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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. I agree with the others in that feel is important. For something that you will be holding for hours you want it to feel good.


    If I had to pick an all-around rod it would be a 6'6" M-MH rod and you'll need to decide if a 1 piece or 2 piece is what you need. I like 1 piece rods but they are a pain to walk through the bush with so I have a few 2 piece rods as well.

  2. I have something similar, I just drill one hole for each person inside and one for the finderbut i cover the hole that the finder is on with a 1' x 1' or so piece of plywood and have my transducer on a rod down the center of it. That way I set the unit right on top of the hole which leaves plenty of room for the heater and if they are next to each other it isn't bad because the heater radiates heat outwards not to the side.

  3. HAHA trying to get fishing info from steelhead fishers??? Good luck with that. I don't fish for steelhead so I couldn't tell you where to go or what to use. Try checking google map and use the satellite images, you should be able to find something. The Credit River and Humber River are ones that get mentioned around here from what I've read. Good Luck finding something.

  4. I like LeBaron but their online purchasing is a pain in the ass, especially if they don't have a product. I just made an order a few days ago and you have to go back and forth with them via email if they don't have what you are looking for even if it's in the catalog. They really need to start converting their site into something like most other online stores where you click the product to order. The whole PDF online catalog is pretty annoying.


    RIVERSIDE OUTDOORS is another site that I just made an order with. Much easier than LeBaron and actually had a better price. They are based out of Thunder Bay and actually have quite competitive prices.

  5. Yeah, it's almost a waste of time sorting through the junk and scams on kijiji lately, the other night there were more than 15 scam adds in NORTH BAY of all places. They are all very obvious because the address is something like ****,**** or ####,####.


    eBay isn't too bad if you use Paypal, the sellers are legally responsible for what is written in the ad and if anything is false then Paypal will take care of it.

  6. Yeah change your wires, you might have put the wires on the wrong spark plugs though if it's running rougher than it did before. Check your wires to make sure they are all on but I would replace the wires and distributor cap and rotor (if equipped) as stated above, it will be more efficient and run a lot better in the end.

  7. I use a Shimano Clarus 7'10" fast action rod. I think it is rated as a Medium but because of the length is rated for 10-17lb line and a 1/4-1oz lure weight. Bought this rod due to budget constraints, I think it was 90 or 100 bucks. I am sure you can find a pretty slick St Croix for about 4 times the price though. My reel I use is a Team Daiwa X reel that I bought while back. It is 6.3:1 and a good quality reel.


    You can get reels that have a flipping switch that automatically engages the thumb bar whenever you let go of it. I haven't used any so I don't know if is good or bad. Most times when I am flipping I will flip or pitch to a certain spot and let it sink a bit so I don't think the self-engaging thumb bar would be something that would help me.


    50lb braid will work, I think mine is spooled with 40lb. It takes some practice but it's fun to isolate cover and flip or pitch to it. I usually practice standing on the picnic table and flipping to golf balls or into the flower pots around the yard in the spring. Probably look like a complete fool but I could care less haha.

  8. What I'm trying to figure out is if the US is that much worse off than Canada why is our dollar so weak compared to theirs. :dunno::dunno::dunno:



    The main reason is the demand for US currency. When they passed all these bailouts for trillions of dollars the demand for the USD increased significantly. So this extremely high demand for the USD due to bailouts has overcome the fact that our economy is in better shape then theirs. So due to the excess demand the cost of the USD is going to increase. Simple supply and demand or as Ricky says "It's supply and command, everybody knows that".

  9. Flipping and pitching is very useful tool when targeting cover like docks, fallen trees and logs and holes in dense weeds. Last season while I was pitching a bunch of fallen trees along a shoreline I hooked up with a 3-4lb smallie then 2 casts later about 6 feet down the bank I hooked up with a 38" pike.


    I like to use a 7'10" Flippin' stick with a reel that has a smooth bearing system and practice a lot in the preseason. I find the long rod lets me get it a little further out when pitching and flipping to holes in weed beds and with practice I am just as accurate as I was with my 7 footer. I like to run braid on my reels when flipping and pitching because I normally am fishing very heavy cover and if that fish heads back into the sticks I want to make sure I have some tough line to haul her out. The limpness of most braids also helps with the casting as it has virtually no memory. If you have a pretty big arsenal of rods and reels, just experiment with rod length and different reels until you become confident in one combination. If not I would look at a 7-7'10" rod and a good quality casting reel.

  10. You could try contacting the company directly, found this on the web, not sure if it is recent info or the right company but it's worth a try.


    L G Custom Tackle

    2399 Nebo Rd Rr 2

    Mount Hope ON, L0R 1W0


    Phone #: 905-679-6143

    Fax #: 905-679-6094


    Key contact: Lorne Green , Owner

  11. If Gerbers performance tonight is any sign of how he is going to play down the stretch then you Leafs fans are in trouble in search of your lottery pick. He played really well though, 37 saves and had a shutout for 59:20 maybe all he needed was a change of scenery. Can anyone say 9th place finish??

  12. As stated in pretty much every post, go SLOW. If the jerk bait isn't working maybe try a tube or even a gulp on a dropshot or senko on a wacky rig, anything that can be fished slow. Fish this time of year aren't generally too active so you'll have to work for your bites. Good luck!

  13. quite a boring day but Calgary looks to have bolstered it's line up pretty good though. I'm a sens fan and they picked up Pascal Leclaire and a 2nd for Vermette. Could be good if Leclaire gets healthy and plays to his ability but it could be bad if he keeps getting injured. I think Vermette is going to do really well playing with Nash and a change of scenery is going to do him a world of good. I hate to see him go but it had to happen. Signing Kuba was a good move too but I am surprised that Neil didn't move. They must plan on signing him otherwise you would think he would have been traded.


    I'm surprised that the leafs picked up Gerber but they need to field a team for the fans that is as Burke says "the best team he can put together" and I guess he thinks that Gerber is better than Joseph or maybe he is there to back up Joseph, who knows. The got some decent picks, giving up a 2nd for Moore, Buffalo must be high or something. I'm surprised that Ponikaroska-whatever-his-name-is is still there.


    Also surprised that the Islanders didn't move more and all that talk about Bouwmeester and Pronger for months and nobody moves. Overall there were lots of nobodys moving around and a few impact players which made for a really boring day, trade-wise.

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