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About walleyemaster

  • Birthday 06/23/1970

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    bolton, ontario

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  1. as i said before wayne someone is listening great news
  2. very nice shots joey, nice to se guys having a laugh..
  3. :good: hey rick i was just screwing around thats all.. i have already posted these on here in my temagami posts.. im going with my son tomorrow to temagami he is 7 and he cant wait so i did read and i truly understood your post, its nice to see the kids having so much fun.. :good:
  4. oh and here are some nice lakers from temagami and ok 1 maybe 2 walleye, allot of work to catch these guys and the big ones we put right back down the whole or in the water.. nice speckles ok a pike too what the heck ok enough of the showing off, i can tell you all that temagami scenery is close to heaven and although fishing is tough good friends a few drinks fun times and sometimes fish = ALL GOOD
  5. thank you wayne i totaly agree this lake is all work and sometimes very few happy endings.. glad to see your back wayne. im leaving tomorrow for temagami. will be there till sunday august 2 let me know if your around
  6. im here for ya wayne, praying for jen.
  7. dont know about the bass but the lakers are on.. im killing them. and great fun also
  8. make sure you see the guys at 2001 audio video they are canadian and they can beat any price. i did work at the owners house they are not franchised just one canadian owner. he said he is always better priced but cant spend as much in advertising like the bigger american companies.. i can also get you a deal 5% above cost at any location
  9. as long as you guys stay away from my spots we will be ok...lol nice pics
  10. thats what his wife say's too
  11. your getting old terry
  12. i know that lake ive seen it before somewere??? some other place
  13. bass bass bass bass bass fisherman can kiss my bass...lol
  14. somebody here understands what im saying and a few others too. i have a 3 acre pond stocked with bass, and yes there are monsters in there, and yes to all of you who fish them black shoelace or even white shoelace then again pink shoelace works too. i fish many lakes with huge bass huntsville area for one simcoe area for two kawartha areas for three.. do i really need to go on....
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