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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I don't think it should matter, in 2016, if someone had a same sex relationship in the past. That should not disqualify someone from running for office.


    Trump on the other hand, had been accused of raping a 13 year old at a home owned by his good friend Jeffrey Epstein. You know, the convicted child pornographer Jeffrey Epstein. Here's how Trump sees his molester buddy (direct quote):


    "Ive known Jeff for 15 years", Trump told New York Magazine in 2002. Calling him "a terrific guy", Trump continued, "Hes a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about itJeffrey enjoys his social life."


    Now, the Clintons have some connections to this guy too, I'm not gonna lie. But to say Hillary is unfit because she slept with a woman 40 years ago while giving Trump a free pass on his past is a joke.

    She just covered up two sexual assaults committed by her husband

  2. Lew, we are here in Annapolis Valley and have toured all the towns in the area including Lunenburg and Mahone bay. This area is so laid back and slowed its awesome. Not one bad driver, not traffic no trashy areas.


    Annapolis is the starting point for the creation of Canada. The history here is amazing. I suggest taking the candlelight tour here at night. Quite interesting



    Hey everyone,


    I'm here on the south west coast of Nova Scotia and we found a great little seafood market.


    Nautical Seafood is a big seafood supplier here in the Annapolis Valley on the Bay Of Fundy. We bought fresh fish and lobster there on Monday and had a feast. We went back today to get scallops to eat for dinner and the young lady behind the counter show my daughters this massive 17lb lobster. It's their mascot for the season and will be releasing in in October.


    This young lady took the time and showed my kids different colour variations like blue, grey, mottled orange and black, a green and orange that looked like a gourde around October and bright orange.


    It was an neat experience for them





    Here is example of another smear parroted by the Fox "News" crew and gobbled up by it's wantonly clueless audience. George Soros is a Jew and survived the Holocaust. I guess FishnNAutographs believes Soros tried to collaborate in his own demise? :)

    George Soros survived by stealing from Hungarian Jews and giving it to the nazis


    He's also been quoted several times saying his year of nazi occupation was the happiest time of his life

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