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Posts posted by GoneFishin

  1. Here's my first thought and suggestion:

    Approach your wife's friend when you visit him and ask why she has such a problem with you two friends fishing. Get the answer from her and then if it's workable, ask him in front of her to go fishing on the trip. At least you will know your friend has the answer to future fishing trips and what the limits may be without him getting into the doghouse.




    LMAO, I love this thread.


    Why should you have to loose out because of your buddy? The only reason this fishing trip is so "important" to you is because you never get the chance to go fishing with your him. But, is that really your fault? There's all the time in the world to go fishing but only one day that "HE" has nothing to do and will go out fishing with yah. Not really fair to YOU his old "buddy".


    I wouldn't recommend asking her why she doesn't want you to go out fishing together.. From my experience with all my "buddies" girlfriends who are like this it will only make things a lot worst!! Your buddy probably won't have enough balls to have your back either, or else he would of just told her in the first place that he need's some time for him self to catch up with friends.


    I say go enjoy fishing up at the camp with your other buddy since you don't get a chance to go fishing up there often.

  2. Just got back in from Canadian Tire in East London. They have the sleds !!!

    $69.00 for the large model and $23.00 on sale for the smaller.The smaller one is on sale 40%off....The smaller one also looks like it would sufficiently haul enough gear for one person or at least my gear......


    I couldn't manage to find the large sled when I went there yesterday. But I picked up 2 small ones.. It doesn't look like there will be enough room with both of them still plus my auger drags.. I am thinking about cutting off both backs and bracing them together to make a 6'5 sled. Still not sure what I'm going to do.

  3. Way overkill in my opinion. I use a Mr. Buddy which has a 4000-9000 BTU output. I heat my 4-6 man hut in minus 20 no problem. Most of the time its on low. The tank top unit you bought is better suited for a small garage. The only downside of the smaller heater is that it uses the one pound tanks. You have to buy the tank adapter or re-fill the little guys like I do. Hope this helps. :rolleyes:


    Yah you were not joking lol... I had my windows open and my door and had it on the lowest setting today and it was still cooking us out.. Any one have a smaller heater they want to trade for a 26,000 btu one? lol..

  4. Go to TSC stores and ask for something called a calf sled. Its a plastic type sled farmers use to bring the new born calves of the field in the winter...Heres a few other links





    Thanks I'm going to try to get to a TSC store tomorrow, I almost got the chance to go to basspro today to pick one up but that's not happening now...


    I'm not to worried about being able to pull the sled. It can't be much harder then loading all that gear up onto "my self" and trying to walk out to my spot..... :blink:


    Thanks for the help guys, if any one else has a good idea of where to get one I'm still open to suggestions lol.

  5. I've been looking around and can't seem to find a sled I can use to haul all of my gear around with. Canadian tire sells a couple but they look to small. I need one that will allow me to load my hut witch is 74" long, my auger, minnow bucket, heater/propane tank, fish finder, chairs and my fishing equipment such as my rods and tackle.


    What does everyone use for one? Is there some where that sells sleds for transporting gear? (around Oshawa)

  6. Way overkill in my opinion. I use a Mr. Buddy which has a 4000-9000 BTU output. I heat my 4-6 man hut in minus 20 no problem. Most of the time its on low. The tank top unit you bought is better suited for a small garage. The only downside of the smaller heater is that it uses the one pound tanks. You have to buy the tank adapter or re-fill the little guys like I do. Hope this helps. :rolleyes:


    Yah I liked the fact that it uses the 20lb tank instead of the bottles. I looked at the buddy heaters and I wasn't sure if they would do the job but it looks like I was wrong.. I think I'm gonna try it out tomorrow and see if it's usable in my hut.

  7. I have a 4 man Eskimo portable ice hut I just picked up the other day. It's 68"x68"x74" Got it out today and was pretty impressed with the size and everything. Today was about -10 (plus wind chill -16) and it kept in some heat just from us sitting in it but it could use a heater so I went out a bought a mr.heater original dual heater. But I'm starting to think it might be a bit over kill lol. The min output is 8,000 btu and the max is 26,000 btu. What would be a good, safe output for a heater in a portable ice hut the size of mine? Any advice is appreciated. :)

  8. I will try to make it out.I'm new to ice fishing and I'm trying to get all of my equipment togeather for this year. I want to try out simcoe but I've never fished it before so this would be an awesome way for me to get some helpful tips and meet some new people. I think the 7th or 21st would be great.

  9. coyotes are everywhere here in essex county. a fellow lost his labrador to a late season pack last winter. the windsor star ran an article on cats dis-appearing. i have found cat remains several occasions. they are cyclable . if theres game theres yotes.. mange is the norm. if there,s a problem they need to be controlled. one group 2 years ago shot 234 of them in one winter. my friend a veternarian saw a coyote run by with a cat in its mouth 4 blocks from my house. . if controls needed so be it. .


    Yah. Most people don't get to see that kind of stuff and think coyotes are rare and don't cause any problems. Most coyote hunting takes place on farm land. If there wasn't a coyote problem the farmers wouldn't bother letting people hunt their property! I live in Oshawa and the amount of coyotes around me is unbelievable so I can just imagine what they are like north of me.

  10. Most of us have all fished on property they weren't allowed on. I my self will admit to that.. I kinda play it like a game... If someone finds me fishing and doesn't want me there I respect their decision and leave. Although if someone came up to me with a gun I would more then likely use that against him and tell him to go phone the cops if he wants to go to jail for threatening someone with a weapon. On the other hand, I don't totally disagree with how your neighbor handled it since I'm sure he doesn't want a confrontation, but I think having a gun can easily just escalate things.

  11. LCD will run you $200 plus for a buld every two years depeneding on how much TV you watch. LED and plasma last a bit longer.

    A tube can last for YEARS.....lol... :D


    You've got it a bit backwards. Plasma tv's you will need to replace the bulb every so often and I wouldn't recommend even considering lol . LCD's you just have to watch out for burnt out pixels but that will most likely only happen if it's physically damaged. And LED tv's are just about the same as LCD tv's except instead of using flouresent lights to light behind the LCD panel they use LED's. Makes for better picture quality and a thinner tv <_< .. lol

  12. If you don't want to waste your time just wait for the next good rain fall. They should be in just about every river after that. Right now most creeks are to low for the salmon to enter in good numbers. If you want to get out fishing go to a pier and cast some lures, you'll probably have better luck.

  13. thanks to everyone so far .... i've been reading up on all your recommendations and googling the equipment... won't really know until i have one in my hands


    this may sound like a stupid question ... but .... I have always used a left handed spinning reel, and i have tried a left handed baitcaster ..... is this the preferred choice ... to stay with the same left handed reel even though the right handed bait caster feels normal as well


    also do you line it with mono first then braid ?



    I reel with my right hand with a spinning reel. But I also use my right arm to cast with like most other people. I switched to reeling with my left hand with a bait caster so I didn't have to switch hands after casting or didn't have to cast with my left arm. Feels natural after a few days on the water.

  14. I was taught to grab them by the back end of their gill plate. Seems to work good, But not positive it's the safest to the fish, but I can't see the eyes being a good place. Sure it's alright if you don't care about the fishes health (ie. keeping it). I think it use to be popular with the old timers because it was considered a nuisance fish by most. Does anyone grab any other fish by the eyes?

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