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Posts posted by jonnybass

  1. Stoty, if it ends up Pens and Wings, I'll get the tix. You can be my guest. May have to deal with my 5 little Pens fans but you'll eventually get over it.


    Are you treating him to a game in Detroit or in Pittsburgh?

  2. The perch in Orillia are doing fine this year. They are definitely biting, with some really good limits. Stick to the regular perch stuff, you'll be OK. I don't know about the narrows specifically, but I hear that the area is rocking as usual this time of year.


    That's what I heard.

  3. After steelheading for two straight days at the opener, my wrist got so sored

    that I thought I had to go to hospital. I believe it was caused by the combination of

    the reel+rod toal weight and the weight inbalance.


    just wonder if there are comparison regarding

    1) rod model number

    2) rod length

    3) rod weight

    4) rod center gravity location

    5) centerpin reel weight


    information mentioned above will definitely help me towards

    purchasing the new rod & reel




    For noodle rods, I've always opted for a rod with the sliding rings so that you can position your reel in a spot that has the most balance. As an added bonus, you can always switch your reel in the future and then simply re-position.

  4. I started fishing both hands for the same reason. When i go on vacation, i fish literally 12+ hours/day, all day, every day, for almost 2 months straight...trust me when i say your equipment's balance and weight matters. So after learning to fish both hands, stripping weight off my rods and reels was the next step and it makes a huge difference which is why for both bass and fly, the only 2 types of fishing where your hands are swinging literally all day long in fairly rapid succession, the higher tech rods have the weight down to nothing. For both, you're probably making about 5-10 casts/minute, maybe more. anything repetitive causes tremendous strain, regardless of the weight, but once you add weight, it adds to the problem. ...don't think so? ask a secretary or data entry person with carple tunnel syndrome how they would feel about adding weight to their fingers while typing. ...and that's why you can get entire bass and spinning rod/reel setups that cost well over $1000 but they weigh 10oz, total, rod and reel. Typical middle priced reels weigh that much by themselves and most cheaper freshwater reels alone can be twice that. Most heavy setups and bluewater equipment, although they weigh a ton, they are either not used for casting all the time and sometimes not cast at all (trolled, bottom, whatever). Besides this, lightweight and super powerful standup stick don't go together which is why the very big rods over 80# class are heavy e/s-glass.


    For steelhead rods, you're going to have to fork out a lot of cash to get the weight down because even with generally lightweight components, the length of the rod magnifies it so you're going to need and want the very lightest components available. It's hard to do the first time, it was for me, but you will never look back after you do and you'll wish you did it sooner. You're going to have to find something probably built around titanium guides as they are the lightest out there. There are some factory rods built with RECoil guides...go to a store and compare them to a rod with normal guides and you'll feel a huge difference just doing a wiggle test, you'll feel the big heavy normal guides swinging the rod tip much longer than the titanium and RECoil rods...and guess what's fighting and dampening all that extra wiggling....your wrist. multiply that by a 1/2 day of fishing day after day.


    It really makes no difference after you factor in a 1 ounce bell sinker and #2 trebel loaded with an oversized marshmallow.


    ha ha.

  5. Generally just having the worms there is against the law If I remember correctly...


    I've never heard of that law. But a CO could determine that because you have the worms, you were probably using them and charge you on that basis. That's why I wouldn't call the MNR in this situation unless I knew that they were a) fishing and b ) using barbed hooks and/or bait.

  6. Report them, we all have a responsiblity to know the regs for the water we fish.


    There's nothing to report. He didn't see them fishing. That's why he should have waited 2 minutes before taking off in his truck.


    And as was just pointed out, they may have decided to use barbless lures instead.

  7. You don't know if they were heading down to the river to just check it out or to fish. I know that were it me in that situation, I'd still want to scout the river since I was already there anyway.


    No need to snitch until they actually did something wrong.


    For me, I'd hate it if a CO came and charged me for just looking at a river because someone ratted me out without any proof.

  8. Why not a 5 dollar a year fee?


    I dont think anyone has troubles with that.


    I don't think they want to go that route. One of the mods said that they won't be accepting donations.


    Anyway, if they started charging a fee to use OFC, they wouldn't have the bandwidth problems they have now. LOL

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