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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Went today got there at like 11. Figured it would be busy and it was. Lots of food sample stands. The fellow at the Jack Links stand filled my empty Subway cup full of jerky. haha
  2. Great pics. i own the same phone. Great phones for the job site. I had mine ran over by fork lift. Sure it was in mud but worked perfectly. The Mike feature saves me like $150 a month
  3. When ever i go its about that price or a bit more. Its hard not to spend alot there. Some of us are like kids in a candy store.
  4. 1 out of maybe 3 or 4?
  5. Busy day great pictures.
  6. My first used car my Mazda i paid $650 for my starter at the dealership. I got shanked yeah but it was my first car and first thing to go wrong. Never went back to a Mazda dealer after i was hosed. haha
  7. 42 years at the same job. Wow. Thats effort must of loved his job very much! I say buy him one of these. I agree go to a Lodge as bigugli said. That is a great idea.
  8. Iv always enjoyed reading about these deep sea fish.
  9. Im looking for a nice pair of sunglasses and also put it through my benefits. But they have to be 'prescription'. i dont have glass's so im screwed i think? Im looking for a way around this:P
  10. Last day of voting is Tomorrow so please vote
  11. Id be looting haha Kidding. I have no idea what I would do.
  12. put my $5 from my free ticket in there. If i win I'll be buying a Lamborghini and another Great Dane Tomorrow Morning. And take you all out for Dinner at the Keg. haha
  13. Thanks for the vote MrEh. I was told over MSN from her that one of the other team has about the same amount of people in their 'facebook group' as they do. So she thinks its REALLY close. I am hoping with the help from this forum we would boost them up Vote again everyone if you havent. NATASHA and CHRIS - http://www.vibewedding.com/gallery.html
  14. Thanks alot if anyone has facebook add their group. They have daily videos and reminders. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=126623055363
  15. Thank you very much! remember guys no e-mail address or sign up needed.
  16. Voted hope you win!
  17. I'll try and work that out with her. lol New day everyone so please if you have time vote again
  18. Wont ever catch me being in a car on ice. ever. I'll walk that 1-2kms.
  19. You guys are the best! If they win *Knock on wood* I will flood my thread with 100 pictures. hahaHA
  20. Thanks for the vote
  21. How much did it run yah? I like those with a cap on the back. I went to the Applewood GM Dealer in Sauga today and priced out a Canyon with executive pricing it would cost me 30k unless i pay cash and get $4,500 off. which ends it up at $25k. Tough to decide. if i wanna buy new or used. I can't get over that freight charge is 1200.
  22. Its what they said so who knows But it is not cheating as everyone of them has a facebook group, etc. Its just a matetr of who gets more votes wins.
  23. Nope. Its allowed on facebook, etc Its just to rack up as many votes as you can by the end of the month. No rules. Even if you have 3 computers at home you can use those.
  24. Thanks everyone. I just noticed there are two Natasha's on that list. so make sure its Natasha and Chris on the bottom left
  25. Thank you very much
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