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About JMahon

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    Near London

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. lol I'm not sure where in Alberta you are from, but it is $1.16 where I am in Alberta.
  2. Headed out for a few hours Monday night to a "Lake Huron trib", & managed only 1 salmon (11 1/2 lbs) & lost a nice brown.....lots of fish jumping! Also, went trolling outta Port Credit last week, but only managed 2 'bow's, biggest about 6 lbs, & 2 small Chinook, with 5lbs being the biggest (I know, pretty pathetic in size, but it tasted good & sure beat a skunk!) Maybe, "barefootwader" can post his pics of the bow's when he reads this!!
  3. It's definately a channel cat! We don't have blue cats in Canada!
  4. Pinks are definately still in Erie. I caught one last fall in an Erie trib, and a few the year before! Actually saw quite a few in the trib that year as well....so I imagine there should be a decent run this year, or possibly next!
  5. That is absolutely DISGUSTING! Commercial fishing MAKES ME SICK!!!!
  6. Looks like a Redhorse to me!
  7. I actually saw a few Banjo Minnow kits at Wal-Mart the other day....maybe you should see if your store has them as well!
  8. Check the MTX website, or Rockford, or Sony, whichever you want to get, and see about getting a pre-fab box that will fit under your rear seat! You can get the box's empty or already loaded with sub and built in amp. 'm not a fan of Sony subs or amps myself, but I know for a fact they make pre-fab's for full size Dodge & Ford pick ups and I'm quite sure MTX do as well! Worth a look.
  9. Funny...the only reason the shark was injured in the first place, was because they decided to kill it!!! This is where their own personal greed comes back into play! Do we want to release an endangered Great White, or do we want to fill our wallets?
  10. The Thames has a pretty good year round walleye fishery....you just have to find them! As previously stated it is also a damn good Smallmouth Bass fishery, as well as Pike, Crappie, Rock Bass, Channel Cats, Gar Pike, Rainbow & Browns...and you might get lucky with a Musky or 2,although seems pretty rare near London now a days, but I have heard of them caught before!
  11. It's only a matter of time before they do get in! & yes, Canada did let some invasive species in...but in reality, the kind of damage the zebra muscles & gobies have created is extremely minimal, compared to the damage the asian carp are going to impose on the great lakes! Say good bye to the ecosystem....not to mention the economy!
  12. I can't speak for the quantum, but I have a couple Citica's and haven't had a problem yet with them! Great reels for the price!
  13. I know that the Cotton Cordell Wally diver still doesn't have rattles. That's weird, because all of mine have rattles in them!
  14. They use to make a lighter colour crayfish colour, which I personally like better, but the newer darker colours still works fine!
  15. The Gov't dock has a spot where you could launch! Turn left at the variety store & it will take you right to it! Right in BBP, in the Kemp side!
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