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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. Was up there in early July 4 years ago and did great with lakers. Lots with a dead bait on the bottom, a few close to 10lbs Could not seem to boat a keeper walleye for the life of me although I know they are in there. One group at our camp brought back a 44" pike The 3rd biggest I've ever seen in my life.



  2. A heater will burn its self out pretty quick outside in the winter. A better bet would be to get a powerhead with a quickfilter on it. Check out Aquarium Services or Super Pet.

    Just have to keep the water moving around the tank at a good clip and you should have no problems. An air pump would work when it's not so cold out but when those bubbles break the surface in cold weather like this they tend to freeze and ice things up. Ditch the exernal filter and get one that sits in the tank and moves water.




  3. and I triple dog dare any Canadians to come down during the month of August and just follow me around at work and on the lake, you would die! Just like I would if outside up there like I do down here.


    Been there done that. Eufaula AL, August Don't know what the temp was, AC in the truck was not working couldn't sleep more than about 15 mins straight that night, the next day at my pick-up they had a power outage over the weekend and the electric forklift didn't charge fully and died with a a half loaded semi- trailer. The solution, was to hand bomb about 22,000lbs of veneer onto my trailer. At least we were out of the sun. :devil: Hotter than hell!



  4. Thanks for all the info guys,


    Next questions: Is the antenna permenantly mounted (for base units) or can it be easily removed? I have a 14.5ft boat and use it a lot on smaller inland lakes and don't need an 8ft hook grabber on board when casting. I know they can fold down but can they be left at home without major work?


    What is Digital selective calling (DSC) and how important is it to have?





  5. I plan on taking my license test sometime in the spring before I get out on the water but I want to pick up a radio and become familiar with its functions and capabilities beforehand. Thanks for the vote of confidence for the hummingbird




  6. Looking to get a VHF radio this year not in a great hurry to buy one but just wondering if a base or hand held would be best. I don't venture too far from shore a few miles at most so I don't think I need a base that's why I'm asking I don't know

    I'm looking at 3 models of hand held and 1 base all in my budget

    1: Cobra MRHH325

    2: Hummingbird VHF55SC

    3: Uniden Atlantis 250

    4: Cobra MFR45 (base)


    Anyone used any of these and if so what do you think?





  7. Was out off of Gilford today and it the day went great but when the wind finally kicked in many things were seen flying across the ice that shouldn't have been! No hut, and kicked butt in 25fow. 30fow nothing and 20fow also nothing, we had the magic number today a pleasant change from how things usually work!



  8. Just bought an ultra light rod and reel for a buddy of mine at Lebarons yesterday. He's going on a trip with me on the trout opener and he also fishes a few times a year for perch. $16.00 for the rod (shimano fx 5') and $18.45 for a Shakespere UL reel total cost $34.45 plus tax



  9. Find an inexpensive plastic kids tobboggan $10-15 at Can. Tire get a rubbermaid container that will hold all your stuff $5-7 a few bungee straps to hold things down, a tarp and 2 2x4's bolted together at one end (both slightly shorter than the tobboggan) and a piece of rope When you get to your spot, tilt the 2x4's and the tobboggan to form a tripod and wrap the tarp around it, bungee and ropes in stratigic places and you've got a cost effective ice hut that will hold up in light winds.



  10. Hey all just be glad that you're not me. I do 2 round trips from London to Vaughan Monday to Friday. Just cause I have 18 wheels doesn't mean I have 18 brakes! Here's my theory... The more bad winter driving days we get, the fewer bad winter drivers we'll have next time around. (thin their numbers!) Please don't cut in front of Big trucks and slam on the brakes.

    I think it was the CAA that did a poll last year about car drivers driving around trucks and the results stated that car drivers #1 concern was being rear ended by a truck on the highway. Well duh, don't cut in front of us. The safest place is behind us because it takes us a lot longer to stop than cars and if you were back there you'd be stopped long before us. Yes there are some bad truck drivers out there but they are the minority. No we're not all on speed etc. we're one of the few professions in Canada that is subject to drug testing, and we are the most regulated industry on the continent.


    My rant for the week



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