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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. seems that they are TIED with The Leafs for first in the NE division..... well lets see, what's the first tiebreaker.... Oh it's head to head meetings..... HMMMM have they played each other this year?? I believe they did.... and who won that game??? I've got such a short memory... Oh it was The Leafs.... That means Montreal is SECOND place.....

  2. Again we went to the conference finals and you didn`t!!! :clapping:


    As Habs fans are so fond of saying....... It doesn't matter how you did if you didn't win the cup :blahblah1:


    if they didn't win it last year who cares what round they lost in, the ONLY difference between the Leafs and the habs season last year is a few that the habs got a few extra home games to generate revenue Congrats!!


    Avery is a pest, and I probably hate him as much as you guys, but he doesn't have the size to HURT most guys... He just gets inside their heads.


    he doesn't use his size to hurt people, but he carries a large chunk of lumber around with him all game that he's not afraid to use..... just wait til he realizes that he has knives on his feet.....



  4. Ah yes...the universe thing...point taken :worthy::clapping:


    11 playoff apearances in 12 years

    Stanley cup finals

    numerous presidents trophys

    and more.....need I say more?



    And how many Stanley Cups in that time???? Tied with the Leafs with 0!






    might want to share some of those batteries for the Lynx... oops sorry no longer there, how about the Rough Riders? Uh never mind. I guess the sens can keep 'em

  5. Blah blah bla leafs were ripped off..blah blah blah..gretzky did us wrong...blah blah blah we shoulda won...blah blah blah ....we coulda won....blah blah blah...what a bunch of whiners....blah blah blah


    And what are your excuses for the the other 44 years????????




    So when was the last time Ottawa won a cup? please tell us the year and then subtract that number from 1967. Please let us know the results.....

  6. My favourite part was when Colton Orr got knocked out by a guy I've never heard of :thumbsup_anim: . Got him right on the button :sleeping_02: .


    That was quite the fight by the young padawan (if he was a sith he would be the master now LOL!)

    he was getting dummied by Orr but managed to land a heck of a right hand!


    what a momentum changer :sarcasm: the Leafs scored 2 goals after that!!

  7. As for the habs fans they are what they are...Habs fans. :clapping: All i can say is thank-god for them! Otherwise we wouldnt have anybody to Verbally accost. But seriously, we face the pens tommorow night. This should be interesting to say the least. The pens actually have a skilled team and will be the real deal as far as a test goes...


    If it wasn't for habs and sens fans there wouldn't be nearly as much interest in the Leafs (they must all be closet Leafs fans)


    The boys looked good in Pittsburgh tonight even with they're back up goaile in net, outshot by the pens 26-14 but still won 4-3! I've been working a lot this week, and been out of the loop, but looking at the shots to goals ratio, did the Pens trade for Carey Price??

  8. Yep! Dan is a good guy to deal with, He got me a great deal on my new tires for my pickup, he knows my work situation and does a great job fitting my unpredictable schedule in. He even came in on a Saturday for me. 1st class work and attitude! All London and area ofner's should be taking your vehicles to him!!

    :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim: 4 thumbs up!



  9. The Barrie Tornado is one I'll always remember, but for a different reason......It happened on the first day of my first canoe trip to Algonquin Park. We waited more than half the day for the water taxi to take us across the lake and when they finally took us across, (it would be their first and only run of the day) they decide to suspend the service for the rest of the day after trying us as guinea pigs hopping from leeward shore to islands then downwind to our landing (Proulx Lake portage). the wind actually snapped a pole on one of our tents (a brand new dome tent) and we lost some unsecured gear and wet clothes off the line into the lagoon. The rest of the trip was great (other than some burned spagetti) stopped at Webbers on the way back, someone grabbed a paper which showed some pics of the damage. it wasn't until we hit the racetrack area along the 400 that we truely realized the extent of the damage. WOW! and this was 5 days after it had happened. that's something that I'll always remember



  10. Traded their future?? they are the second youngest team in the league. Kessel will score 40 goals (assuming he stays healthy) He's 22!


    Bozak is a beauty player. They have some good, young prospects!


    Give Burke a chance.

    Dude you gotta read all the posts, The habs fans that was bashing the Leafs refered to the Raycroft/ Raask trade I would make the Kessel deal again also


    I hate Price with a passion since the day we picked him up and I don't think we will make playoffs for next two years because of him. BUT...you can't bash the HABS on one pre season loss just cause of your hatred for them. You are obviously just projecting your frustration at the LEAFS getting destroyed for as long as you've been alive and the HABS making a deep run and making history last year. LEAFS will never have enough heart to come back and slay Ovi and Sid like we did.


    Canucker, The topic of this post is in reply to a habs fan who did exactly what you are saying (bash the Leafs on one pre season loss due to his hatred of them The title of my post is exactly the same other than the word habs is switched for Leafs!

  11. :jerry: 2 habs topics on the forum and no replies?? seems the habs fans are only interested in talking about the Leafs, maybe they should all admit it and just come out of the closet :tease:




    (I figured I would bump these topics to the top for the habs fans to see)

  12. so it seems that "les habs" are no better than the Leafs in their pre-season opener, I had the NHL channel on in the car (xm radio)when I headed to work tonight, so the CJAD am800 (a montreal station) commentators just happened to mention that Pricey (oops Price) gave up 4 goals on his first 9 shots, montreal out shot boston 38-16 so that gives Price a save % of what .750?


    My favorite quote from the montreal broadcasters was "plenty of cheers tonight for Price, cheers dripping with sarcasm"


    all I have to say about that is summed up on one website........


    Habs Talk



  13. Jays are so much more fun to watch, too bad they only get half the attendance of the leafs in a stadium nearly 3x larger.


    unfortunatly the Jays are going to go the way of the Expos (remember them?) decent to excellent teams but no attendance, they'll be gone in 10 or so years



    WOW...I know it's just pre-season but the Leafs were embarising,how a professional hockey team can look so bad.It's just pathetic how these guys played, no spark,no effort,nothing at all. Good thing is it can't get any worse then that so called performance.


    so after a summer off and 4 days of training camp everyone's expecting strangers to have great on-ice chemestry ( is there a "shaking my head" smiley?)


    Whoever thinks that Toronto had most of its regulars not playing is mad..They played almost everyoen outside of Kessel and Komisarek....Whoop-dee-do! That line-up last night was probably 80% of their 'regulars' so they will indeed suck again this year. Ottawa really didn't play too many players last night so what'll happen when the rest come back to play. Maybe if Toronto over-pays for more players they will do better?


    9 players last night that are expected to be on the opening day line-up 45%, excellent math from the ottawa fan (must work for Revenue Canada) LOL


    Ottawa fans should be the last ones to be laughing at the Leafs, no cups in the last 80 years....

    come on someone say it.........

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