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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. Haven't been around much since Spring of last year. Worked for the summer up in the NWT at Ekati diamond mine and didn't get much time off, only fished twice all summer, and I've been super busy at school, graduating from NipU at the end of the semester! But cabin fever set in and I figured I would come check out how things have been around here. I am hoping to get out on Nipissing for at least a couple days during my "reading" break. I should be around for a while now though, well until exams when I become a hermit and only leave the house to write them, :wallbash:. Good to be back though, not enough people my age like fishing as much as they should!

  2. Yeah, you have no idea how much destruction is going on in those mines. I worked at Ekati Diamond Mine in the NWT for the summer, which is why I haven't been on here at all, and I just got back 2 weeks ago. Up there they preach to you about how they are going to "restore the land to it's original beauty" and a buttload of crap like that. Meanwhile they have 4 or 5 massive holes in the ground with mountains of rock surrounding it. These tailings "ponds" are huge reservoirs where they pump the slurry that was mixed with the raw diamonds and it is a combination of water, silt and a glue like substance. I was at Ekati when they had the spill where an estimated 4.7 million liters of tailings poured over the bank of the reservoir and dumped into a lake. Our company helped in the clean up which was done with a large vac truck. It is a shame that they are allowed to do these things but people can be bought and that is what is happening. Will Ekati restore the land, I doubt it, they will probably give the Natives and the Government a bunch of money and walk away. Anyway, it's good to be back.

  3. I was just using Orange Glo to clean some stickers off my golf club shafts and read the directions before just to make sure I didn't screw anything up. It says it does vinyl and did a great job at removing the sticker residue off the shafts of my clubs. You can get it in a spray or a smaller bottle, for chairs I would get the spray.

  4. Don't think we've ever met but I have had my fair share of encounters with poor service in the automotive department. I took my truck to CT to get a plug put in my tire when I ran over a roofing nail. They had their "Trainee" do it. 3 days later I went back because it was leaking worse on the bead. All in all, I took it back 4 times and it is still leaking, I just gave up. And oil changes, when I can change my oil in a Wal-mart parking lot, there is no reason why they can't change oil on a lift or a pull through station. I'm interested to hear what they say. Luckily you noticed and caught it early, hopefully there is no damage done.

  5. Keep your eyes open, sometimes you can find a cheap boat and trailer for next to nothing if the boat is scrap and you could easily sell the boat cheap leaving you with a decent trailer for very little. But a new trailer will likely run you 6-800 bucks or more. There was one for 900 on Trader.ca. I need to find me one for my 14ft too.

  6. You are going to want a rod with a soft tip but lots of back bone. A baitcaster is ideal because of the high speed retrieve but you could use spinning gear. As for line, you can use mono, 14lb-17lb test, or braid. I like mono because then this rod can double for topwater and for topwater you want mono so the line doesn't affect the action of the lure. Get a good quality mono that has low memory if you go with a baitcaster, well regardless of which reel you have you want a high quality line but especially for a baitcaster because if not it will backlash like crazy.

  7. My mom works for Natural Resources Canada. She is a biologist that plays with the genes of trees to try and make them drought resistant or resistant to a certain type of insect. I don't think anybody at her level or in her department has a government issued cell phone or blackberry, I know she doesn't. It is probably the higher ups taking advantage of their "perks". $500 grand is a hell of a lot of money to be over spending but I own a cell phone and I know how easy it is to get a 200-300 dollar bill without even realizing it. That being said, the people aren't to blame, they were given phones to use and never given any limits or restrictions. I know if a company had given me a phone and said I could use it for personal use I would. NRCan are the only ones to blame. Their stupidity cost tax payers an extra 500k. Way to go boys!

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