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Posts posted by jonnybass

  1. Only if it's classified as "navigable", and there are alot of properties that do have the stream bed as part of the deed up those parts (a friend of the family is one of them). You can't just go wading willy nilly in every river in Ontario, which what alot of people wrongly believe.


    Aren't most if not all tributaries that connect to the lake "navigable"?

  2. So we've now established that Salmonids, including Steelhead WILL bite a marshmallow, contrary to what the experts were saying earlier in the thread.


    We've also established that you "can" line fish with marshmallows, but you can also line them with floating roe bags.


    It's also been established that lining IS legal, since none of the experts were able to provide any reference to a law that states otherwise.

  3. I read this same argument over on another board and one guy actually went down to the dam in Owen Sound during the salmon run and started dropping mini marshmallows into the current. He said the salmon were snapping them up as soon as they saw them and sometimes pushing each other out of the way to get them.


    Care to comment on this one aniceguy? :clapping: LOLOLOLOL!!!!!


    This is really gonna piss off 9 out of 10 self-proclaimed experts! :thumbsup_anim:

  4. Im an ass eh........nice on you way to step down to the level of bubbles and crew...Im not even going to say what I think


    The technique of using a marshmellow is going to get you charged.....using a treble hook that has lead added when not treated as a gaff isnt illegal but its gonna get you chaged 100%


    God some people are just that dense I guess


    how can you put hunting in the same context as fishing LOL


    Im done Now Mod's you have someone calling me a name how are you going to respond to that

    Done here Roy I ll pm you the rest


    Blah Blah Blah.


    Yes I'm calling you a name, don't cry. You called a bunch of perfectly good law-abiding OFC members "immoral", "unethical" and "loose a few". As they say "He who casts the first stone..."


    You're the same one who just PM'd me calling me a name I can't even type here.

  5. didnt someone once say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it....


    Some People no matter how hard you try to explain something in a fashion that makes sense just dont get it...


    I do get it. I think you're an :asshat: for trying to force your Bull on other people regarding something that is perfectly legal and doesn't require $1000 worth of steelhead gear to do. Sorry for not responding to the rest of your rant as I more than covered all of it in my previous post.


    I will say this:


    Is shooting a deer "sport"? Are hunters "loose a few" too? Because the last time I checked, the deer didn't "bite the bullet." no pun intended.

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