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Everything posted by Want

  1. Now Yyou sound like a fun guy. You must be a real joy when you screw up, huh? Or perhaps you think you don't? Patrick Perfect or something is your middle name? I don't remember stating that I wouldn't pay the money. And I contacted the Prosecutor's office to settle this asap. So go rattle someone else's cage besides your own, huh?
  2. That's what I did today. Called the court in Whitby and talked to the Prosecutor's office administator. By the way she was very helpful. She told that this is a regular occurence and that a lot of people don't know that the license must be on the boat at all times. Anyway a copy of my tickets haven't reached the court yet so I have to talk to her again on Wednesday and set up a date with the prosecutor. I will have 2 options: 1) The Prosecutor will decide what the fine should be and if I agree to his/her terms, I go to trial that day, pay the pre-agreed amount and it's over. 2) If I disagree with the Prosecutor's terms, I can then set a trial date. I'm hoping this whole thing blows over within the next 3 weeks or so.
  3. I very much do know for the next time. As to the car, I think it depends on the cop, location, and circumstances. Some would offer a warning, some would write up a ticket, some would ask that you bring in your ID to the station within 24 hours. As for the comment about my whining by "Just John": Guess you must walk on water or at least you think you do. Have you checked lately? Spare me the lecture.
  4. I was fined $430. this weekend for not having a flashlight and vessel ownership on the boat. Had no flashlight on board and my ownership was at home. I noticed this Zodiac stopped a fishing boat with 3 people on it about 150 feet away from me. Didn't think much of it but noticed the Zodiac and fishing boat were tied together for about 30 minutes at least. Thought nothing of it. Zodiac pulls away and comes to me. They're OPP. Ask me how I'm doing, pull up along side, and ask me if they can board. These guys were truly pieces of work. Check my boat over and tell me that everything looks great. I say thanks. They ask for my ownership and I tell them it's at home. They say fine. So one of them says well I'm going to ticket you for no ownership and no flashlight. I say "What"? And so it went. They said I would have to go to trial if I wanted a chance to get off the charges. I was told to bring a flashlight and a copy of my ownership to court. Sounds like a good use of everyone's time and money to me. They wound up telling me I had an attitude problem but that they would note that I was co-operative. They said the guys in the other boat sweared at them a lot. Hmmmmm Back at my slip I talked to some boaters and they told me that these cops were "brutal" and other boaters had problems with them. I would of brought in my copy of my ownership (and flashlight) to the police station. Don't know what's in it for these guys at all to take up the Prosecutor's, Judges, and my time this way. Quota perhaps?
  5. I see TopBogIn Part 1 and run out and buy white and gold Rapala Walk 13's. Now I see Part 2 and I gotta buy a pink frog.
  6. Great pics. Moved my boat to Scugog late last August and gotta admit, the amount of weeds threw me. Didn;'t have much of a topwater selection so I've been buying. Read your post and went out this morning and bought the white X-Rap Walk 13 and the gold one. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Except for steelheading on a river: braid for everything from crappie to Muskie.
  8. What misfish did. Works for me.
  9. I own a Nautilus 10/2 auto charger. Has worked just fine for the past 3 or so years.
  10. Let's face it. I don't know the stats but I'm betting that 20-30% of these young punks are going to do time in the slammer at one point or another in their lives. You know: assault and battery, aggravated assault, dangersous weapons, threatening and so on. If they beat up innocent people now, a number of them will do a lot worse later. The problem is that they don't "pay" for hurting people now. These types of psychos only know one way: beat or be beat. I don't have ANY sympathy for them at all. Lock them away. They'll surely wind up there anyway.
  11. It just feels plain good seeing somebody out on the water at last and landing some decent fish. Just a few days more and hopefully I'll be out there too. Nice pics.
  12. I've never tried flouro leaders but I did go with Titanium for the first time this year. Bought the 30lb. wire from LeBaron's for $9.80. Tied up a bunch of them. Reduces the cost substantially over the pre-tied and they are easy to tie. The stuff is very light. Plan to use 4" titanium leaders for poppers, frogs, and surface lures. Good stuff. But my home lake is murky so I don't have to worry about water clarity. Keep reading good reports about Flouro but for the heavy stuff, I'm going to stick with steel, at least until my supply runs out. Habit I guess and I've never had a problem with them.
  13. Congrats. That's a very nice ride. I've owned a Legend 17' Guide for about 11 years now and have never had any problems with it. Enjoy!
  14. I've got a set on my 70HP on a 16'5 ft boat. It does help with getting on plane. Increase in top end? I haven't seen it according to my GPS (tracked before and after the hydrofoil was put on).
  15. I use a 6'6" MF Techna AV baitcasting rod for poppers, prop baits, jitterbugs, etc. For wake baits and super shallow cranks (less than 1 foot) I use a 7' MF Techna AV baitcasting rod.
  16. Some nice hole shots coming up for sure. Enjoy.
  17. You can buy a reel with 8 ball bearings at Walmart or CT for maybe $70. The Shimano Calcutta had 2 bearings for years. It's 3x as much as that 8 bearing reel at Cdn. Tire. Which one would you buy? It depends on what is important to you: quality or money. Usually you get what you pay for.
  18. Dacron stretch is about 10%. Powerpro etc. is about 4%. I kind of liked the limited stretch. Dacron is nice stuff but if it got knicked, even a bit, you had to cut it off and it is really easy to knick Dacron.
  19. Thanks for the info guys. I wanted to be able to connect with my wife when I'm on the lake and she's on shore. Been using our cell phones but that can get pricey. Guess I'll look at them VERY carefully. Thanks again.
  20. Looking at buying a set this season. Any recommendations? Any makes/models to avoid? Thanks
  21. 1/2 oz Kastmaster silver spoon with dressed treble. Jig it, cast it, troll it.
  22. Guess I'm cheap AND outdated. But I think the Jerkbait rod is the one that is most likely to be abused and sensitivity along with fine tuned actions, at least to me, haven't been key issues. So I like to keep them kind of "inexpensive". I use an old Fenwick GLC Triggerstick: 5'9" 1 -3 oz and an even older Daiwa Algonquin 6'6" 1-6 oz. Two fine pool sticks that have never failed me. I leave the bigger $ for crank and buctail rods. JMO
  23. I've been a customer at the Mississauga store since they opened. Yep, the website and pdf's are dated. But as been said, I think they are first a brick and mortar retailer, and a online vendor as a distance second.' I noticed over the past couple of years that they've improved the customer service in the store and that's good to see. I see BPS as being more Bass fishing oriented than LB. I think LB also suffers from a lack of rod mfr. choices as well as some mainline American Bass lure mfrs. I know they've tried to bring in St. Croix but couldn't. All in all I sure wouldn't want to see LB go out of business.
  24. I had no problem opening it. Good stuff.
  25. Aluminum. Really depends on the lake and purpose I think. After fishing Severn Sound for 5 or so years, and totalling 6 props to low water and rocks that came out of "nowhere" I've put my faith in aluminum. Absolutely some dings in the hull, but hey, fishing is a full contact sport, isn't it?
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