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About purekgw

  • Birthday 01/19/1991

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  1. may be interested, you figure out a price? Shoot me a pm if so
  2. thank you for all the replies. I was thinking it would cost more then the boat would end up being worth to me , im just trying to make this as legal as possible to avoid any problems with the OPP..... the boat is rated for a 30hp motor so i would like to put a 25hp on it so i dont think a sticker swap would work haha even though i do have a 15hp. It has a hull number and everything just no bill of sale to license it.
  3. So i have had the 14ft aluminum boat for a little bit now but has no license numbers on it. I want to put a bigger motor on it but i have no bill of sale for the boat, has any one ever run into this.
  4. The seat took alot of bracing off the bench seating in the boat and the storage floor its pretty sturdy. took some work but turned out nice i even put wood and storage area in the rear split bench. like i said tho the plywood does add a fair bit of weight on the front so to even it out i moved both my batteries to the rear and also the gas tank
  5. Here are a few pics of the deck i put in this spring, boat is a 14' princecraft so it is a wider boat boat is still stable in the water but it does add some weight to the front so i shifted both my batteries to the rear of the boat with my gas tank, still does 19mph with a 15hp merc
  6. sent pm
  7. they are not selling the Salus ones any more thats why they on clearance, i lucked out and got one out of ancaster and couldnt find another in hamilton all the way to burlinton was good deal
  8. i got the motor finaly running nice (learning experience). Now i just have to do slight adjustments to slow speed needle but i am missing the contols that lead to it, does any one have a motor that they can take pics of so i can try and make something up?
  9. yes i picked it up a couple weeks ago
  10. sorry for the very late responce just got back from out east. So after doing the thermostat and impeller took it out today wa running nice and cool but now i wonna say its not getting enough gas through it, started running really rough and wanting to die at idle to 1/4 throttle.
  11. I know a couple guys on here must know somthing about these older motors, i just picked up a 73 25hp and after the first run the motor would cut out and often die after running wide open for 3-5 min. After taking off the cover i noticed coil packs had cracks so i replaced both, i also just replaced thermostat and impeller but it doesnt seem to have any water coming out the exhaust outlet/ water outlet? any ideas?
  12. I had reported a group of individuals at lung heaven cottages on sturgeon lake that had been keeping walleye on the Friday before opener and countless crappy in buckets everyday, i dont want to be rude but the new owners are no help.
  13. i my self just picked up a brand new yamaha 700 after weeks of looking, was only really two choices yamaha or honda. and i am more then happy with the choice.
  14. i my self have the tarpon 12, only thing that takes getting use to is getting blown around in the wind they can be a hand full. other then that you can rig them up with everything you need and nothing better then getting dragged around by a big fish. The tarpon is a nice kayak very stable and comfortable, best thing to do is test some out in the spring if you can.
  15. Do you still have your kayak for sale. I live in Caledonia and am very interested in it.



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