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Posts posted by GoneFishin

  1. I had a buddy pull one out of the credit in early august. Probably in the 7-10pound range


    Did they stock Atlantic Salmon that big? I can't remember..


    You would think with all the stocking they did at least a couple would show up. I've heard of a bunch of them being caught off Oshawa Pier in August which didn't make much scene since they didn't stock Oshawa creek. Any ways they ended up being Brown trout, since they were so silver people were thinking they were catching Atlantics. We'll see maybe some people here have caught a few...

  2. Lol, I have to admit I do this often.. but I have to walk from my house so I don't like carrying a net all the way down there.


    I could see how that could get annoying but I can tell you one thing, it sure beats drilling holes for people who decide to go ice fishing without an auger :huh::dunno:

  3. If your wanting it mostly for casting senkos then you should get a spinning reel. If the senko falls off while casting on your bait cast setup you get a really bad backlash.. and bait casters keep the line tight and you want to have slack in your line to let the senko fall correctly. But if you are talking about flipping tubes or worms or other plastics then you could use a bait caster. I prefer to use a bait casting setup over a spinning in almost every situation while bass fishing except with senkos. Doesn't take very long to learn how to pitch and flip and it CAN be done with a cheap reel, even with light tackle.

  4. Well it rained a lot today but with the temperature being 5 degrees I couldn't stay in. Was out for about 2 hours and got this nice brown in the first 10 minutes. Luckily I remembered to bring my camera. I'm sure it won't hold up to long but here is one for Team 2!





  5. Ha the gold one is sort of pricey. Have to order from the states to


    You can find them around Ontario. I was set on getting a carrot stix or two but after I handled one in Gagnons Sports I decided it wasn't for me. They seem like a fairly beefy rod although they are supposed to be really light and didn't seem very sensitive. I think I'm gonna go with the Premier or Mojo. I haven't had much experience with higher end rods though but it would probably be a good idea to handle one before buying off the internet.

  6. It's not a scam, he used a O instead of a zero... The tracking number is CP772704670US not CP77270467OUS


    BTW, customs are slow I wouldn't worry about it.


    2009/02/16 10:33 MISSISSAUGA, ON International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs

    2009/02/14 10:38 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada

    2009/02/13 15:28 International item mailed in origin country


    :thumbsup_anim: Thanks for figuring that out, I feel better now knowing its on its way lol. I phoned UPS today and they said they think they have found it and that they know it got mixed up. They told me they should know tomorrow.. Hopefully everything goes smoothly..

  7. Ask for a tracking number from to other guy. You can track a parcel using this number. Just Google USPS and click on tracking. USPS is pretty slow but it gets here.



    He sent me this to track it "US Post Office. Customs Form# CP77270467OUS" He told me it was in Toronto on Tuesday morning but I have not been able to use this number and he hasn't told me how he used it yet..



    I phoned UPS back but they said they wont know anything about it until tomorrow...

  8. Well to start off, I finally found someone who wanted to trade for my fly rod. We agreed, my fly rod for his 7'6" fig rig casting rod. He said he sent his last Tuesday through USPS and I sent mine UPS last Thursday. He received my package yesterday but I still haven't received his?? I know UPS ships faster then most other businesses so it could still be in the mail. But here where everything goes to hell. He emailed me yesterday after receiving the package and instead of the 4'6" tube with a rod in it, he received a small box containing "Chews 4 Health" Dietary supplements. At first I didn't believe him but I got him to send me pictures and it looks like he's telling me the truth. It had the same tracking number and the date was the same as when I shipped it but my phone number and postal code were both off by one number. I phoned UPS about an hour ago and they are looking into it but still haven't phoned back... I didn't pay for shipping insurance because it cost me a little over 30 to ship the dam thing to Indiana...


    The employee from UPS packed the rod into 2 tubes that he had to measure and cut and my girl friend and mother were with me at the time and I still have the receipts from UPS. I searched "Chews 4 Life" on Google and it seems like a lot of people have been scammed by them and keep receiving more dietary supplements each month that are charged to their credit card. So I'm thinking there are probably a lot of these being to be returned to the post office and either got mixed up or was switched...


    So is there anything I can do besides talk to the post office? I'm pretty sure its UPS that screwed up but until I receive his rod I wont be positive.

  9. Just finished my latest carving, I guess I'm rather pleased with it. Thought I would share it with you all.

    Took about 30hrs to do and is about 5' x 3'' in size. Now i think my eyes are quiting on me Humming_Bird_008.jpg :w00t:


    Excellent job! :clapping: I wish I could do art like that, I love wood working and carving but I just don't think I have what it takes to make something like that, good job :thumbsup_anim:

  10. I've gotten scammed like that.. I was told it was already at the post office and I was sent a fake shipping invoice.. Once you send the money you'll never hear from them again.. I'm sure he could sell that boat in Florida for that price no problem, so why try to shipping across the country? Deals like that are hard to pass up but somethings are just to good to be true.

  11. Not too highjack the thread but I also had a Gulp ??? are these bait fairly durable or are they a 1 fish bait


    They are very soft baits and if your fish grabs the bait its most likely going to tear. I would think adding more Gulp juice to your baits would be a good idea because once they dry out they are garbage. I'm not sure if it will work with other baits though. It just eat away at them and the baits probably won't absorb the juice very well either. If someone has tried it I would like to know the results. I don't really like buying other plastics because Gulp works so dam good. But you could go threw 3 packs of gulp before you go through 1 pack of most other plastics, partly because they work really good but they just aren't durable.

  12. Report it to PayPal and they will deal will it very quickly. i got one of those before and I emailed paypal and they emailed me back not even 10 mins later telling me it was a fraudulent email and that they were taking care of it. I must say, some people come up with some pretty impressive scams though.

  13. As for rods, the longer rods help you fight those big fresh trout on very light line. I wouldn't recommend anything under 11' but you could get away with it. spinning reels works fine for float fishing but if your serious about it a center pin will make your days a lot easier/funner and you will never think about float fishing streams without one ever again.. Your float rig should have a good lead, depending on the depth of water your fishing. most eastern Ontario streams are small and a 4-6' lead is good. Fluorocarbon leaders work very well and 80% of float fisherman use them. I wouldn't go higher then 6Lb but I use 4 and don't have problems loosing fish because of it. They take a little extra time to setup but when there's a lot of fishing pressure it's the way to go. I use a size 14 salmon egg hook.. you can get down to about a size 16. Some people like to use 10's and 12's but I think they are to big and unnecessary when you are only attaching a roe bag. I only use a couple weights directly under my float and one very small one about 18inches from my hook. A lot of people set up their line differently so you might want to take some time to figure out what way you like to fish. Trout fishing can be VERY exciting, just put in some time and you'll get the hang of it.

  14. I'm not sure about that bait caster, but I have 2 Daiwa pro casters and for cheap reels they are GREAT! They have awesome drags and cast really smooth. I use them over my Shimano Curado since it has some problems with it and isn't as easy to adjust. I would still suggest maybe getting a better combo and I think if your stopped in at BassPro you could find some.

    I enjoy using a bait caster over a spinning reel in all most all conditions, and since I started using one last year I have got extremley hooked on casting lures and don't do much float or live bait fishing anymore. I guarantee you won't regret getting your self a decent bait casting set up. Once you get the hang of it which isn't hard, you wont want to put it down.

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