 50 years are

    our efforts better spent learning to adapt, or to buy time?

    I'd say its a bit of both...

    But who's studying the adaptation portion?...no one cause fear sells papers and fills news casts.


    I'm going to go back to wearing my tinfoil hat now and I'm going to try to figure out what the next big theory will be 10 years from now?

    Any takers?

    I think the retro Ice age could be popular reading material :P

  3. I questioned the record last time,

    Not for being a fake, or any less of an accomplishment, but the ethics of being a tripolid.

    In my books it was a record Tripoid trout, but not a record Rainbow....a great catch for sure, but allowing a triploid to be an offical species reocrd opens the doors to a slew of ethical questions.


    In fairness its just my opinion, and I should mention that Mr Fishing Geek himself (AdamKonrad) popped on the site to chastise my opinion and defend his record, He didn't really change my opinion nor do I think he appreciated my opinion LOL!


    It is what it is...a great catch, and if the MNR says its a record (be it a triploid or not) then I guess its a record...but I don't beleive it should be if its a triploid ;)



  4. Ok...I'll Bite LOL!


    Sorry guys but I have to laugh at the fear mongering a bit...

    in the 70's it was "the next ice age is coming"

    In the 80's it was "acid rain is going to kill us"

    In the 90's global warming is "going to get us"

    Now its not global warming but "climate change"....


    And lets not forget the doomsday Asteroids... :rolleyes:


    I can buy the climate change thing, as its such a broad spectrum, sure...it makes sense I suppose?

    But food for thought here...

    The Arctic has Tropical plants under the ice in some areas, Mammoth bones have been found as far south as central America, the great lakes basin was once ONE BIG ASS LAKE....

    In my very NON EXPERT opinion would say Climate change has been going on for a lot longer then the last 1000 years In fact in my opinion its been going on for a very long time(thats my scientific answer) LOL!


    Is it happening?...sure why not.

    Am I going to worry about it?...nope

    I'll wait until I'm a bit older and bored then I'll worry so I have something to do LOL!

  5. If you get crapped on unjustly tell a MOD about it.

    You may get some support or you may find out its you that is indeed in the wrong.

    Just be prepared to hear it, and keep an open mind...it happens to the best of us.


    The thing about the growing membership is it adds more resources(more people, more experience)

    But you get :asshat:'s too...


    You need to learn to filter a bit, and knowing who is actually a wealth of knowledge vs. a Joker vs. an :asshat: Takes time, and patronage to the board. Like it or not you take your fate in your own hands when you take advice on this board...unless you know who is who.

    Like wise there is no reason to get upset at comments thrown your way unless you know the latter.

    (stix and stones bud...)

    Of course there are some who will bash, but they come and go, and IMO the inconvenience is vastly outweighed by the good folks, and buckets of knowledge they have to share.


    I hope you change you mind, and put some time in deciphering the good from the bad, as its worth it in the end.


  6. Yup,


    I've done it, and I thought it was great...kinda like trailer camping.

    My buddy wasn't as keen on it sighting it was to stuffy with the windows closed, and to buggy if they were open.

    But then again he's not much of a camper either so fair enough I guess?


    We usualy load a Little car topper on the roof and hit a series of Lakes and rivers on a 3 day 2 night road trip.

    I Just remove the seats from the Van and throw in a couple a sleeping bags and a cooler...


    There are only 2 issues...

    #1- be careful of where you park some areas are apparently Patroled in the overnights looking for just such situations, and

    you maybe asked to move along....I don't "think" you'd be fined, but I suppose it could be considerd camping, or potentially loitering.


    #2- Like I said....

    the Van gets pretty stuffy with the windows closed...keep a window cracked. Being its Fall you shouldn't have to much of a bug problem, but it

    can get pretty nasty in the summer LOL!


    The advantage is your on the water until your ready to crash, and when you wake up your right back on the water.

    No camping fee's, no driving...its actually pretty cool for a multi lake hard core trip out in the styx

    Not sure I'd do it in crowded parking lot though?

  7. I think we should all fish with Marshmallows, and loly pops...no need for hooks

    The bite is enough of a thrill for me.

    Who on earth needs to fight or hold a stinky fish for a picture?


    I just want to see it swim in the clear water enjoying its natural habitat

    And Observe its fragil nature.....



    Gosh we're a sensitive bunch tonight?

    And we're still a month or two away from the prime Stealhead arguments LOL!


    What if I just don't hold the fish at all, and mearly beach him in the sand, or on the rocks?

    Is that ok LOL!

  8. nother factor to consider is our increasing population and steady encroachment on limited natural spaces. This is not a simple problem with a simple solution.


    I'd agree with you urban sprawl is an issue for sure, and I for one would love to see cities capped in growth.

    But a Spring hunt would be a great tool that once worked to help control the bear populations.

    Its also a very easy and tangeble step to take, so it make sense to get the ball rolling.


    As far as odditys with regards to sprawl related sightings go... Fergus, Elora, Kitchener, Angcaster, London...all areas not known to have bears yet now we do?

    I can't say with certainty that it is related to the cancelation as opposed to the sprawl...maybe a bit of both?


    But our brothers to the north are getting inindated for no good reason other then a canceled hunt....

    There is little to no urban sprawl in a little sleepy town like earlton Ontario yet they now see twice the bear encounters.


    Could be the southern sprawl puching them north, but I'd bet the farm the bigger contributor is the lack of population control(ie. the hunt)

  9. to me IMO,it maybe time to bring back the spring hunt.


    Long time overdue.

    Never was a valid reason for the cancelation in the first place....

    Tree huggers spouting off about orphaned cubs and high priced "expert" oppinions but no science, or studies to prove it....but hey it was a popular Big City topic so it made for some great political jargin.


    Funny thing is research now suggests more Cubs are orphaned or destroyed yearly.

    Mother bears can be and are often labled a nuiscance bears, destroyed or relocated leaving Cubs to fend for themselves, or face being put down as a humane alternative...


    I'm no expert but perhaps the MNR should get on board with the OFAH and put a bit more Science into the mix.

  10. Great report bud,


    I love the scenery shots....and how there never seems to be a soul around when your out there!

    It kills me as I need to portage, and bust my butt to get anywere remotly private yet you just drive in LOL!


    That Pike is 15lb+ IMO easily.

    Fish pictures are so bloody subjective to angles, exposure, and back ground comparisons so really its anyones guess, and who cares any way right?

    Thats a beautiful specimen regardless, and a beauty eye to boot.


  11. Im ashamed to say this but ....after several warning to a guy crossing my line and fishing literally right in my pocket ...after the third time ....i pushed him in the river ...needless to say he had to go and change his clothes so i got to enjoy the rest of the day fishing with lots of room as everyone that was there shyed away from me ....lol...


    That sir...is awesome LOL!

    Not always going to work if the other guy is say...in a group, or bigger, but dam who hasn't thought about it LOL!

  12. Yup...

    They won't pay on some exuse that it wasn't approved or somthing like that.

    I swear the Bylaw officers get commision in K/W LOL....


    This same Bylaw officer that came also checked to see if I had a permit for my Deck while he was here(luckily I did get one)

    And also nailed our Neighbors for their deck which must now be basically torn down to make a long story short...


    I don't beleive Permits are required for Driveways here though?

    If the do they would be sitting on a gold mine should they come back to my street...

    I organized the Paving of 8 driveways, and in turn they ended up selling their services to 4 more homes on this street, non of which was done with a permit.


    I want out of the city so bad...

    But the Wife is a city gal so I'm stuck.


    My Property taxes go up and up on a yearly basis, yet services are cut...

    When I was young we raked the leaves to the curb, and the city picked them up...not any more.

    Now yard waste must be bagged and is only picked up every 2 weeks.

    They used to send the street cleaners through almost monthly through the spring, summer and Fall...I have not seen one in 3 years

    They used to plow my street after every major snow fall...now it sometimes takes weeks to clean up the mess.


    What I don't understand is the increasing taxes, and permit fees etc...?

    As more and more homes are built, more and more people are moving into the city and paying taxes...

    There are WAY more tax dollars comming in, and less services?

    A single neighborhood street with 100 homes paying $3000/year in taxes gives the city $300,000 in YEARLY taxes.

    There is NO WAY snow removal, hydro for the street lamps, garbage pick up, general yearly Maintence of the street, storm Water/sewer services is going to cost any where near $300K a year...

    And truthfully My taxes are actually closer $4,000/year, and there are 300 houses on my street.


    And then I get dinged with Useless Permits to boot...

    I get that "some" bylaws, and permits are valid for protection of public saftey, and perhaps even the potential Devaluation of neighborhood homes but geeeze....a Permit for a wood stove when you have to have it inspected by the Fire dept any way?

    Thats a cash grab


    Like I said...I want out of the city.

  13. Ya...Bylaws & Permits can be ridiculous sometimes.


    I installed a Woodstove this year,

    "somebody" didn't like the look of my Chimney(beatuifull stainless, double wall stove pipe...)

    So the Bylaw guy came by, said I needed a Permit...news to me, as I've installed 2 before.

    So down to City hall I go...

    Apparently the codes have changed and now I need to install an HRV unit in order to install wood stove.(heat recovery vent)

    So in other words a simple air return system to equalize the pressure is no longer good enough...I need to HEAT my return air.

    I battled with the office for a while and eventually found a loop hole.

    I needed to PROVE with an EXTERNAL licensed vendor that I had adequet return air as it was not code that the air must be heated.

    So I end up paying R.E.E.P to come perform a Blower test and all is good($350 later, but it beats the heck out of a $3000 HRV)


    So the Inspector comes...looks at the blower test result, looks at the placement of the stove and approves me!

    No Clearance meausurments, the guy didn't even have a measureing tape on him, no chimney inspection...nothing


    So riddle me this Batman...

    If I need the Fire dept to inspect my stove for safety certification before the insurance company will insure me, what business does the city have with inspecting my fireplace?


    Nothing but a cash Grab...$100 permit, and $350 to R.E.E.P (both operated by the municipality) and they appease the tree huggers by making an HRV part of the code(to bad for them I found a loop hole!)

  14. Ya I would have said somthing for sure...lots of water on Simcoe, I'm sure there is more then one shoal with fish on it.

    Its prettty rude if you ask me.


    If there are 10 urinals and one guys already pissing are you gonna go stand right next to him?


  15. I have seen that before in Smaller Bass as well.

    I used to fish the conservation area in Durham when I was younger, and it was common in the smaller fish to have the orange fins.

    The larger fish did not have orange fins but they did have exceptionally red eyes on occasion.


    I'm no expert but I'd guess its an enviromental coloration based on some sort of habbitat oddity.


    Oh, and I'm talking smallmouth Bass, not largies :)

  16. 2 days later and the facts are rolling in confirmed...not that there was much doubt of touch downs.

    Unfortunatly in all this media hype, and specatular footage caught in Vaughn lets not forget

    there was an 11 year old boy who lost his life in the Durham Tornado, and several more taken to hospital with traumatic injuries.


    Its just Sad that there was little to no warning for these people in the Conservation Area.

    The Poor Kid was in a picnic enclosure with his mother taking shelter...not that canvass is much protection from flying debris.

    My heart goes out to the family, and those directly effected.


    This was a bit personal for me as I had my trailer in that conservation area 3 years ago, and actually knew the gentlman who was on the scene first performing CPR...for 40 minutes before the Ambulance came.

    He is a super nice guy, and my heart was breaking for him seeing him on the news last night trying to keep it together.

    I actually took shelter in his trailer(next door neighbor) with my 2 year old daughter and wife once as there was a HUGE storm that rolled through in mid August 4 years ago(Very similar).

    He was kind enough to invite us in so Aby could watch TV(which I didn't have) to distract her from the storm which had her pretty scared.


    I am now thanking my lucky Stars that I decided to move to another park when I heard of this tragedy.

    As spectacular as all the Vaughn footage is no one was hurt and thats a miracle in it's self.


    I don't know that there was much that could have been done to better warn people of the impending danger, but I certainly hope this event has served as a big wake up call to pay attention when severe weather is forecast.



  17. I love Ontario.


    Basically I'd make the same money I make here,

    Benefits, vacation, would all be the same.


    I just don't know what to do! What would you do?


    Well here is my 2 cents bud,

    Leaving will bring you no benefit aside from a tan, some fun in the sun and some cool salt water experience which sounds great!

    Except when you add missing 3 years of your little ones early years into the equasion, and then you add the fact your happy where you are now...

    After doing that math its a no brainer dude :dunno:


    Seriously you couldn't pay me enough money to miss these years...

    As tuff a pill as it is to swallow, there will ALWAYS be opportunities to travel, and try new things, but your kids are only kids for a short while.


    Trust me freind you get on that plane and you'll be green with guilt with in a month of not seeing their face.

    (at least I know I would)

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