"Why would you think you've got any idea what the OFAH/OOD position is on this"
From the OFAH's official website:
At all levels of government, the OFAH is recognized as a highly professional and "devastatingly effective" advocate for Ontario's natural resources and the rights and traditions of anglers and hunters. OFAH leadership on issues such as invasive species, anti poaching, fisheries restoration, firearms issues and hunter education, are admired and often sought-after internationally by other organizations.
"if you think he was out there 'poaching' on purpose, you've obviously never caught anything to get excited about ..."
Your views on intentional and unintentional poaching make no sense.
Did he intend or expect to catch a world record laketrout? No. Was he justified in breaking the law? No. He rationalized it was OK and figured he wouldn't get caught.
Defending your friend is admirable. Excusing or justifying poaching is not.