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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I'm very glad you chimed in on this to help clear up Simon's question as I had a situation like his 2 years ago ice fishing. I know the CO by first name basis too and have his cell # on my phone if needed but he was not his typical self after seeing my gopro.

    If the CO (in this case for Simon) was just doing his regular duties and not being rude, demanding or abrasive then there should be no real concern for the camera right? I get it some don't want to be "posted" but if said CO was to say something to the effect "hey Simon just edit me out if you post that anywhere online ok?" then it's a nonissue right? Or is that too much common sense and or courtesy?

    I don't know about your CO buddy, but in my experience I run into a lot of people that have their dash cam going and let me know hey sorry but my dash cam is on and record. I don't have a problem with that. The issue is there are people that will turn their dash cam towards me and start acting like fools and make accusations, demand to know if their being detained and being stopped is against their rights just egging you on or they roll down their windows a crack to talk.



  2. Nope because in police cars when the lights come on the camera comes on. So if you're being pulled over you're being recorded. You're free to record the police but keep in mind 99.99999% of the people that record the police are the ones that want their 15 minutes of fame and try to bait the police. Their the ones spouting useless legislation asking if they are being detained, etc


    And the majority of people I work with are already honest, cameras haven't done anything to change our behaviour. What it does do is exonerate us from Bull complaints and helps our bosses watch what we're doing

  3. You're free to video tape them, however, get ready for a ticket or more than one. If you videotape a cop, CO etc you can guarantee you won't get a break/warning.


    Oh and in some regions you'll be on camera too

  4. I have no problem with someone getting a ticket for distracted driving. I think it's great to be honest. But it really pisses me off when I pull up beside a cop that's on his phone or busy on the laptop that's sitting beside him... twit for tat I guess but I live very close to a cop shop and see it almost on a daily basis.

    If you read the Highway Traffic Act emergency service workers are exempted from the distracted driving law.

  5. Yes they would John, but as you know, they don't have to set up charities, they choose to...

    Slightly off-topic, but I heard an interview with Josh Donaldson and he mentioned that he played 3 or 4 years of baseball as a pro, before he saw a comma in his pay cheque!


    ball players in low A ball make on average $300 a month and get $20 a day for food unless they are a bonus baby.

  6. So I found out through a source close to AA why he quit.


    Before Shapiro got control of the team AA had all the negotiations and contract ready to be signed by price and they had agreed on terms. Which in AAs and the fans eyes they may have sold the farm to get him but at least he resigned. When Shapiro came in, he said no to Price. Price wanted to stay in Toronto.

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