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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. Asian Carp taste like chicken and there's no limit on them!!! :P


    Problem is that they are plankton feeders and can't be caught with traditional angling methods, (wheres the youtube vid of the guys in the boat with the net)

    So all you downrigger guys get practicing tying up #30 plankton flies, Fly fishers the same! We'll see the end of the charter industry on the lakes, and basically all Great lakes fishing will be done, costing the Gov'ts of Ontario and All the Great lakes States (including Illinois) BILLIONS of dollars in tax revenue. The comercial guys will be the only ones able to catch these things.


    Very short sighted of these idiots who are pushing papers around..



  2. Had a paper route (shopping news) at 9yrs old, until I was 16 then pased it off to a younger brother, delivering on Friday or Saturday, Doubled my income when they went to a Wednesday and weekend edition. Also took on sears flyers and cataloges (hated the X-mas wishbook) Was on every doorstep in Chippawa (part of Niagara Falls) at one point or another delivering the blasted things, but they paid for my new BMX bike every spring. worked at the Skylon tower in Niagara for a few years after that, making $3.90\hr to start. Paid for college and my first car with that $$$ (1990 Chey Corsica hatchback)



  3. Why do leaf fans want to trade Kaberle so bad, he's by far the best defence men that team has seen in years, check out his numbers he's consistantly in the top 5 defencemen in the league, while playing on a dismal leaf team He stays out of the penalty box aswell, theres 25 other leafs I dump before Kaberle infact I'd be keeping that boy around for awhile.


    I think Steve Simmons (Sun Media sports troublemaker Uh I mean writer) is trying to run him out of town the same way he did to Mogilny, Sundin, McCabe, and others. If you read his chicken scratchings, anytime a player is slumping they're overpaid, and if they're doing well it's time to get rid of them and get what little value we can before the player is worthless again. (nice recurring theme in his columns)



  4. White, Hagman, Kaberle were my 3 picks for team MVP this year(I guess Kaberle wins by default now) I hope they can get either White or Hagman back this off season They were seemingly the only producers on the team this year. The Jiggy deal, is another example of picking up a star well past their prime (Lindros, Leetch, Francis to name a few)



  5. Well, back to the question.......The only problem with Flouro on a small ultra light reel ( I use a Spirex 500) is actually keeping it on the reel with the bail open.(no it's not overspooled!) It retains low or no memory which is great for casting but not for the short flips involved in small stream fishing. I tried Suffix mono this past spring with pretty good results so far. 4lb allows you to break off a snag without disturbing the pool by hauling a half a tree out to save a 5 cent hook. (although I might be careful with spinners!)



  6. sounds like my day yesterday, 6 skids to Campbellford, 3 to Kanata, 3 to Ottawa, 3 to Rockland, 3 to Hawkesbury, 6 to Drummondville, then back to Hawkesbury to pickup 16 skids (70000lbs of shingles) back to London. The evening rush was very smooth through the swamp and made it back to Hawkesbury in 2.5 hrs! Go back to Montreal in the summertime and then check out the scenery (in the cars) Some of those poor Montreal girls can barely afford a full set of clothing :thumbsup_anim:


    I do disagree with you on the snow removal (although 20 gets better treatment than 40 does) Usually just past the border going into Quebec the left lane has a "token" sprinkling of sand on it while both laes on the 401 (or 417 )are nice and clear.


    The drivers are very respectfull of trucks once you get off the island for sure!



  7. got stuck behind the torch convoy and all the vehicles on the 401 as they DROVE it from Prescott to Brockville Monday. Almost caused several accidents since they Expected that all the vehicles would move over tho the left lane (doesn't matter I'm in a speed limited Truck with 70,000lbs of cargo and have 2 or 3 vehicles already passing me in the left lane) when the dozen or so RCMP OPP and Local police pulled onto the hwy with absolutely no regard to the vehicles around them! You would have thought the Pope was going down the hwy since they needed 12 police cars to escort 1 van with a trailer to the next town!


    Don't you remember the good old days back in 1987-88 when they actually ran the torch across Canada instead of driving it?


    Go Canada!



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