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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. See in the middle of that pic.
  2. It is hard to see and was hard to get a picture of.here i zoomed in on the middle pic. It is a gar pike just can't see the side of the fish from above but from the banks you can see them perfectly.
  3. Fishing in campbellford this weekend we did lots of fishing. At this place i saw a school of gar pike. Was fishing the bank of this spot and seen several, and i am guessing that is why we cought no fish there, but as we were walking along side the bridge i saw another school of these fish. sorry could not get a side view but the best i could do from the bridge.You can see the shadow of the fish in these pictures. Also there is the area we fished.Just thought i would share my story
  4. btw we ate a few big ones...very very good. Thanks for the many responces.
  5. I like the colors on them. Congrads on your success
  6. Very nice fish, way to go!
  7. The hole farting thing goes for most guys i think.
  8. Thanks to all
  9. Only ever keep fish on long camping trips. Mostly bass.
  10. Shore fishing works good for me all year round. Personally i don't think it affects the bass. Not being use to boat fishing i fish from shore all year long, i have cought bass in under foot deep of water. As long as there are weeds to give off oxygen the bass are fine, as for pike, musky etc....im not to sure. Up at Baptist Lake near Bancroft i have seen Large Musky just cruising the shoreline in the heat of summer. It depends on the species and the structure of tha area.
  11. O yes!! still cant beleive it.What a thrill it was to see it chase it and start rippen drag.
  12. Was wearing them today. My pappa says im crazy also, it warmed up fast.
  13. I tried all weekend for them up in Campbellford and nothing. After about a hour i cought mine. I just brought it along the side of the dock and he hit.
  14. Didn't catch much where we were camping so we took a trip to Lake Scugog on the way back. Fishing from the docks in town i threw out my Bucktail at least a hundred times and when i thought i was not going to get one bam i got him/or was very skinny. From some of the Musky i have seen on here this one does not look to big but still my first BTW i used a 7' Medium heavy rod with 12lb Trilene and a steel leader. Also here is a picture of a fat rockbass frommy brother at campbellford on saturday.
  15. I am leaving today to go up to Campbellford for the weekend. Going to do lot's of shore fishing, come sunday we will leave town and come up to Port Perry to do more shore fishing for Musky. Also thanks for all the reviews on eating rockbass. I think i am going to give em a go! So tell everyone what you are doing this weekend!!!
  16. What w weird looking fish, the snout of the fish is very long. Neat, never really heard of these fish before. Is there a season for them?
  17. anyone got a picture of this fish?
  18. 1-Perch 2-Catfish 3-Bass
  19. Thats really good. Looks like every one here has a good time. :clapping:
  20. O well looks like it's back to my Maple Leafs. .......
  21. Watching also. Come on Pens
  22. I always catch really big rock bass but never tried them. Has anybody ate these fish before. Good?Bad?
  23. I am going camping up to this lake this upcoming weekend and i would like to know what this lake has to offer for fishing..good bad whatever. Any help would be good. Thanks!
  24. .....where is everyone?
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