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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I fight my tickets through a place in newmarket called ticket experts, $250 every time regardless of the number of tickets. Out of the 5 times i have taken a ticket to him i got off clean 4 of them.

    My work doesnt look too kindly on tickets these days so i have to fight them regardless, however i have saved a ton on insurance by fighting them

    It's because it's York region and no one gets convicted there

  2. Um... Unfortunately your friend is wrong. If you are convicted of the speed your were travelling or 16kmph or higher above the speed limit then yes you would receive points. If you plead to 15kmpj over or under that speed then you receive no points. That being said, insurance companies look at convictions not points

  3. Just an FYI don't grab a knife. You never know if a guy is trained to use it. I tell my wife to grab a casserole dish, the big heavy glass ones. One shot to the noggin and he's down.


    Sorry about your experience Miami. It pisses me off to no end when coppers show up and not give you the time of day for something legitimate

  4. Like I said before, vehicles and property can be replaced, lives can't.


    If your life or your family's lives are in danger then use as much force as necessary to repel the threat.


    There's no way in our country nowadays that shooting a guy for stealing your car is justified. Having your car stolen sucks but it beats 2-3 years in a trial and your whole life torn apart

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