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About KyleM

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    Northern Alberta

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  1. Sure is a beautiful drive... Ive been on that beach a few times, its a great spot to hang out on a sunny day.
  2. No problem steve, I think he came down the road to visit me actually! It was good to see him again. holdfast, the closest town to that picture I suppose would be Rycroft... I live between there and Sexsmith in the Saddle Hills, its about a 25 min drive.
  3. Yeah, its worth the drive aslong as you catch her on a friendly weather day! You still have my old boat?
  4. Last time I talked to him I think he was just starting to work on that peach fuzz.
  5. Evenin, Its been a long, long time since I wandered through the OFC boards. Looks like you folks are still as friendly as ever. If any of you have ended up moving out west for work shoot me a note. I must do some searching for CrappiePerchHunter if he's still around here. The fishing in Northern Alberta is quite productive although a lake out here is what you would call a pond back home. I thought Id stop by and say hi. Heres a picture of the pooch on the Peace River cooling down.
  6. Wayne, good to see your still workin on holidays! Seems I got about 4 or 5 months of catching up to do.
  7. I really enjoy watching Leo, Ron and Owen from Fish TV. I think my favourite would be Mark Krupa from Hooked. He brings a little more to the table then just the fishing.....the show really plays to the travel aspect and I think its a great feature. He's crazy in his own way but its nowhere near as annoying as dimebag dipstick.
  8. We needed to put up (I believe) 24% to avoid CMHC so in lots of cases it does not apply. Also, as posted earlier, CMHC has nothing to do with the buyers...all your doing is picking up the bill for your lender. Joey, I feel for you...All this is new for us and I have a feeling we're about to discover what we needed and what we dont.
  9. Thats an extremely small win for that derby... I know 10 years ago a 40 wouldnt get you close to the top
  10. Ha, thats crazy. I have friends that live on that street, Im gonna give them a call today. I know over the years lots have been spotted out around Belwood/Grand Valley area.
  11. Hmmmmmmmm.... I had a tough weekend of 26 degrees. One thing I dont miss about home, the nasty stinking heat that you guys will be soaking in...say about 4 weeks?
  12. Im not sure about that Bily bob... I wouldnt mind seeing the lic fee go up if they were to promise more CO's around. I think it would be in much worse shape without the fee's. Fishin was always better back in the ol' days....atleast thats what every angler over 50 tells me. Maybe its just an excuse as to why they arent catchin anything (har' har')
  13. Not as good as it used to be. I think BigCliff used to frequent it. I used to go as I lived 3 min from the lake.....kinda gave it up when all the good prizes left.
  14. danbo, do you need to put those pictures in every thread?
  15. God, I used to drive the old mans suburban back in my youth. That thing was an absoloute PIG on gas.......it was a 95 aswell with that TBI motor, the vortechs are a little better. My truck is a 97 s10 4 banger....80 bucks to filler up.
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