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Posts posted by GoneFishin

  1. Hopefully I'll have it ready to hit the water in a couple of weeks. :rofl2:

    thats what i said when i started on my 14'~~~~~LOL

    a quick paint job and off i go...ya right.

    im at BPS and saw these real nice padded seats that would be cool 3 of them.

    hey the pick up truck wheel well box i have will be great for storage in the back, for the battery, safety kit ect....

    oh ya i got those rod holders in the shed, need something to hold the rods right!

    then Tracker says, ya know its kinda tricky standing in the front of the boat cause of the V hull......

    in goes a floor, now he has lots of usable floor space up front and its safer.

    it stays tied up to the dock all summer, so in goes the automotic bilge pump.


    the new season is upon us so im thinking "live well" and finishing off the rest of the floor!!!!!

    hey Tracker what cha doing the 2nd&3rd weekend in may?~~~LOL


    Dunner--it never ends , just make sure its water ready and you will have the rest of the summer to fine tune it.

    dont forget lights too....



    I've been thinking about all of that and more the last couple weeks.... I just want to fish!! lol.....

  2. good stuff guys ! me and my 4 buddies caught our limits.. and had a Fish FEAST! some bbq'd some deep fried.. cut up some potatoes to make some home fries = Dee-Lish !


    and ya "Gonefishin" I hate that .. happend to me twice the past two days..lets just say I wasnt a happy camper..!


    I just wish I had a casting outfit on me lol. They would have lost a couple lures lol....

  3. I finally got out today for some and we had constant action the whole time. Got a couple nice ones. Was an awesome day day, except for all the crap hawks! ie. people in boats moving in on your spot 10 feet from where you are fishing after seeing you catch fish!!!.... give me a break!!..





  4. You'd kill that poor little dog?!!?!? All he needs is obedience training and probation...


    Thats right folks....now animals are being put on mother damn probation....


    Boy I can't wait to see how twisted this world becomes when I get older...


    I would have gotten out of the car with my gun drawn. If the dog thought it was playing then it wouldn't have attacked. If it did then it's an aggressive dog and needs to be put down.. There's no way I'd be going back to the station and explaining to my super/co-workers that a dog ripped off my front bumper!

  5. I'd reel it in. Sometimes the big fish I catch just play dead and are easier to reel in than the wild snot rockets.

    I've landed medium size pike (30") on ultralight 5'6" rod and 500 spool with 6lb (was fishing for perch with thill bobber). Sure the rod was bending like crazy but it just took longer to reel in.



    four year old little girl caught a 50 pound fish.


    Lmao, listen to that barbie scream! That's one dam smooth drag haha.

  6. I'm going to have to fight this one out haha. Just because every time I talk to either one of my uncles about musky fishing they start going on about a 48" Musky one of my uncles caught out of scugog on a size 2 mepps black furry using a 6 foot ultra light with 4 pound line. They also said they took out another very small spinner from it's mouth after they finally landed it. It took them almost a half hour to coax it in but apparently it swam away. That was probably about 20 years ago now, and I still hear about it 10 times a year lol.

  7. Do they even have good deals at the sportsman show? You would think, with the stores having to pay the fee for them to be there, transporting gear and using extra staff that every thing would cost more then at your local fishing store. :wacko:

    I'm thinking about going just to check it out. Haven't been in about 5 years now..

  8. Hey fish meister Im with the Simcoe club, awesome bunch of guys and our club tourneys are on Simcoe.

    Do they have a website?

    I'm not so worried about being partnered up with a pro, I would just like to get into the tourney scene. Can any one tell me how often these clubs have events and how long and what day of the week they are usually on?

  9. Does anyone here still actualy fish? Lol


    I would say some of the lastest techinics in every bass aglers arsenal would be braided line florocarbon leaders, berkley gulp minnows, senkos, and drop shotting. That's some of the basic stuff that I would say could be a must have. All of it's rather cheap to so you might be able to afford it after you get your radios, gps, fishders, and other gagets you need lol.

  10. Good call Lloyd. I agree 100%.


    In January someone was looking for ice conditions on the Bay. 2 weeks later he was a guide with G2. A couple days ago accused his competition of Photoshopping when they didn't.


    How do you go from this http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry423763


    To this in 13 days. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry428633


    Then in this thread someone asked for advice and he offered to take him out on a guided trip.



    after my comment he edited his post to make himself look a bit better but still did not offer any advice except for a pm, where you can bet he offered to take him out for money.


    It Stinks.


    He had a good idea taking people out ice fishing. If he told every one where to fish I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get any business lol...

    Hell if I had a ride up there and I knew where they were catching all these pickerel, my hut would be right up beside his.. well beside everyone else that decided to come out and leech off of his successes.

    With a little bit of work any of you guys could have been doing the same thing he is, give him a break!

    A lot of fishing forums have strict rules against posting locations and pictures with a back ground. There must be a reason for that, wouldn't you think?.........

    If you want to know where the fish are with out the leg work, you better start making friends outside of the board.. lol

  11. now that i got your attention, a friends joke led me to some thinkin and i learned a new way to tie realistic feeling and looking grub bodies and bubble gum worms from using colored latex condoms. yes, it works real well and looks amazing finished, Ive spent the last few days cutting slippery, lubed comdoms into strips, and whippin up some wicked looking flies, cant wait to try these guys out. Of course i wasnt the first person to think of using condoms as a skin wrap on a fly, but it took a dirty joke for me to realize its potential..


    check out this link, just thought id share.




    First time I heard of it I thought it was a joke lol. But it actually worked quite well for tying scud flies. The bubble worm sounds like a good idea, I might try tying up a couple. I wonder if fish like tropical flavoring?? :huh:

  12. HEYYYY come on now guys!!


    I showed him this spot and """"" I """"" asked him not to post the location on the web.

    He's being a good guy and not going against my wishes :rolleyes:

    I didn't want every one to know about this spot because there would be 200 people there every day no doubt, even though were just fishing for snot rockets.. LOL!


    Give him a break, the only reason you guys don't care is because you have the opportunity to fish different areas all the time!

  13. lol this is comedy gold...


    Do people REALLY think switching hands makes a difference? My right hand is the dominant hand, why would I want to cast with anything else?


    It's all personal preference, nothing more..

    I'm pretty sure it's more about what hand you crank with. Use your dominate arm to cast with. If you cast with your left hand then you need a right handed reel so your not switching arms all the time. Do you crank with your right arm also? Cause it would make sence for you to swith hands, but I guess not every one can use both hands I guess..

  14. I've been thinking that most natural righties who crank right are thumbing the reel with the right thumb. Hence the need to change hands. Now I'm getting the idea that some of you (most?) are thumbing with the left hand which means no switch.


    If you're a natural lefty then I could see thumbing with the left hand. I'm confused.


    And I'm not clear on why Garry says someone like me who thumbs right handed but cranks left is naturally going to hold the reel in the wrong position. What difference does it make whether the crank is up or down for the cast? Seems to me the important thing is for the reel itself not to be up so the wrist can get the proper flex action.




    It's all about preference and style I guess. If you want to get the most out of your baitcaster then you need to be using a reel that corresponds with the hand you cast with. If you crank with you right hand then your going to have to cast with your left arm if you want to be able to use your reel to it's fullest. If you can't do that then you need to switch cranking arms. You can tell me until your blue in the face that it isn't a big deal to have to switch hands after casting. But when it comes down to it, you won't be able to cast as quickly and probably not as accurately, you won't be able to pick up your line as fast and good luck flipping and pitching all day haha.


    I still crank with my right hand when I use a spinning set up, but I will never use a right handed baitcast reel. Only took a couple outing's for it to start to feel comfortable, and I'm very glad I decided to switch because it even makes my time on the water a lot more enjoyable.

  15. I never understood why people would want to switch hands from spinning to baitcast. I use left-hand baitcasters as well.

    Spinning you can get away with retrieving with your right hand, baitcaster not so much..


    Bass pro most likely only has right handed reels because they are all sold out of left hand reel lol.

  16. Come on people, get it right... they are called "fish whistles"! The only thing that works faster at attracting a fish, is to start eating some food... the fish know, they really do!

    And Bob, I agree with you 100%! No bashin from me!



    Agreed. I've thrown away a few smokes on slow days. Every time you light that smoke BAM :P

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