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Posts posted by jonnybass

  1. I am going to say that this is not true. I study science at university and this violates the first law of thermodynamics; which states energy can neither be created nor destroyed and in an isolated system the total energy is always the same.


    Water is a molecule of H2O, Hydrogen H2 releases energy when it is reacted with oxygen to form water (H2O). So the problem here is that it is a circular reaction.


    2 H2O + Energy --> 2 H2 + O2

    which then reacts to

    2 H2 + O2 --> 2 H2O + Energy.

    You neither gain nor lose energy through this reaction and that is even if it does occur so that pretty much is theoretical proof that this device is a scam.


    Thanks for that write up Artem.


    My question to you is: If this is such a basic violation of the law of conservation of energy, why is the U.S. Military having this developed for their Hummers?


    That's why I dug this thread up - to ask the nay-sayers this question. It seems to me that the U.S. Military physicists probably know more than I do, so I was just wondering why they feel that this technology is feasible when OFC scientists know otherwise. <_<

  2. How dumb is it to fuel things on water instead of fossil fuels. I'm guessing saltwater is a no-no.. so we're going to use up all our freshwater (which by the way is more expensive than gas) to get around?


    Freshwater is more expensive than gas? I can fill my gas tank with tap water for a few cents - Your water bill where you live must be thousands of dollars each month. Shower much? :P

  3. The 'missing link' is to get the hydrogen out of the water AND to store it in an economically viable way ...


    Thanks for that explanation camillj.


    From what I've read, the idea that people are buying into involves burning the hydrogen as it's produced, thus no need to store it. A "Hydrogen on demand" type of system.

  4. You believe Fox news? :)


    Do I belive Fox News? LOL, I hate Faux News!


    But, even Faux News would have checked with the U.S. Department of Defense before they made such a claim.


    So assuming that the U.S. military is involved as Fox News claims, you still haven't answered my question.


    Don't you think if this were actually true, people would have been doing it years ago?


    Is 1969 long enough ago? http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/features/fex51230.htm


    I'm not saying that this works, because I don't know either way. I'm just curious as to why the U.S. Military would want a device installed into their Hummers that defy the laws of physics?

  5. Sorry to dig this thread up. lol


    I have been reading a lot of forums about this topic and it seems that many people claim that this concept breaks everything from the laws of thermodynamics to the law of conservation of energy.


    Well, Fox news reported that the U.S. military is having these devices installed in their Humvees. The U.S. military has technology so advanced that it would blow your mind. So, don't you think that U.S. military scientists/physicists would know about the laws of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of energy?


    They built the nuclear bomb, so it seems to me that they would understand the law of conservation of energy, don't you agree?


    If it was not possible, wouldn't they know? :dunno:


    To those of you who understand the science behind this better than I apparently do, can you please explain to me why the U.S. military is having these devices installed into their Humvees if it doesn't work?


    No flaming please, just kindly answer the question.

  6. Now Yyou sound like a fun guy. You must be a real joy when you screw up, huh? Or perhaps you think you don't? Patrick Perfect or something is your middle name?


    I don't remember stating that I wouldn't pay the money. And I contacted the Prosecutor's office to settle this asap. So go rattle someone else's cage besides your own, huh?


    Don't let people like that get under your skin... You'll spend most of your time here arguing and bickering if you respond to every ignorant fool that flames you. Trust me, I know first hand. LOL

  7. Alcetic, I looked at your profile; location unknown, birthday unknown, gender unknown...... Doesn't tell me anything about you at all. Think of it like this; walk up to any strange house and start asking for information or advice, you probably aren't going to get much. Walk up to a friends house and you'll probably do a bit better. Walk up to family and you'll probably end up getting swamped. As you have seen from the posts above, OFC is family.


    As for not being able to contribute anything, every single person who comes to this site has something they can contribute, it doesn't have to be fishing related. Most of my posts aren't advice on fishing, I'm not that good compaired to many of the people on this board. Sometimes it is as simple as offering to help with the fishing for Tyler event or other worthy causes, sometimes nothing more than your thoughts or prayers when someone is going through a rough time.


    So, tell us a little about yourself: retired/student, Canada/USA/England, hobbies/intrests.....


    We are always open to adopt another new member into the family.


    Some people don't want to be a part of the OFC "family", they just want strictly info/advice on fishing. Is something wrong with that? After all, this is supposed to be "Ontario's Best Fishing resource" right?


    I mean, who cares if it's someone's first post or they didn't disclose their personal info in their profile? Why should that matter? To each his own. I personally don't care to participate in the family aspect of this board because I have my own family and friends in real life. I mean no disrespect, but I was attracted here because I was looking for fishing information, not because I was looking to be "adopted".


    I get turned off when I see you guys pushing this whole family thing on noobs.


    IMHO, it is much better to just be helpful to them and they may stick around and choose to be a part of the community on their own. If not, so be it, you've still helped a fellow angler and that's something you can feel good about and reflects well on your OFC "family".

  8. Woops! I stand corrected! Thanks for setting that straight. (I should have looked it up myself)


    I assumed that since they "asked" to come aboard, you had an option to say no. lol (similar to when a cop asks if they can come into your house, you can say no if they don't have a search warrant)


    I guess they only only "ask" to be polite, when in reality they are coming aboard whether you like it or not.


    Since they can legally do as they please, I highly recommend that you do not give the cops any attitude whatsoever as you are completely at their mercy.

  9. hey man thats sucks to hear you got charged. I understand they have to do there job but you should've said no to them boarding your boat cause they are consenting to search and you have dont nothing wrong for them to board. If you said no they aren't allowed to board unless you are suspicious or have probable cause.


    Agreed 100%. If the cops ask to board your boat, tell em to buzz off, end of story. They had no probable cause.

  10. I'm confused.


    In the first pic you're holding a pike which you didn't mention in your report.


    In the second pic some other guy is holding a muskie which you don't have permission to post a pic of. I don't get it.


    Also, what is that white stuff on the ground?

  11. Please see bold text...

    The key is that it takes more electrical power to generate an amount of hydrogen energy, thus why wouldn't you just use the full amount of electrical power to run the vehicle?


    Because more energy is produced from burning the hydrogen than the electical energy used in the electrolysis to seperate the hydrogen from the H2O. That's what makes it viable.


    Do you have any data that proves otherwise? I would like to see it.


    You keep saying the same thing like a parrot, but I still don't know where you're getting your data from. Who the heck told you that it takes more energy to produce X amount of hydrogen via electrolysis than you would get from burning X amount of hydrogen???

  12. I am sorry, this is way too brutal..... You must understand the laws of conservation of energy, to drive the electrolysis reaction to produce hydrogen, you must add a greater amount of electrical energy than the amount of potential energy evolved in the hydrogen gas produced. You cannot create more energy from something that does not already contain it. The difference is lost in heat etc.


    It is irrelevant that a hydrogen flame burns as hot as the suns surface.


    I am going to hang myself now lol...


    Burt :)


    LOL, there is already potential energy in the Hydrogen. Same as gasoline. That's why it's fuel.

  13. Dude, go get one, and please keep us updated on its performance; installation costs, fuel savings, horsepower increases, carbon monoxide decreases, etc. and how fast it gets you to the swamp land you bought down in Florida :thumbsup_anim:


    Burt :whistling:


    I would get one but they're not commercially available for cars yet.


    What's up your bum anyway? lol

  14. But it is not economically feasable to use electrolysis to generate hydrogen to then power a car... not compared to using gasoline at todays (or in the forseable future) prices.


    You would have to supply more electricity to drive the electrolysis reaction than you would get out in hydrogen. You would be much better off just using the electricity to power the vehicle....




    Who told you this? I think that you would get more energy from burning hydrogen than the amount of energy needed to produce the electrolysis reaction. In the video they stated that the flame from burning the HHO is as hot as the surface of the sun. Do you really think that you could generate that much heat from the amount of electrical current needed for electrolysis? I don't think so.

  15. :wallbash:


    All I can say is I am stunned that so many of you get sucked into this... I mean it is unbelievable... Don't you think that if this technology is real (ie: mainstream real) that the normal everyday person would be using it, especially in this day and age????


    You are really blowing my mind.... :stretcher:


    Burt ;)


    Well, that's the point... the normal everyday person should be using it.


    As far as the mainstream goes - Maybe, and this is just speculation, but maybe the powers that be ie big oil companies have surpressed this kind of technology to protect their own interests, but now with the internet it's becoming impossible?

  16. scam (skm) Slang


    A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle.

    tr.v. scammed, scam·ming, scams

    To defraud; swindle.

    Some people are very gullible.


    gul·li·ble (gl-bl)


    Easily deceived or duped.


    You're right, you can't get hydrogen from water through electrolysis and a car can't run on hydrogen.






    Pertinaciously adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; persistent; not yielding to reason, arguments, or other means; stubborn; pertinacious; -- usually implying unreasonableness.

  17. shhhh..... They can keep paying for gas while we use water!


    LOL I guess so.


    What I don't understand is that I posted a video showing someone who has this working on his car, yet people still say that it's impossible!


    The US government is paying him to install this in a military Hummer, yet people on this thread still say that it's impossible!


    I guess the video is a fake and the fox news story is false information.



  18. OK, since everyone is saying that this doesn't work, can one of you explain how on earth this man has his car running on water?


    <object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value="

    name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>
  19. I'm trying to figure out how to do it without buying any kit. I'm going to start with a lawnmower and then buy a $50 car to try it on.


    Are you being serious? If so, that would be awesome to see how you make out. You should post pictures as you go so we can see this unfold. I'm very curious about this.

  20. Is this not HHO :dunno:


    Yes, it is HHO. From the video: "Kein has just patented his process of converting H2O into HHO" (through electrolysis)


    That's the same thing the email was talking about. I'm trying to figure out why people say it doesn't work when it obviously does, unless I'm missing something.


    I would try this on my own car but I have no knowledge of mechanics. I don't even do my own oil changes. lol.


    I'm sure there are a lot of people on here that could get this working. Whoever that person is, I'd pay them to get it installed on my car. I'm sure a lot of OFNers would also.

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