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Everything posted by walleyejack

  1. got the pics trying to upload
  2. You are understanding correctly. 2 sockets in the light fixture.2 black and 2 white tied together, then out of the box there was a single white to 1 side of sockets and the dbl white to the other side of the sockets. you have it correct, but i don't
  3. there was 1 white wire each going to the wires in the receptacle.
  4. no volt tester, when i took it apart thats how they were, 3 blacks tied up,1 white into another,then 2 whites left. the old receptacle had two fixtures in it and tied into each other.I didn t change anything.
  5. I tried that Terry, no luck, but thanks
  6. I tried what Terry mentioned, no luck, the 3 blacks in the box are tied together, one white is tied into another white, then there is the single white and the two tied together, tried Terrys suggestion,got no power to my switch,(swithc ligths up when off) I m pretty much lost. but Thank you for the help
  7. ok let me try that Roy. got my cell handy here for fire dpt. Thank you.
  8. Not sure if anyonc can help, but would appreciate it. I have an older house,lots of 2 wire wiring, I am replacing a ceiling fixture with a fan,i took the old fixtre out which has two receptacles in it,there is 3 sets of wires in the box,3 blacks tied together, 1 white hooked into another white,then the 2 whites, I tied the wires in the fan to appropriate colors,and blew the breaker,took 1 white out and no power, same with the other white when i switched, I am not sure what to do now.I put 1 in my kitchen yrs ago and had no problems. Any ideas would be appreciated, there was a green wire in the fan to hook to ground wire, but i don t have a ground wire in box. Thanks Al
  9. Nice to have it covered, but the terminals need to be covered in the event of metal touching them and having a short.
  10. Put mouse pee around the cotton ball !! duhhh quote name='Spiel' date='08 August 2010 - 09:46 AM' timestamp='1281275168' post='492481'] I was wondering the same thing.
  11. Thanks folks, just bought a new cover so don t want to destroy it this year, give me at least a couple yrs. I will try the mothballs and bounce, and a little mouse treat for them if they get hungry. Thanks Al
  12. Got my vote, good read, well done "M"
  13. Anyone have an idea how to keep mice from chewing my boat cover up? 2yrs ago they built a nice nest up front where my trolling battery goes,last year they returned and chewed a hole in the cover and chewed the crap out of one of the seats. Mothballs any good ? I park it at a farm out back in winter. Any ideas would be appreciated
  14. i have a 60, wouldn t leave home without it !
  15. i bought one and there was no instructions, figured one was on tthere own. i guess i will go back to ctc and get some quote name='mercman' date='06 August 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1281122257' post='492024'] i bougth one a month ago for my 14ft fisherman and it traveled from ottawa to montreal at 120 kph no promblem. read the instructions, i didnt and got the straps mixed up
  16. sounds like a heck of a deal. fished the Fl keys on the gulf side the last two springs,was awesome , cost lot more than 500 tho.. lol al
  17. looks good drifter, i will be checking it out at Radio World Thanks for the input
  18. Grimace what model Standard Horizon did u get ? does it have some features on it ?
  19. Yes, I saw that on the other board,not worth it to drive to Jacksons point for $100 when i can go 5 blocks down the street to Durham radio for $9. more. thanks
  20. I am looking to purchase a marine radio, not sure if it is worth it,but might be if i get caught on Lake O, any ideas on a good quality radio? done a little research, come up with a couple of Uniden possibilities. Any input would be appreciated, thanks al
  21. I have a Magellan that i bought 4 yrs ago, wouldn t do it again,i have a Garmin I purchased 3 years ago, is awesome, probably a little more money than the Magellan, but in my mind it was worth it, if you want a Magellan I have one.
  22. thanks for the input Burt. sounds pretty simple,I like that method, i usually do my steaks 2 x 4 2min flip,2min flip n turn,2min flip n turn,2min flip n turn. done. but will try it your way. thanks for the help al
  23. Call em up, explain what is happening and what you need and don t need, then explain to them that you will be swithcing to a new provider asap. That works for me, I have all my stuff with Bell cept cable wich is Rogers, when i have a problem, i tell them i m thinking about swithing anyways so don t worry about it, a miracle before my ears, would you be happy if we reduced your bill to 1/2 for a year, let me think about it. good luck
  24. thanks fang, sounds pretty simple, sounds like even I could handle it !!!
  25. Appreciate your help, i read those articles the other day, I posted but recieved no response, so i thought i would try again, oh well trial and error i guess. thanks for you help tho
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