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Posts posted by jonnybass

  1. I don't think that I need to be "educated" on this topic, nor am I "ignorant" or "immoral".


    It's funny how anyone with an opinion different than the "self-proclaimed all-knowing" steelhead elitists are automatically labeled as being "uneducated" and "ignorant".


    Nice bunch you guys are. Thanks for the education.


    First you say that a rainbow will 100% never hit a marshmallow, then when someone says they caught them on the surface, then it's an "odd-ball" technique that no righteous steelheader would ever use. LOL come on, if it works, then why is it "odd-ball"? Just because they're not brainwashed into your cult-like group-think?


    It's funny how you didn't respond to my point about the 1 pound rainbow. Facts are stubborn little things when they go against your argument.

  2. I prefer to use styrofoam, it's more durable than marshmallows and just as effective. LOL! Immoral? It's legal, as long as it's hooked in the mouth. I guess we have immoral laws then. Some would argue that fishing is immoral. That's their opinion.


    Is it more moral when the river-guys with their float gear using long leads snag them up-stream?


    I've seen a guy catch a little rainbow in a stocked pond on a small white marshmallow. More than once. Do you think that you could line a 1 pound rainbow?

  3. You could have used the gallery here at OFC to post your pics. Just as a heads up for next time, you don't need to go out and register a website to post your pics! (PM a moderator, they will explain how to upload pics)


    Nice pics though and thanks for sharing! :clapping:

  4. I know that Steelhead are in the rivers from fall to spring. As far as I know, they only spawn in the spring.


    So, what are they doing there in the fall? What are they doing there in the winter?


    I would really like to know the answer to this question. I've heard that fall run Steelhead are in the rivers feeding on salmon eggs. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It also doesn't explain why they are in the rivers in the winter.


    Does anyone know the definitive answer to this question?

  5. I've been searching online for information about Ontario steelhead stocking data but have been unable to find anything current.


    What I would like to see is a year by year list of the numbers of Steelhead stocked per river.


    I know that the info is out there. Anyone have a link?

  6. Someone on another forum that I occasionally lurk on, mentioned an area of Lake Scugog from 7 mile island to "the hole in the wall". Just wondering exactly what and where is this "hole in the wall"? Also, why is called the "hole in the wall"? I've googled it but I can't find any references to it.



  7. Hey there everyone, my name is Bryan and im rather new to this forum.


    One thing i'd like to bring up is the fact that everyone here is far too trustworthy. The fact that you would let people in on little known secrets only to have them turn into streams that are just like, for instance, Bowmanville, or even the Wilmot creek. Rarely, if ever can you go to these creeks even on monday moornings and find less than four cars parked there. no doubt the cars of fisherman going on the advice of others. there are still a few creeks that are somewhat private, howvwer that is rapidly changing due to the posts of many. please, if you go exploring and find a killer spot good for you, but don't support the death of fishing and the now elusive "secret spot" because you want to be "cool" or popular on this site. this post may just go out to johnnybass, or it may not.

    Thank you all,



    Geeeze, you try to be helpful on this forum, and this is the crap you get!




    I've never seen such a GREEDY group of people like some of the people here.


    Reading crap like this, you would think that there aren't enough fish in Ontario for everyone to catch their fair share! :dunno:

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