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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. GAMMA Technologies is the only company producing a "processed line" using Nano-Technology that provides up to double the break strength for the stated size and traditional pound test diameters. Whether you fish tournaments or for relaxation, your time on the water is too valuable to be compromised by your line's performance. Choose GAMMA's high performance line and start catching more fish.




    IT's a stronger lighter line ....more for fishing tribs and lakes with lots of rocks and stuff.....The ling is finer ( preferred by most) and is easier to manage !




    Brought to you by Billy Mays!


    Sounds like an infomercial... LOL




    I haven't used copolymer lines yet but the name has to do with the chemical structure of the line. A copolymer contains at least 2 monomers whereas a monofilament line is a strand of the same monomer. The structure of copolymers can differ so it all depends on the arrangement of the monomers being used. (Had to pull out the chem book for that stuff, didn't remember everything from that course)


    Now I don't know that having different arrangements of monomers is any better then a single strand of monomers in regards to a fishing line but the main use of copolymerization is to modify man made plastics. I would imagine that the scientists have found some benefits to doing this, whether or not these benefits translate directly to better fishing is something you will have to test and see for yourself. I might give it a shot too so long as it's not ridiculously expensive.

  2. Now first off, I'm a Sens fan and I know, they aren't going to make the playoffs but in some respect I would rather have my team play well and compete towards the end of the season even if they aren't going to make it. It builds for next season and things are going in the right track which is nice to see for once. The habs on the other hand look like a mirror image of the sens last season, complete collapse in the second half of the season and complete turmoil. No saying what is going to happen in the playoffs but Montreal will have to do a complete 180 if they want to compete.


    On a side note, it looks like Schnider is going to NY to get a second opinion on his shoulder. You know it's bad when that happens. They are in trouble without him and Makrov though. Looks like Grabovski got the last laugh after all. Call him a cheapshot artist if you want but Koivu is just as bad.

  3. Haven't heard of them but they have been around for 30 years overseas. Apparently they make most of the cvt's out there like the ones on the vespa so I wouldn't think there would be too much problems. They make their own engine so I would imagine parts are readily available. Found a youtube video and if this is the one you are looking at, it looks pretty capable and they seem pretty reliable from what i have read in the last 20 minutes. I guess they must be doing something right though, they have been around since 1978.


  4. I'll second the 5 of Diamonds but make sure you get a Len Thompson, they cost a bit more but they produce way better then the lookalikes. I think it has to do with the fact they have a gold back whereas the others have silver. Both the red and yellow and black and yellow work well but if I had to choose 1 to go with it would be the red and yellow in the 2 3/4 inch size.

  5. I should be able to just take the old plug into the shop and they can get a replacement from that right ? I'm not sure what type of plug I need for sure.


    The plug number is right on the side of the plug. Canadian Tire should have them, if not any place that does outboard repairs of any sorts will.

  6. Yeah, If you don't have an air hose, a vacuum might do the trick too. Prop looks fine, no worries there.


    Once you clean it up, take a look at the wires and if they aren't bare some electrical tape might do the trick.


    The plugs look dirty on the outside so after all the crap is clean up around them you might want to pull them out and take a look at them.


    You'll find out more once you try to start it.

  7. Hey, at least its not crack!!


    LOL That's what I tell my gf or parents whenever I spend 500 bucks on fishing gear.


    "I could be doing drugs dad, instead I decided to get a new baitcaster, I could take it back and buy a crack pipe if you would prefer though."


    I'm on here constantly though except the summer months when I don't have internet.

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