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Posts posted by jonnybass

  1. I've been reading so many reports with no locations ever mentioned.


    I imagine that it must be frustrating for novice fishermen that come here trying to get into the sport but don't know where to begin!


    I got this idea from another fishing board. Let's show our OFC spirit and all contribute one good fishing hole for the guys just starting out!


    Here's my contribution:


    Whitevale (Pickering) for steelhead fishing shortly after opener. The steelhead are there now.

  2. When I was about 10 or 11 my mom bought cod at the grocery store and when she got it home there were still live worms crawling around inside lol she brought it back and they told her that a lot of cod are like that. To this day my mom won't buy or eat cod, she loves perch though :whistling:




    That is absolutely disgusting. I would think that the grocery store would know better than to sell food with live worms crawling around inside. I would never shop at that particular grocery store ever again.

  3. You got a clump of hair? Was it human hair? If so, call the Police! I doubt it was a mermaid! <_<


    There are many unsolved missing persons cases in the GTA. Please don't turn a blind eye. It could be nothing, but then again, you may end up bringing closure to a family with a missing loved one. You never know.


    Do the right thing.


    Nice report btw.

  4. Hi everybody, well.....assumption, assumptions, assumptions, where is the evidence they broke the law??? Sounds like some of you guys are really HOPING that this guy was breaking the law.....just so you can rat someone out and get a bunch of congrats from all the other left-wingers on a message board. Wait, I'm making assumptions here.... :oops: Really, it sounds like you may be creating imaginary crimes in your head. :w00t:


    There is a lot of information out there.....yet some choose to ignore the laws. People that ignore the fishing laws probably ignore other laws and are not the type of people I want to be "educating" or berating on the water. But if you want to play cops and robbers, knock yourselves out......but guaranteed the day will come when someone gets hurt playing "cop" on the water. :stretcher:


    That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. :angel:


    Thank you. I couldn't have said it better!

  5. They deserve the benefit of a doubt, after all you didn't catch them red handed fishing with a worm and barbed hook. You can never assume, after all when you assume you do what? We all know the saying when you assume you make an ass out of me and you.


    Yes a person should know before hand what the regs are for a body of water and it was noble of you to have pointed out the sign informing them of the local rules. If you had witnessed them actually breaking the rule then yes you could have called the tip line but don't count on a C.O showing up, however don't feel guilty that you didn't call in any case.


    It all boils down to the joke about the blond in the boat loaded with fishing gear as she sits reading a book as a C.O comes along wanting to charge her for fishing. Just because the tools are there a crime has not been committed.


    I agree.

  6. Sounds like you did your part by making them aware of the situation in a polite manner. In return they responded the same way it seems. It is very possible that they still fished, but changed their plan of attack to meet the requirements.


    It's kind of like the situaion I was in a couple of weeks back. I was fishing in my bass boat, using my bass rod. On the deck of my boat I had my pliers, cutters, etc. that I always have. Bass season is closed. I was fishing perch, with perch gear (somewhat) I do not own a perch boat or rod, nor do I want to. Had a guy approach me and accuse me of bass fishing. I made it clear that I was not on bass turf and pointed to where it was. I also pointed out that the tools were there just in case. I would much rather be prepared to release an oo fish, than be scrounging for stuff to make do. In the end the only thing I caught was zebra mussels.


    That's probably because a gosh darn local ratted ya out. They seen a bass boat and they don't like them there boats in those parts so they recon'd they'd call the law on yer. Teach yas a lesson.

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