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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. get the Gold Chip as mentioned... yes it has St Clair


    please post a review of that GPS after you put some hrs on it... im interested as to how well they will perform



    So far the XOG does super work in the big truck very user friendlyand bang on with distances and directions. Looking forward to my birthday in April so I can pick up a lake card for mine as well.






    BeLEAF! Now tell that cute little granddaughter to get John Tavares in Blue & white (And not 10 yrs past his prime like so many other leaf pickups Lindros, Roberts, Mogilny, Joseph (again) etc.. Ok Mogilny was only 3 yrs too late)



  3. Don't look yourself unless you know what you are looking at, get a professional appraisal if you find a deal. Don't count on the factory warranty to be honored here and be very cautious about a dealer warranty too because we are beginning to see bankruptcies happen already.


    Wouldn't buy an aftermarket warranty since they always seem to find a way to weasel out of paying for anything.



  4. I'm seeing a lot of US vehicles for sale in car lots around the area, some in dealer lots (Toyota, Dodge, ETC) and some on private lots(independant). Anyone have any opinions about what I should look out for when looking at these vehicles. Obviously the speedo and odometer are in miles, but are things like the factory warranty still valid in Canada, will I get recall notices, how to get background info on them etc.... most of the ones I'm looking at are newer so they won't be hurricane vehicles

    Can't always trust the salesmans word so just wondering if anyone has experience in this type of deal.




  5. I have Sirius....


    Sirius' only down sides..... IMO...... No NHL games.




    If in the Toronto area, you may want to consider an alternate to the FM transmitter for playing through audio system. It can be hard at times to find a empty radio channel without interference.


    The whole merger thing should be interesting to see what comes of it, I have not even looked into it yet...sorry ;)


    88.7 seems to work in most areas west of Toronto unless you get down towards Windsor. Line in cable eliminates channel searching



  6. Just generalizing about access points. We are losing more and more public places to fish as urban sprawl occurs in Ontario. In new developments near water, angler access is not exactly on the list of important requirements.


    Another access point example...Queenston, ON VS. Lewiston NY (Directly across the river on U.S. soil).


    One has a beautiful double concrete launch ramp, washroom facilities, restaurant, ample parking, etc, etc. The other one has a dirt road leading to the launch, limited parking, and if you have to go #2...it's in the bush!


    The Ministry of Natural resources could learn a lot from the US departments of fish & game...


    Where exactly does the revenue generated from fishing and our ON license dollars go anyway? Last time I checked, the ones actually making a difference in Ontario are the NGO's...not the ministry.

    Are we waiting for an escalator on the Canadian side?


    10x's the population = 10x's the tax $$$ for public projects.



  7. all depends on where the signs are posted. I have seen similar signs (the Ontario one) near private "members only" fishing clubs, hatcheries, aquaculture cage sites, fish ladders, dams and sancturaries. I have seen that same US sign near a fly fishing only stream near Scottsville south of Rochester at a public fishing area just outside of a state park. If you read the sign it basically says to not go beyond the stream banks or you are trespassing.

    Don't get me wrong I'm all for public access and the more the better but get the full story before you jump to any conclusions.


    just my $.02



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