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About liquidsniper

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  1. The part Doug is talking about isn't a termocoupler, it's a flame sensor. If it detects flame it'll let the gas valve remain open so that full combustion can begin. He's right, you can clean it a few times, but after awhile it wears out and you'll have to replace it. It's a pretty generic part but you won't find it at HD or RONA, check Wolsely or Bardon supplies. I know that's how it works in a furnace, but I've never serviced a gas dryer so it might be something else. Worth trying the cheapest fix first though.
  2. All I have to say is wow. I don't go to church and I swear as much as the next guy, but still I'm not an idiot. I think I've said enough.
  3. I believe she's got two holes in the bottom!! LOL
  4. Legal or not, lets say a large fish takes the lure, over powers the little motor that boat has on it, and drags it down. The boat stops working, can't retireve it. Is that fish supposed to swim around with it??? More than likely the fish will die because of it, no???? I'm all for fishing and taking the limit and all that sebazz, I love to fish and take home my catch to eat. But in this case I think it's unfair at what could happen, I know fish die all the time yada yada yada, but why add another one??? We're supposed to conserve right??? Alright I'm ready for rebuttles.
  5. I think I saw the same guy misfish. I went to have a look at the lake around 11:30 to 12:30 he was wearing a camo jacket and pants. I'm gonna go check tomorrow if there's enough ice for me to fish.
  6. MNR Clear?!?!?!?!?! Come on now. One reply saying it's alright doesn't make it right. I've seen alot of replies from The Great MNR regarding the licencing of portable ice huts, alot of which say you have to, some which say you don;t, and even some tht say they'll get back to you when they find out. So as for the MNR response being clear, clear as mud.
  7. I was there that day too, it's funny how a few of us saw the same event. I thought the same thing though, they were breaking up the good 1" for ice we had, some people who didn't see it happen will end up crossing this lake and crossing over those spots that were broken up causing the ise to be weaker. I understand the need for training, but it's frustrating when you're going crazy to get on the lake.
  8. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!! I know that's not it, but I couldn't resist.
  9. SO you're saying if I take my fish home to clean, I must return to the lake where they were caught with the innards ground up no larger than 1/4" and dump them in the lake???? For some reason that doesn't seem right either.
  10. Hey HearingFish, I told you I thought I had read somewhere that you couldn't do that!!! All it took was two forums, and an email to the MNR, and still we're not really clear on what the rule is?!?!?!?!LOLOLOLOL Me thinks the regs are kind of a joke, they have to be written in plain english and revised to eliminate the few stupid regs that exist. I'd be willing to pay double for my licence to see things whipped into shape and making more sense.
  11. I have a media reader. $20 at wherever. Take your mirco card and put it into your media reader. transfer pic onto pc. upload pics, send pics. Easy for me, not others, I had a huge prob with my camera cable that's why I did it this way. Camera's are a pain sometimes.
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