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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. I fill my pickup every 2-2.5 weeks, 90ish liters or so, $1.35 here in London and $1.24 14 kms away in St.Thomas needless to say, I honestly can't remember the last time I filled my pick-up in London, I'm sure it's been more than 2 years probably closer to 3....



  2. JJ, whats the point of the code reader? I mean what benefit does it have? I have never used, nor thought I needed it, but now after going onto App World, I could see this being useful if its what I think it is for.


    The biggest benefit I find with it is you don't have to re-log in each time (or at all) when you download an app from bb appworld, just pull out your phone and scan the QR code at the bottom of the app, it loads it on your phone and sets it up automatically for you. big time saver if you're planning on downloading a bunch of apps. 2 touches on your phone and your done (1. open code reader, it then scans the code automatically using you camera 2. set trusted app status, & you're done!)

  3. Anyone have any favorite FREE apps for their smartphones?

    Here's mine for my new BlackBerry,


    QR Code reader

    It's worked great everytime for me (so far) and saves you time when you download new apps. You don't even need to log in to BB appworld to use it!


    Make sure you post what system they are on and make sure they are FREE ones!



  4. heard from a few people now that the 10-4 system will be phased out soon, can't see myself getting a new 10-4 phone for the same price as a smartphone and then being stuck with a regular old flip phone for the remainder of my contract when they discontinue the service :wallbash:



    Thanks all! I ended up with a Blackberry Torch, the data compresion feature sealed the deal. now I just have to learn how to use it properly!(thanks in advance Slowpoke!)



  5. If you split the signal AFTER the receiver it will work BUT both TV's will receive the same channel....if you want to watch independent channels you need a duel LNB at the dish and TWO receivers which will cost you a extra monthly fee.


    Bell doesn't charge for extra receivers except for rental ones, if you buy it you can have as many as your LNB's can handle..... I have 4 (owned)and pay the same rate as if I had one.



  6. JJ, I assume you are dropping the 10-4 feature?

    I have BB Bold 9700 on Rogers and love it. BBM is a great feature. I don't get into the app's and use it more as business phone so it's the obvious choice for me. It handles documents and email very well. It's not the best multi media option out there (camera/video/browsing/streaming/mp3) but it does all that adequetly. Foremost, I like the keyboard and trackpad.


    heard from a few people now that the 10-4 system will be phased out soon, can't see myself getting a new 10-4 phone for the same price as a smartphone and then being stuck with a regular old flip phone for the remainder of my contract when they discontinue the service :wallbash:

  7. No no no, basically when you have a blackberry you are also get a thing called Blackberry Internet Service (BIS). When you browse the web on a blackberry all data goes through the BIS Server then to your phone. THe BIS server compresses the data to 5-6 times smaller than the original content and then the blackberry opens the compressed data on the phone. Think of it like a .zip file, someone might compress 10MB of files to a 3MB zip file to send you an email. After you receive it you open it up and get the full 10MB of data. That's essentially what happens on a blackberry.


    Basically if you have a blackberry you get away with MUCH smaller data plans compared to a smartphone like iphone or android. They don't compress their data at all, it's just as if you're browsing on your PC with the same data going through. So if you go browse the web, use a facebook app, get emails, etc. and download 100MB of data in a day, you would've only downloaded 10-20MB on your blackberry. BIG savings long term.


    That would be handy, is speed an issue?

  8. I will be renewing with Bell, since I've been a satified cell customer of theirs for almost 20 years. Won't ever pay Rogers a penny ever again and Telus doesn't have the coverage I need. As far as renewing and upgrading goes, I can't remember the last time I've been charged a renwal fee, admin fee, upgrade fee, transfer fee, or any type of fee by Bell, not that they haven't tried, one just has to know how to talk to them :whistling:


    I just can't get over the cost for data transfers on smartphones (compared to blackberry) which is why I won't switch.


    by this do you mean the data rates charged (xxxmb for $X per month)? If so, how does Blackberry differ? do they have a flat rate kind of deal?




  9. Virus free is always a good thing, free bbmsg also is an incentive although I'm not a big texter since most of the time I have my phone on is when I'm driving the tractor-trailer.

    The touch screen on my wifes I-pod seems like an ok system to me, any advantage to the fold out keyboards?

    Not a fan of Samsung products in general due to several bad products I've used over the years from them....



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