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  1. We just all need to let her know that she is a part time employee of the people of Ontario and no way have all the power that she is throwing around and selling off Hydro who the people own.
  2. Congrats on some nice fish and great pics
  3. Real nice Crappie, have not even been out yet as the water in my hot spots is 6 in deep. Boat is ready for Saturday walleye opener
  4. Congrats Mike on the promotion and now getting on the day shift.
  5. In my area they mark out the fish Sanc areas and it is also posted in the regulations on the boundary, Might have to check with some of the locals in the area to get a good handle on where you can legally fish.
  6. Great dog work and some good gunning, congrats
  7. Wished you were closer to me as I have one that came on my Lund Alaskan and has never been used. I find they are a pain if fishing as they obstruct both your sides and overhead. It is basically a Sun Shade that catches the wind
  8. I always run bearing buddies but I would have to say that at the start of the season I always repacked all the bearings on my trailers and if I did a lot of miles and then just take off the dust cap and do a visual to see if water is an issue or needs more grease.
  9. MNR owns the land and they guard the Indians as they spear and net almost every night and then cross back over the Border and sell the fish. It is just plain stupid and if they want to do what their ancestors did then do it the way they did it and not with modern convinces of Lights and Trucks.
  10. Hope they stock them on the res so maybe it will keep them there instead of spearing walleye on our Hoople Creek spawning beds that we put in.
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