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Everything posted by CrowMan

  1. Regardless of where the products are manufactured....I'm also a believer in supporting your local retailer...when you can. Whether it's a big box store or your home town shop, bricks and mortar retailers offer real people giving local advice. Over the last few years many local fishing shops have disappeared. Especially with rods and reels, I would personally have a difficult time purchasing something without feeling it "in hand". As a die hard gear junkie, one of my simple pleasures is wandering the aisles of a fishing store and feeling or eyeballing the merchandise. Whenever I'm on the road, I always make it a point to stop at a local shop and support it with even a small purchase...sometimes the local knowledge you gain is well worth it. I would hate to lose that experience to a Jeff Bezos vision of on-line convenience. Or maybe I'm just an old fart who should get with it....
  2. Yeah...the septic beds of the trailer park are practically at water's edge on Fairy.
  3. Yamaha and Suzuki both have EFI versions of 9.9's. Not sure about the others. Whether it's half a pull or half a crank EFI motors start instantaneously no matter the temperature or conditions. Saves your arm if it's a pull start, or your starter if it's electric. Nevermind having to rebuild carburetors every few years because they get gummed up or leak.
  4. Largemouth, Crappies and some surprisingly big Pike in Fairy Lake.
  5. Regardless of the brand...try to get a motor that has fuel injection. Saves a lot of grief and headaches.
  6. Not be overlooked are the estuaries of the Lake O tributaries. The Credit, 16 Mile and Bronte all have boat launches. Depending on the time of year you can catch Silver Bass, Smallmouth, Carp, Catfish and the occasional Pike. Steelhead and Salmon in the spring and fall.
  7. Mountsberg fits the bill....decent fishing too https://www.conservationhalton.ca/park-details?park=mountsberg
  8. Knightfisher....I don't think you'd find it funny if you invested many years building a business and then someone used your name and logo to take sales away from you. I think you'd be pretty pissed.
  9. No worries pal....I'm just bringing to light an issue I obviously feel strongly about. As a general rule, I follow my Dad's advice (it's what I tell my grandchildren too): "If it's too good to be true, it's probably not true"
  10. Availability is also part of the "brand" equation. Some brands are only available through select channels, dealers, or retailers...manufacturers/businesses do this to maintain exclusivity... it adds value to the brand. Personally, I don't see "availability" as a rationale in purchasing "stolen" goods. I'm not saying that's what you did...I just want to make folks aware that people are being stolen from when they purchase these "knock-offs". Btw, I though you said you paid $2 to $3 ?? That's what set off the alarm bells for me. At the price above they're probably the genuine article, so not to worry. That same pack of trebles sells for $10.99 CDN at Sail.
  11. I have no problem with folks getting a "good deal". I'm all for competitive free markets that offer the best products/services at the lowest price. Its the "knock offs" that I have an issue with. As a former business owner, I know the $$$, never mind the blood, sweat and tears, it takes to build a brand and the reputation that brand reflects. These "companies" (I use the term loosely) in China that blatantly use the same name (or very similar), logos, and "look alike" products as established brands are no better (if not worse) than common thieves. In China they operate without impunity because they don't respect or enforce global copyright laws...in fact, it's encouraged by that regime. Frankly, purchasing these products is the moral equivalent of buying goods from a break and enter criminal that robbed your neighbour.
  12. One of the descriptions of the "fake Gammies" was... "might as well use a paperclip"
  13. If you Google "fake Gamakatsu hooks" you will see a number of posts/reports of knock-offs being sold on-line. It seems the fake ones have steel that has a lower carbon content (more likely to snap or bend) and aren't chemically sharpened...Gamakatsu has a proprietary process (try the fingernail test). Personally, for all the $$$ I spend to get out fishing....boats, gas, gear, etc...the last place I would want to save a few pennies is the business end of your tackle. After all, hooking fish and keeping them pinned is the primary objective in fishing. In the grand scheme of things, even the best hooks are relatively cheap.
  14. Mitchell's... (705) 679-8665
  15. https://www.grca.on.ca/fisheries/ At my age, the memory is definitely going...but the GRCA also states 18 k I do remember in the late 70's and early 80's that some springs there seemed to be more fish than water...they were in that thick. There was that initial explosion in the population when they built the ladder in '74 allowing access to the headwaters spawning grounds...and of course Lake O was much more nutrient rich back then with massive populations of Alewife and Smelt.
  16. Anyone know the latest count at Corbett's on the Ganny ? For some reason I can't seem to open the Riverwatcher website anymore. Last I saw this spring it was 4800...nothing like the peak in the early 90's when the run hit 18k +, but still better than a lot of the other north shore tribs these days.
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