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Posts posted by GoneFishin

  1. Nice pictures. I use to be hooked on fishing them with dry flies. Get some black dubbing and the smallest dry fly hook you can find.. From experience putting a tail on the fly is a waste of time for those little buggers. Tie the dubbing on, drag the little thing across the water and you'll get a fish!

  2. You can cast quickly because you pull it out of the water and start casting right away no grabbing your line and flipping your bail, more accuart because you can control your casting distance with your thumb. You CAN cast farther because your bait stays straight in the air because of the little tension on the line. They are geared better for retrieving baits. You can hold more/heavy line on them, and well, they just make your day so much more enjoyable!

  3. 50lb braid & quality fluoro/stell leader will stop the bleeding. you will straighten hooks before you lose another lure to a snag.


    I wish it was that easy. Although I don't use leaders above 20lb. If you don't want to loose them then you'll need to run like straight braid.. But since your running 14lb mono I would suggest braid or lot higher test mono. Especially if you are using steel leaders.

  4. I would just tie the metal leader right to your braided line since like you said the leader is very visible. I don't use metal leaders since they are so visible. I use high test leaders, fluorocarbon around 50 pound or higher to be safe would be best. I think a leader is a must but when fishing dirty water where there are lots of snags I sometimes tie directly to the braid and get away with it. Although fishing crank baits you might want to use a long leader because braided line doesn't sink so its harder to get your lure to the bottom appose to monofilament or fluorocarbon.

  5. Swallow for sure...


    Everyday for the last week when my son gets off the bus from school,walking in the lane he gets bombarded by a couple of them.He's 10 ,but is kinda freaked out by them.


    Lol, every day I walk down to go fishing I have swallows flying in circles around me trying to catch bugs that are trying to use me to hide behind. :huh:

  6. I love a question about fishing the spinners. What is the best approach or technique when using them? Also, I thought I was fishing a nice small pool at the end of a run this morning with my #1 Vibrax Pink when all of a sudden I saw a fish approach, attack and snap my line off. After further investigation I noticed that the majorit of the fish in this stream were smallies. Do smallies have that much power to snap my 4lb line?


    Lol, they cream your spinners and I wouldn't be surprised if one broke your line, but it would most likely be a nick in the line. Just remember, some are sitting on their beds and there are a ton of little fish that will eat their eggs so get them back quickly and safely.

  7. Panther Martin spinners are by far the best spinners for stream fishing. They can be cast upstream and will still spin perfect. If you are looking for little trout then I would just stick to spinners because I have out fished live bait 20-1 on spinners this time of year, the little guys just swarm them. If you want bigger trout then you will need bigger spinners because a trout will straighten those little hooks. As for the hooks, I wouldn't use snelled hooks for trout. Try a salmon egg hook size 10 or smaller. If you have a fly rod I would bring it with you. Those little trout will go nuts on a tiny dry fly "size 16" dragged across the top of the water and will keep you busy all day! And.. its REALLY FUN!

  8. its all good...just dont keep them


    He wrote this for people like you. So you might want to read it over a little better because its not "all good" when their well protected eggs/nests are getting raided because you decided to target out OOS fish, or decided not release it right away. If you really feel the need to take a picture, have your camera ready, and take a picture at the side of the boat while reasing him.

  9. I 2nd the above notion. I have debated on saying this for a very long time but here we go.


    We fish a local lagoon on Simcoe annually in the spring targeting perch but you end up getting into Crappie, Bluegill and Perch. This area

    continues to get hammered day in and day out (7 days a week) with everything being kept and not discrimination to size or fish type....pails

    full of them. As I throw back a chunky Bluegill I get asked if by someone if they can have it.....I tell them to catch their own.


    I really truly do not believe...and I could be wrong that Simcoe or any other lake can with stand this kind of pressure for much longer. It is

    unreal and in my eyes excessive. I enjoy fishing for panfish in the spring and if in the future the population declines because if this exercise

    I can tell you I will not be impressed....that is a guarantee.


    I think the MNR should start enforcing there laws and regulations if they are going to have them. Its a 50 fish possession limit with your sports licence and you see the same guys filling their pails everyday of the week with every single fish they catch no matter the size. I also think the limit shouldn't be more then 10 or 20 fish max. We pay for a sport fishing license, that shouldn't allow some of us to realy impact a fishery. I think if your planning on keeping that many fish for consumtion you should have to purchase another license of some sort. I don't think it's sport fishing if you are just filling a pail.

  10. Yaaayy Carp....... :wallbash: Lol. I don't mind fishing for them but man, I wish they could be a little quicker getting out of the way of my lures running across their backs!!! I almost broke my rod last night trying to pull one off.. <_< I'm gonna have to put some corn on the hook and do some fishing for them soon. Nice report I'm sure there will be more to come lol.

  11. They dont say where they were because it would ruin their spot when the name gets on this, or another fishing board or through word of mouth and the spot gets screwed over by everyone in Toronto and Barrie area who will be coming to Simcoe the next weekend to try out that new hot spot.


    Sounds rude but take his advice. It's one thing to tell someone you met down fishing but when it comes to boards with hundreds of thousands of users, word of mouth travels faster then you can get off the water... nice post, I'd like to see some pics of the smelts everyone is catching on Simcoe. I wouldn't even mind doing some fishing for them one time!

  12. And that's fine, everyone has their opinion. The way I look at it, for the recreational angler, I really don't find it necessary. I use Ande, because it great line, it's virtually disappears underwater because of it's colour (green) and because it's cheap. And besides, with mono, you don't have to go screwing around with tying on floro leaders and all that crap.


    You have to give it an honest try first. You will in fact see that not only is it better for most applications due to its strength and sensitivity, but it will also save you money and trips to your local tackle shop because you barley ever break it and lose line, especially when using leaders!

  13. We'll I read this article and it seems as if you might be fine depending on where your going. I wouldn't think of going to Mexico city!!


    Guadalupe, Mexico City


    This is another blow to the tourism industry in Mexico, even though non of the events that is taken place is anywhere near the tourist areas of Cancun, Playa del Carmen or Puerto Vallarta, the news comes across as all of Mexico is affected! After wrong reports of drug related violence, military presence etc. in Cancun, which hurt the industry tremendously, now people think that all of Mexico is affected by a virus that is mostly present in the capital. I guess the problem is that this is a country where the capital carries the same name as the country, thus when people hear news about Mexico, albeit it refers to Mexico City, they assume it is affecting the whole country.

    Rainer, Cancun

  14. ANOTHER NICE ROD ARE THE sT CROIX mOJO RODS, i THINK THEY ARE THE SAME PRICE OR CHEAPER THAN THE COMPRE'S. As far as reels I started buying Daiwa's and find them to be great reels.


    I with him! I love St.Croix rods and I started using Daiwa last year and there products are all made very well and are very user friendly which is great when your constantly having to adjust according to lure size and wind speed.

  15. Find a nice spot on Saturday* when it opens and target rainbows!!! you'll catch suckers around the trout that will keep you busy if the bites not on. If your gonna target only suckers I would just grab a fly rod and let some nymphs drag across the bottom. If you don't have bottom contact you probably wont catch any suckers but if you get it down to the bottom it doesn't really matter what you use.

  16. Just confirmed...I'll be there Saturday and maybe even Sunday this weekend!

    Be sure to come say hi if you see two young dudes in a blue Ranger!


    Ya maybe I'll flag you down from shore and get you to take me for a spin :P:lol: Good luck out there this weekend in your new boat.

  17. Remember that crappie feed looking up. This means short leader from your float. If you have 3 ft under your float you will only catch Sunfish and perch, make sure your presentation is in the top 1/3 of the water column.


    Thanks for the tip I'll remember that!!


    does any one know a good spot to fish for them on Scugog?

  18. Hi everyone! Next weekend I was thinking of going down to scugog for some crappie, after trout opener of course lol. I've never caught a crappie and this year I plan on fishing for some. So I was wondering if any one knows of any good shore fishing spots for fishing for them? What should I use for bait? I was planning on buying a dozen or so pin head minnows but I would rather learn how to fish them with artifical bait. I've got some micro jigs 1"-2" twister tales, cray fish, tubes, gulp fish fry/minnows, some 3" senkos and some powerbait maggots and grubs. Will a lot of the crappie be in close to shore or will they be suspeneded in deeper water? Any help would be appreciated.

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