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Everything posted by timmeh

  1. If you only have larger dew worms, breaking them into smaller pieces is an option. I've also had some success on berkley trout worms if you don't want to always use live bait. However they can be really hit or miss, occasionally I've found days when they love'em (mostly browns though), other times not a sniff, but it's an option. If you're getting snagged a lot one thing you can do is pinch the barb of your hook in. This helps getting off of logs though you're still going to donate a few hooks. As a plus it's much better for the fish. As for those big ones that come out and tease you, that's what keeps you coming back.
  2. I agree that many people will need to make lifestyle changes due to increasing fuel costs, so more so than others, but do remember that speculation and panic are a major driving force behind rising oil prices. Prices rise everytime there's a cloud in the sky, for no real reason. The media are great at predicting the worst case scenarios because it gets the publics attention. Now I realize the cost of fuel will never return to "normal" levels and there certainly will be economic problems associated with this, but if people are willing to adapt and change their thinking a little they'll be okay. Canada has one of the highest per capita energy usage rates in the world, we're extremely wasteful. The rest of the world gets by with much less than we have. Maybe you'll just have to decide how important Sunday drives in the Hummer, and having 2 high definition tv's in every house really are. Just my opinion.
  3. It is indeed possible to make money playing blackjack. Years ago a team of MIT students started a team of card counters who won large money. They were eventually caught and although they did nothing illegal they were banned from casinos. Several copycat groups have been formed since. How they did it was by having one guy playing average size bets and counting cards at the same time. When the count was favorable and the odds of winning were increased slightly the guy signaled in a high roller who bet the max for a while. In the long run they cleaned up. But it took lots of training. The guy who stared the team would make the players train everyday for 6 months before being aloud to step foot in the casino. But i agree that the average person would most likely be dependent on luck.
  4. I've read the blue color is a response to increased sunlight, and ultra-violet light from the shrinking ozone layer. I forget where I saw this but it was a possible explanation. I've never seen one but I did see a stuffed blue pike once.
  5. I've recently started using power pro and have had no problems with it. I also put a flurocarbon leader on as well, and sometimes I'll simply use the Berkley vanish for my leader. I used vanish all last year and found it to be fairly decent, the only issue I had with it was tying knots. I use palomar knots and sometimes they would hold well and sometimes they'd just break very easily.
  6. The real problem with this is that if the fisherman had needed to defend himself physically he would have been charged with assault while these little sh*ts went free. And I agree with questioning their parents. What must they think, or do they even care when their kids act like this. If I did anything like this growing up my old man would have taken me out to the garage with a golf club and taught me a lesson.
  7. thanks for the welcome everyone, I've had some camera problems (like my camera only working for 3 seconds then dying) so I'm lacking in good pictures at the moment, but I've got a new one so hopefully soon I'll be able to post some. I can see people enjoy pictures on this site. Victor: I'm also at the U of Waterloo, I'm a grad student in biology, but I'm not on campus too often either.
  8. Hello all, My name is Tim, and I'm currently a student in Waterloo. I've always enjoyed fishing but in the last year or so I've found the time to turn this small hobby into a minor obsession. This past season I got into steelheading, and while I didn't hook that many fish I'm certainly hooked myself. But I did manage to learn a fair bit. Other that I mostly fish for bass and pike around Southern Ontario. I look forward to learning a few things here and helping out others if I can. Cheers, Tim
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