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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. Come celebrate the 30th (yes thats right 30th) anniversary of the Empire Strikes Back (wow really the 30th! doesn't that make you feel old!)

    See our 12' tall AT-ST on display, Have you picture taken frozen in carbonite, with a stormtrooper, clone, Vader, x-wing and Tie fighter pilots, or with our tribe of Ewoks,

    Best of all you'll get to see me dressed up in a geeky Rebel trooper costume (you know, the guys who got blasted by the storm troopers in the opening scene of A New Hope)

    come dressed as your own favorite Star Wars Character (or not lol) Lets get all you closet Star Wars fans out (and your kids too, you know they love it!)

    Saturday, May 8, 2010

    Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

    Location: Springbank Park London Ontario


    This is the 4th year of this event and it getting very popular.


    Come out to Springbank Park Saturday May 08 2010 and have a picnic in the park with characters from Star Wars, Star Trek, Anime London and many more.

    That's right this year we have invited many other groups to joins us. You don't have to be a fan of just star wars, this year all fandom id welcome.


    London Rogues


    London Rogues

    Anime London

    Starfleet London Division

    Rebel Legion


    this event is in NO way associated or sponsored or endorsed by Lucasfilm LTD. or George Lucas....all Star Wars related entities are the sole property of Lucasfilm LTD and related companies. NO infringment intended.



    Hope to see you all there





    BTW I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting this...

    London Rogues is a Non profit group, This event helps us make appearances at events such as "We're All-Stars" event for disabled kids and visits to local community centers, Public School fundraisers, and the London Womens shelter, where we bring kids toys for christmas, as well as the London Santa Claus Parade.



  2. I'll second the Strike King Rage Toads, and the Yum Frogs in fact I like the yum ones so much I bought 18 packs @ $2 each when they were on clearance at Canadian tire last year. Hook up rates are great with either using a 3/0 or 4/0 widegap hook and have never lost one on a snag when rigged properly

    just watch out for pike chewing off the feet!


    Here's a few warriors from last summer




  3. Well after a decent steelhead opener last week, Dutchy came along with me on our annual Southern Ontario Brook Trout opener. All fish were released except for 3 which took the hook a bit too deep! (how long before I get asked or PM'ed where we were fishing? :) ) Dutchy has some more pics which he'll add on to the post but here's the ones from my camera....


    Dutchy's 1st Brookie



    He got 6 on Friday which is pretty respectable for a first timer :good:


    Here's a few of the 10 I got on Friday (BTW That's a 1000 sized reel for scale and a #4 Panther Martin)







    Dutchy's 1st drift on Saturday in the rain produced this beast...



    I ended up with around 25 on a rainy, windy Saturday with a few 4"ers and some around the average 8-10" only a few were big enough for a pics..

    Insert Dutchy's camera pics here!


    After a slow and rainy start to Sunday with a few small guys each, Dutchy headed out around 3pm and I checked out a little creek with the flyrod...


    Ended up with 4 little guys on the fly rod on a stretch of creek I've never fished before (I'll be back!!)

    Here's a nice little waterfall I happened across while being lazy and driving around some backroads( and not fishing :) )



    All in all a great weekend! can't wait til next year



  4. :dunno: I give up :dunno: The officer should have waited to see if it was a charge or a bluff? GET REAL By the time they have it figured our they are being mauled by a bear... This is the first bear sighting in more than 40 years in London, I guess tomorrow there will be 40 bears coming in from the north to invade our town, Once it's a daily occurence here (next week by some of your predictions) we'll be ready for them.


    I'm guessing Bowslayer has had a few "problems" with the London Police by the sounds of it.


    The point here is, there are VERY FEW bear problems in the south. When they start to be more frequent there will be gear and people properly in place to deal with things in a more orderly fashion. Until then there won't be, so deal with it.


    Is this what we need?



  5. Why can't they just keep the kids in school till the bear leaves the area.


    PS Have your local MNR and police get some bear traps. Sounds like you are gonna need em


    Why does no one understand that this is NOT a daily occurence here in the south? Should we get hire a lion tamer just in case one shows up? How about some depth charges just in case there is a rogue Nuclear sub in the river?

    Are you going to pay for the traps. How about all the people walking around in Springbank Park should we have locked them up so the bear could just wander away? I guess you haven't heard yet about the MNR funding cut that have been happening for the past 10 years or so



    The bear was near 3 schools. Possibly they should educate them about bears in the school while they wait for the animal control officer to show up.

    Or would the kids rather watch the cop shoot it?


    Again, the animal control around here doesn't have equipment to deal with anything larger than a pitbull around here, that would be many hours spent waiting for a control officer from the appearently "bear infested" north to arrive



    classic one of the pics shows the cops on a bridge with a sniper and a spotter .. Im sure the bear was ATTACKING them from 500 yards... :sarcasm:


    The officer who was charged was about 40 ft away from the bear.

    I guess you've never played any computer war games where a sniper covers the troops on the ground! :sarcasm:




    Where was the MNR on this one? Couldnt tranquilize/trap the bear and replace it somewhere? JOKE.



    Nearest MNR office is in Aylmer 45 km SW of London, Nearest MNR CO with a tranquilizer gun and the papers to use it was probably somewhere north of Barrie. A good 3 hr dive away minimum.



    As far as the London bear goes, I see no need to have shot it. They could have just watched it and it would have wandered away sooner or later. just don't feed it. Thats how they tell us to do it here.


    The bear was shot and killed in the field next to Mathews Hall an elementary kids private school, which is next door to St. Thomas Aquinas High school. I really hope you're not suggesting that they wait and see what the bear would do with all the kids around. There was need to deal with the issue as quickly as possible.



  7. I'm not quite sure if this is the evolution of the old Zoo board but that was the first fishing board I was a memeber of. Lost touch a bit for half a year or so around mid 2000 when I started trucking, when I returned to regular net use I was here, and have managed to hang around ever since.


    Nov 16, 2006 was the day they made everyone rejoin again. I do remember that!



  8. the prob is not the vehicle it is in the wire harness to the right tail light. There should be 3 wires to the harness. Black should be the ground. Leave the Black alone and switch the other 2 around and that should solve your problem.





    Scratch all that! I re-read the post and now I'm confused as well.


    Your best bet would be to get a trailer wiring kit from P. Auto and start from square 1. That's the first thing I did when I bought my boat. Never had a problem since and even found some corroded and bare wires on the old set which may have caused problems down the road.



  9. I just spent about a week researching price and features. Best to buy a custom cover through the US. Dollar exchange can't be beat and loads of on line site to compare $


    I finally decided on a mooring/travel custom fit for my crestliner 1750 $258.67 USD. Cost me $80 for shipping. Should get it next week so not sure if I will get hit with duty but who cares. I got the bow mount electric motor and engine hood. Color matches my boat too. These guys were best $




    I checked some of the other sites and you can get a semi custom fit for a bit less but I'd prefer the exact fit


    here's the link right to your boat





    Cost me an ADDITIONAL $94 for duty/brokerage fees when I ordered my cover from this place 3 years ago! You need to pay this at the door when the UPS guy shows up, or you don't get your cover, (checks are accepted)


    just letting you know!


    Nice high quality cover though! mines faded a bit but its also dark blue so thats expected.





  10. Thanks for all the help everyone! I've come to the conclusion that the gunk @ the exhaust is just a combo of fogging oil and me being overly paranoid! After sinking the motor in a garbage can full of water Saturday morning, my guess (along with all the way more knowledgeable guys around here)would be the impeller, so it's been dropped off at the boat doctor and I'm awaitng their call Monday morning while I'm on my way to Quebec!





  11. I probably had her going close to 10 mins with the muffs, I think that I'll wake up the neighbours in the morning with the garbage pail trick. Hope that it's just fogging oil, makes a lot of sense since this is the 1st startup this year and it's only around the prop, haven't noticed it in past years though.



  12. Well it sounds like I'm needing an Impeller (and hopefully not a pump as well) Watched some instructional videos on you tube already LOL


    Boat was winterized properly by a marine mechanic.


    no blockage in the tube, that was the first thing I checked out


    so, water in the lower unit.... does this mean I need a gasket of some sort or could it be something worse since it hasn't been in the water since it was winterized?




  13. I'm not very mechanically inclined but can do a bit of stuff on my own.

    I have a 1997 Mercury 40hp, 2 stroke oil injected engine....

    Ok here's whats happening.

    Unwinterized my boat today, fired it up with the earmuffs on and I'm getting no water coming out of the little hole in the back (sorry I don't know the technical term LOL)where the water SHOULD be coming out thus cooling the engine....

    any ideas as to what it could be?


    Also, in the lower unit, there appears to be a milky off white stuff dripping out, it is also coming out of the center of the prop where the exhaust is......

    any ideas???




  14. Here's where I've been going since I was a kid



    I learned how to fish there and so did my son, he's 8 and out does me from time to time.

    My biggest Largemouth is just over 6lbs and my biggest smallie is just over 3lbs there are average sized pike and my biggest is ~ 30" There are walleye in the lake but few and far between in the late summer when I go, Ice guys seem to do ok from the pics I see in the lodge.

    Here's a few of my pics....












  15. Just in Case You Get a Cheque.....

    Sometime this year, we taxpayers will again receive an Economic Stimulus payment i.e HST rebate. This is a very exciting program from the Ontario government..

    I'll explain it using the Q and A format:


    Q. What is Ontario 's Economic Stimulus payment?

    A. It is money that the provincial government will send to taxpayers.

    Q.. Where will the government get this money?

    A. From taxpayers..

    Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

    A. Only a smidgen.

    Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

    A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

    Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of Asia ?

    A.. Shut up or you don't get your check.



    Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the Canadian economy by spending your stimulus check wisely:



    1.. If you spend the stimulus money at Wal-Mart, your money will go to China ..

    2. If you spend it on gasoline, your money will go to Saudi Arabia .

    3. If you purchase a computer, it will go to India .

    4. If you purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala ..

    5. If you buy a car, it will go to Japan or Korea .

    6. If you purchase useless plastic stuff, it will go to Taiwan .

    7. If you pay off your credit cards, or buy stock, it will go to pay management bonuses and be hidden in offshore accounts.



    Or, you can keep the money in Canada by:


    1. spending it at yard sales or flea markets, or

    2. going to hockey games, or

    3. hiring prostitutes, or

    4. buying cheap beer or

    5. getting tattoos.

    These are the only wholly-owned businesses still operating in Canada .



    The best way to stimulate the economy is to go to a hockey game with a prostitute that you met at a yard sale and drink beer all day until you're drunk enough to go get tattooed.

  16. Wow, London has the most expensive gas in SW Ont. but the best fishing stuff on sale (according to all these posts) At the London East store I bought them out of Buzz frogs @ $2 a pack

    $5.99 or more reg. price, also picked up a soft sided 4 tray plano tackle bag @ $9.99, Berkley Glup Alive tubs (selected colours) $11.49!!!!!! reg$19.99

    London East is cleaned out (thank you CTC card!) but they still had stuff @ Wonderland and White Oaks stores!



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