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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. Passing by it several times a day along the 401 you can really see the ups and downs of the water levels.

    The Nith is such a shallow thin river it doesn't take much to burst her banks....

    That also means the high waters can receed just as fast



  2. I post specific spots and even GPS Lat/long lots of times. I even posted the coordinates for spot right out in front of my house once and watched for a couple of weeks to see how mant people fished there, None!



    That's because we all came at night after your lights went out! :lol:



  3. Wouldn't watch Crustys oops Cronzys show ever again nor would I ever set foot in one of his "INFOMERCIALS" sponsors restaurants. He's got some pretty senile veiws (IMHO) on what the MNR should be doing with the lack of $$$ they have, and is dead set against the Atlantic salmon program


    Always liked Fish TV and Urban outdoor adventures



  4. I'd love to but I've been working nothing but 60+ hr weeks lately and I'm not sure if I could manage another day away before I go on holidays. I went to the sportsmans show on Saturday in Toronto. I've got to recuperate before then. Slowpoke is itching to get out. Mid-late May and I'll be in action again.



  5. I've been going since I was 10 and have missed maybe 2 or 3 years although some years I went twice. My son is 6 and he has 5 shows under his belt and was on TV there once as well. Great march break tradition, so I guess I'm saying we'll be there Saturday.



  6. how about looking atit this way:

    If you were to steal a card with no signature on the back, wouldn't it be real easy to plop some sort of chicken scratch on it that you could easily reproduce each time when you signed the receipt and not be questioned about it? If someone does say something about it not matching all that great you joke that 'all doctors have handwriting like that' or 'you should see the prescriptions I write' you laugh the cashier laughs you walk out the door.

    I sign all my cards.



  7. I stopped Curling at the end of the 2000 season when I started driving a truck. That year @ the London curling club my mens team won our Monday and Wednesday night competitive leagues and my mixed team won our league on Friday nights. What a way to retire... on top. Haven't so much as thrown a rock since, but have been thinking of signing up my 6 yr old son for a junior program.


    Bernie, I know the feeling and sense of accomplishment you get from winning a spiel. It's something that you always remember.



  8. my sentiments exactly. Freshwater fish taste pretty much like dirt to me. Even walleyes get a "get out of jail free" card in my boat! Nice walleye's by the way out of St. John. I was also unaware there was a slot there...but when you don't keep any fish its not really on your mind!


    Give Ling a try. They are the best tasteing freshwater fish around since they are basically a landlocked cod. MMMMM!



  9. WTG! you guys must of had the hot spot. I got 2 for my efforts and my neighbour got about a dozen. At least you guys did London proud!

    I did get to try out my FISHTV underwater camera. It more than made up for my poor showing. It's amazing how many pickups you miss without it. Fish would suck it in and spit it out before you know it, grab the minnow by the tail when you hook it by the head or back. Most times you don't even see the rod tip move.



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