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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. HOW do you guys let these become laws in the first place. Take back your government/country before you just become slaves to people in office.


    Bob, I wouldn't exactly say our government has enslaved us. It has made some questionable laws but haven't all countries. Hell, look at what Bush has done to your country. He has literally driven your country into the ground like a beat up Chevette. The United States is merely a country run by suit dummy's doing favors for their friends and leaving the American people to fend for themselves. It's a country that spends millions of dollars to bail out mortgage brokers but do nothing for the people who are faced with foreclosures. Last year in the United States, a person making $50k a year paid a higher percentage of tax than those making $150k, that doesn't seem fair. But, whether we like it or not, all government's are crooked to some point, that's just the way it is. For the amount of complaining us Canadians do though, and I do a fair bit myself, I really think that we all know how lucky we are. Sure they pull some of these ridiculous laws, most of which I do not agree with myself, straight out of their asses but that is very minor compared to some countries. There is no disrespect meant towards any Americans on here, these are just my thoughts on how your country has been run by Bush's First and Second Reich and by the looks of things most Americans feel the same. On the brink of a recession with record job losses in the last 2 months, I'll take boaters cards over that any day of the week.

  2. We had a gruman a while back. I've never had such bad luck. The guy who had it before us screwed the floor to the ribs and the ribs cracked. so we took out the floor and had them welded. The boat lasted for a good7 or 8 years until this one tournament. We were making the run to the weigh in, not even big waves and one of the ribs tore a hole in the bottom of the boat about an inch wide and 3 inches long. Water was pissing through the hole so high that half of it went out of the boat. So we got that fixed and welded up and it was running nice, new starter on the motor. Entered in a tournament. We were doing alright but the river was a little rough, the Ottawa river so nothing crazy. Making the run across the river we hit a wave and me and my buddy felt our legs move up, we looked down and the boat was no longer a "V" hull in the middle. The beam snapped in half like a twig. We looked at each other and had a few choice words about our situation. Luckily the boat wasn't sinking or anything. Water was barely coming in and we had a good bilge pump. We stood up and the boat went back to the "V" form and putted across the river. We fished near the weigh in for the rest of the day and didn't catch a fish. As for Day 2 of the tournament, well for us Day 2 was spent drinking beer and cursing haha. Luckily we still haven't gotten rid of it as the price of aluminum is on the rise!


    Not trying to bash gruman or anything, we have a really nice canoe of theirs, but just a horror story. Enjoy the new boat!

  3. I love how we all get so ticked off when it comes to controversial hockey incidents!! It's like this on every site I go to hahaha. Oh, can I say ticked?? They say it on cable, don't see why not. HAHAHA I wrote p*issed and it censored it to ticked, censorship at its best WOW!!!!

  4. Puckhead you must be a leafs fan with your asinine comments. Heatley's accident was controversial but it has been overcome by him, the league and Snyder's family. You sound like the stereotypical leafs fan though with the "My team sucks and has sucked for the last 50 years but I still cheer for them in hopes of them finishing 9th (2006), getting a lousy draft pick, signing players to stupid contracts* and sinking the team even further only to finish 9th(2007) again and repeat the process**". * Kubina, McCabe, Tucker. ** Blake. Ok I know Blake has leukemia but enough being a hero, if you can't play worth a crap, take a seat and let some of the younger guys develop. But, Puckhead, I can see how cheering a losing team for your entire life must take its toll. I'm not a huge Sens fan but nothing p*sses me off more than Leafs fans and their deranged thoughts on hockey. Bell's hit was a little late and clearly to the head and it is pretty easy for a player to run around the ice hitting everybody with a cage on.The leafs will never make it anywhere until they get rid of 90% of the team because you can't win with just one good defenseman and one 1st line scorer with the rest of the team suitable for a 4th line role on any NHL squad. The whole team has hid behind Sundin's bald head and sickly skin with yellow stains around his mouth. It's time for Sundin to take a lesser role and let some of the younger guys play, who knows they might actually develop some skills if they get the ice time.


    As for my picks. The East is funny. They all have their ups and downs. NJ can win if they can manage to score goals. Pitts can win if Fleury or Conky plays well. I don't see Montreal going far, to many soft players for the playoffs, but you never know. Rangers, Boston, Philly, Carolina are streaky. Sens haven't seemed to find themselves aside from the beating they laid on the leafs last night. Washington could be the dark horse if they get in, but they don't have much playoff experience with their top scorers, Ovie, Semin, Backstrom are good but they still need to prove themselves in the playoffs.


    The west is a bit easier. Sharks, Wings and Ducks are favored. I would pick the Sharks to come out on top of that one. I wouldn't count out Calgary either. Nash will have their hands full with Detroit. Min is a tough read, they have good defense. It remains to be seen what Colorado can do with a healthy squad, assuming it will be healthy come playoffs. Would have been nice to see Edmonton get in, they would have had some good momentum riding into the playoffs.


    Final picks, Pitts out of the east and SJ out of the west with SJ winning because Nabakov will beat Fleury in a goaltending dual and the Sharks defense is better than Pitts.

  5. If you do go riveted check out Legend Boats. I personally don't have one, can't afford it on a student budget, but they look nice and they are Made In Canada! They have quite a few configurations so there should be one for you.

  6. I wouldn't say I am addicted. Being addicted means you think you have a problem. I live in Ontario and last summer worked up in the arctic in Nunavut. The first day we got internet in our camp I bought a skidoo on ebay. Over the last few years I have bought 15 fishing reels, tons of tackle, jig molds, lead, hooks, paintball guns, camera, MP3 players, computer gear, fta boxes, banjo, yes a banjo, fish tank gear, clothes, shoes, 5 pairs of rayban sunglasses, speakers, the list goes on. Wow, everywhere I look I see something I bought on ebay. I am typing on the keyboard I bought on ebay, using the computer of which half of the components were purchased on ebay. Maybe I do have a problem. Probably....not. Presently in search of an electric bow mount trolling motor, butt seats and pedestals. Good luck, happy bidding.

  7. Pg. 15 of Canada Shipping Act, 2001 TP 13813 (10/2007)


    Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations


    >> In 2008, further amendments to the Regulations will be introduced. These will include:

    * a new accreditation framework for course providers based on a quality management system;

    * a national database system on card holders;


    Now what remains to be seen is if the govt. follows up on this???


    From what I heard, these further amendments are going to require you to renew your licence like a drivers licence. But the good news is that if you already have one without an exp. date then you will be grandfathered in and won't have to renew. So if you don't already have one I would suggest you go get one before these new rules kick in and if you do already have one you might want to go get another just in case haha. I never thought I was going to be a grandfather before the age of 25, is that even possible???

  8. I would go with Helly Hansen. They acutally specialize in outer wear. I've been using their jackets for 5 years now, winter and rain. Couldnt be happier. I would definitely pick HH over BPS or Cabelas but I am sure they all will keep you dry.

  9. wow, after reading this I checked the site that I got my so called boating "licence" since we all know that reading means you can drive a boat right?? I got it at theboatcard.ca and don't bother going there because the site no longer exists. I guess I will be keeping a close watch on my card but if you ask me this is just another way the government has its hand in our pockets. What's next, they vote themselves raises...wait a minute they already did!

  10. I use Gulp Alive minnow on a dropshot rig for bass. I use about a 16-18" line past my hook with a dropshot sinker, cast it out and be patient. Seems to work pretty good, the alive are a bit better than the regular gulp imo.

  11. It's probable somewhere up in the NWT or nunavut. Looks like an inuit child. I've spend many summers up there, biggest pike i got was 33lbs. Best pike fishing in the world up there as far as im concerned. Spent an afternoon fishing them with big 5" spoons. Caught them every second cast and the smallest all afternoon was 13lbs. And Roy, I wouldnt worry about them starving up there or that being the best meal in months. They go out and shoot 100 caribou in an afternoon like it's nothing. But pretty nice people up there, except the guy who got his arse kicked by his wife haha, shoulda seen that guy...wow

  12. My cottage is up by Pembroke. We get some decent walleye, pike (caught one close to 20 last year) , big cats and sturgeon and lots of nice bass, the odd 5 pounder. There are no musky that I know of in my part of the river but there might be in that part. It's a nice place though and I love every minute I spend there. Good luck fishin'.

  13. Yeah, I think I am going to try Deepwater point on Lake Nipissing. I have a skidoo but it isnt running right now so I am limited to where I can fish. I will definitely be hitting up Lake Nobosing for muskie in the summer though. Now I was asking around and I heard that you aren't allowed to ice fish on Trout Lake. Is there any truth to that? I have searched the 08 fishing guide and it doesn't mention any special regulations about Trout Lake. Does anybody know anything about that?

  14. Hey, I recently found this site and I must say, as an avid outdoors man, it is great. I recently moved to North Bay and was wondering where to go fishing this winter, for any species really. I know the obvious spot out where all the shacks are on Lake Nipissing but if anybody knows anywhere else on Lake Nipissing or within about 45 min drive and would like to share. I'm not asking for your secret holes though, haha, I know I wouldn't give mine away. Thanks

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