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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. lol Yes i think that was a good idea..removing that comment i mean..... : P
  2. I clicked on the link and it took me straight to the petition page.....
  3. http://amolicious.proboards.com/index.cgi?...amp;thread=1899 Thankyou so much.... Nauti.
  4. SJ You can also sign the petition over at my site......The link is on my Avater below this post & thankyou. Nauti.
  5. Located in Longpoint Ontario, Nautidogs is absolutely not just another hotdog. Smoked sausage that will amaze you for size ... I mean thses things are HUGE ! and our footlong IS ONE FOOT LONG ! All beef seasoned deli made weiner ... and trust me, here it is one foot long. Thats 12 inches folks ! Be extra Nauti and try some of our signature Nauti-sauce. Fresh condiments including corn relish, wine saurkraut,Hot peppers,Delicious sliced dill pickles and of course .... amazing fried onions. If you're asked if you want fried onions ..... say YES.You'll be glad you did. So next time in Longpoint, if fishing for a delicious meal...... hook yourself a Nautidog ! LOOK FOR OUR "NAUTIDOGS" IN LONGPOINT BAY ! Located outside Rotton Ronnies bait & Tackle store. Nautidogs Image is Copyright © 2009. Contact Info Email: Location: 135 Erie Boluvard. LONG POINT BAY Right out side rotton ronnies Bait & Tackle store.
  6. lol...Sorry Dan....We closed her up a little after 4.00pm..I ran out of ft longs a little after 1.00pm.......The ft longs have been selling like hotcakes......I was left with only sausages....lol..... If you had stopped by in the morning you could have had a free Dawg,,,,I gave free hotdogs to all jimmys customers at rotton ronnies over the weekend as part of his grand opening and also to say thankyou to the community and his customers . They really have been great!! This was taken on sunday.... Nautidogs tailgate party...lol
  7. Thankyou Dan.
  8. Yup the adress of my Location where my hotdog cart is set up is on my licenece irishfeild. I am still waiting to get this in writeing..All i have been told is they are going to revoke my licence...Apparently it is not an issue right now because she is not open.....But once she opens if i am there and selling hotdogs they can charge me.... ..AS for the petition.....I think it will have merrit......Most of the 100 people who signed my petition over the weekend are from long point... I had people take a drive down to the cart specifically to sign my petition as they had heard that Norfolk bylaw want to revoke my licence. We did do our own measurement a few weeks back but its hard to know where to measure too when we are not sure where there property line starts at the Arcade. But that all aside..... Port rowan has a fry wagon set up not even 75ft from another restaurant........Port rowan is part of long point...... This is also my Argument. Nauti.
  9. Thats kind of hard to do Irishfeild because i am then on someone elses property....
  10. Xeon from what i have been told i am about 240 or maybe 245 ft away from the Arcade...I am not out front of there business.....Bylaw apparently says i have to be 250ft..BUT!! If that is the case as i said they should have done the measurements before issueing my licence ...I have a steady clientel and i have had many people return to enjoy a Nautidog. I don't want to get into it here....More is explained over on facebook..... JF Rotton ronnies has been in long point for many many years and is well known in long point and does alot of business... Misfish The only other place online is my own fishing site & as i said rotton ronnie has the petition book at his store....
  11. Thankyou so much for posting this TJ. It is very much appreciated. I am fighting with Norfolk bylaw as they now want to revoke my licence they issued to me end of March to set up my Hotdog cart outside of rotton ronnies bait & tackle store in Long point....Business has been good and the Locals have been fabulous in welcoming me too long point.....Now they have said there is an issue about Distance between me and an Arcade that also sells hotdogs.....I guess they do not want the competition. I am fighting Norfolk Bylaw because if there had been an issue about the distance between myself with the cart and the other location they should have done the measurements before Issueing me my licence. Apparently Bylaw states that any mobile refreshment Vehicle cannot set up with in 250ft of another location that sells the same product....Yet in Port rowan which is also part of long point there is a fry wagon situated not even 75ft from a restaurant. I have started an online petition and i also have a petition going at rotton ronnies bait & tackle where i got another 100 signatures over saterday & sunday. I would really appreciate the support.....The local fisherman & hunting guys love the fact i am there & they can get a quick bite to eat . Thankyou so much again TJ..... Nauti.
  12. LOL HT. Man was i ever eyeing up the rods friday night then i saw this beauty Reel loved the colour....lol.......Asked the guy how much he said they were not for sale and told me where i could buy one...I was like What the elle...lol.... All my son kept saying to me was....Mom you do not need another fishingrod...... HT Weekday's are better for me right now.......But once may24 weekend comes i will be pretty much working seven days a week through till fall......ok.. Nauti
  13. Yes fishing rods speil.....lol...Thank gawd i said Fishing rods too at the seminar......lol Now i'm gonna have to go open my chest of goodies and see just how many reels are in there....lol...
  14. lmao Dan & TJ...Ya know its funny you mentioned that i actually counted again yesterday.. I was wrong...... Its actually 122......lmao....What can i say i have an addiction.....
  15. Mike i am in LONG POINT BAY...... Your looking at about 1hr 30 mins depending on what time your travelling....Just follow your nose .....lol..... & everything good is not only bad for just your waist line ya know....lol...
  16. Look forward to it Dan....
  17. LOL Yeah i would say that's rather a long drive for a hotdog... BUT!!! A 12" chilli dawg done the Nautidog style....
  18. To my surprise i had a ofner stop by my cart today out at LPB........Was great chatting with you & the grlfreind briefly. Here is the photo as promised....& now maybe just maybe you will come out of the woodwork.....lol... Nauti.
  19. Yup was a great night for sure & i really did enjoy the seminar....Even my youngest Son enjoyed it....He told me he never realised there were so many different types of rods for fishing....Was great meeting new OFNERS...Do have a few photo's which i shall get around to posting shortly.. Nauti. PS....Hometown drop me a line when ur ready for some kitty kats ok? Bigugli thankyou so much for the Harnsess... great chatting with u & the family.
  20. Yup they really are an awesome fish to fish for in my opinion....Was fishing the pier this morning here in dover and saw a huge big ole erie carp swimming around the top surface of the water...Looked like it was sick and seemed to have some kind of growths all over its back...Could not get a picture cuz i left my bloody memory card in my laptop..Duhh!! Nice fish by the way... Nauti...
  21. Well this grl has been out & doing alot of fishing these last couple of days....Yesterday was just nasty with the frikkin north east wind again and it was blowing pretty good down on the water but we decided we would still brave the elements...lol Jackie got into her 1st ever perch yesterday morning & i really wish i had got it on video it was so funny.... Here are a couple of pics. Jackie coming back to the van with the minnows her and sinns had just caught. Minnows are in thick just about every where right now. Jackie with her 1st ever perch.....She was a female and just loaded with eggs....Jackie wanted to take her home and eat her....lol..I said no too let her go SO SHE could make lots more little perchies....lol She was not very happy about that i told her there will be plenty of time to get out and catch more perch and take them home for supper. Here she is ... We packed her in around noon as sinns had to get home grab a bite to eat and head to work and jackie had to get back home to brantford after spending three day's with her second mom...lol... So i asked my eldest if he wanted to go fish with his mom yesterday afternoon and he jumped at the chance which surprised me......It was nice having some mother son time alone yesterday by the water..... Here is my eldest son.. This morning i was up at the crack of dawn and dropped my son off at work. I then headed down to the peir which was around 6.45am quite a few guys out fishing the pier this morning but nothing being pulled in..... I then headed back home dragged sinns out of bed....lol...We both had a quick bite to eat then headed down to the peir.....We had not been there ten minutes when sinns pulls in a perch. I thought well this is great maybe this is going to be a good day......... Yeah reet......Another hr passes and fish on again....Again it was sinns by this time i had maybe had two nibbles that was it....lol Sinns pulls in a nice sized bullhead.. So it was 2-0 to sinns this morning.....Noon hr seemd to approach real fast and we were packing her up.......Was a beauty morning out there today and looking forward to getting out again in the morning...... Also wanted to share this picture.....We have a mama & papa duck that allways visit our back yard every year stay have babies then we do not see them again till next year. Well there back.....They were both swimming on top of the tarp of the pool last weekend........When i took this shot i think they were wondering when the hell are these people going to open this d**n pool up?...lol Also does anyone know what bird this is? Took this here in Dover yesterday. Is it a bufflehead?
  22. Thanx Victor. Thats why i love living in Dover.......Only a few mins from the lake and a free boat ramp....
  23. Yup that is Corrct SP.... My new venture after the store i worked closed last fall.......I am set up outside rotton ronnies in LPB.......Now owned by jimmy riggin & his wife which are both great people. Busniess has been really good. I am giving away free dogs to all his customers on the 24th 25 th of this month for jimmys grand opening. I am loving it feels great being my own boss again.... I AM LOOKING AT OPENING a second cart THIS SUMMER WHICH MY ELDEST BOY wants to run... My logo was created by a dear freind specifically for my cart. He is a Graphic artist and is very talented.....Everyone is loving the Logo the name & the dawgs.. And yes guys that is Josh from AO.....
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