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Posts posted by jjcanoe

  1. Make that 3X on the H2O. Too bad that Lowrance discontinued them. I take my Hotmaps from my HDS7 boat unit and use it in my H2O for hard water. Check out Kijiji, thats where I found mine :thumbsup_anim:


    Lowrance seems to discontinue every good product they come out with, I use my XOG (discontinued) on the boat as well as the ice and in the big rig out on the road unfortunatly it's not updateable any more, no Linc, no Trans Canada hwy in New Brunswick etc. since these roads were completed after the last available updates. :-(



  2. what kind of work are you looking at doing to it? looks like it needs a new seat, maybe 2 if the webbing is toast on the other one, (take the old ones off and cut the new ones to size and re-attach them) does it need new gunwales or just a paint job? a bit hard to tell due to the small size of the pictures. If you buddy hasn't wrapped it around a rock before it might be worth picking it up, but you might want to price out the fix-up supplies you'll be needing first.



  3. My Father-in-law has the same problems more often than not when crossing. he sells and services hi-tech computer and and mechanical control systems for the greenhouse industry. He designs and installs them acording to each indivdual site. basically no two systems are the same and he is considered a specialist. Anytime one of his systems malfunctions through wear or incompetance (someone who has not been properly trained to use the equipment decides to operate things) he needs to trouble shoot over the phone (camera phones are great for this) If the problem can't be remedied then it's off to Detroit Airport to hop the next plane to somewhere. He knows all the crossing rules regarding his situation (probably better than many of the border guards he deals with) Before he leaves for the border he has all the proper documentaion for himself, any gear he has to take (diagnostic tools, fault code readers, electircal stuff etc.) plenty of paperwork also. He's been turned back plenty of times for many reasons, all of which are 100% at the discression of the guard in the booth. If he doesn't like the way you hand him your passport he can deny you entry, if he doesn't like your equipment he can deny you entry, if he doesn't like the colour of your shirt, he can deny you entry. You can have everything in 100% perfect order and still be denied entry. It's all based on their interpretation of the rules...


    Just like driving, crossing into another country is a privledge not a right. It must be earned and can be taken away.


    Myself, I've probably crossed thousands of times in the truck (I'm a truck driver) and probably close to 500 times in my personal vehicle (easy to do growing up in a border town and having a US girlfriend for 3 years LOL) I've only ever been searched about 4 or 5 times, all on the Canadian side in my own vehicle and probably a dozen times in the truck (split equally between the Canadian and US sides)

  4. Some great pics there, thanks for sharing those!


    I live here in Barrie -- pretty much in the center of town. In the evenings my kids and I will walk 50 yards into the woods behind our home and catch specs -- biggest is 14 inches so far, but most are 8-10 inches...I say that cause I feel guilty that you're driving 2.5 hours and sleeping (poorly) in your truck to catch similar fish...although I do understand the remoteness and quiet is certainly a benefit.


    Again, great pics of some gorgeous fish.

    LOL!! no need to worry, there's plenty within a 20 min drive of me here in and around London but just not as many or as big.

  5. Well I got away on Saturday to do some brook trout fishing, I had to go solo since my usual partner decided he needed to see Larry the Cable guy at the JLC. :(

    So after working a 16.5hour day on Friday, I quickly drove home showered and tossed my gear in the truck.... a brief 2.5 hour drive got me to the side of the river where I was planning on fishing in the morning, parked the truck around midnight and tried to get some shut-eye, after laying down for 6 hours I might have managed 3hours or so of decent sleep........my alarm woke me up at 6am. After I crawled out of my sleeping bag I popped the cover on the truck bed and put on my boots, (no waders required at this spot) already had my rod set up, reached for my vest, uh it must be under my waders.....ok maybe I tossed it in the back seat..... nope.......D'OH!!!!!!!!!!! still on the hook in the garage :wallbash:

    well I still had one spinner rigged up on my rod, and my fly rod as a backup, a few casts later, and nothing......

    Headed back to the car and fired up the blackberry Canadian tire app..... nearest one was about 34 kms away and didn't open til 8am..

    drove to the lakefront cottage my uncle rents for the weekend and at least had myself a good breakfast


    off to CTC for gas and gear, (on the plus side gas was 131.9.... 2cents cheaper than anywhere else I saw) $30 later I was geared up and ready to roll.


    second cast on the stream and WHAM! a nice 9"er


    not bad for walking about 50 yards from the parking lot!


    working my way upstream to a few spots where I did well on the opener and last year I got the big donut! (where are all the fishies?)


    Got to my "go to" spot and on the first cast I saw a big flash and set the hook! 2 seconds later, snap! :yikes big fish grabbed it and once it realized it was hooked turned and snapped me off with a shake of it's head, 4lb flouro line!

    Quicky re-tied with another spinner and on the second cast I had another nice one follow and watched it bump my spinner twice without taking it. I couldn't feel it hit but really wished I had a bit of worm on the hook, That would have made the difference for sure.

    Worked the pool for another hour and threw everything in my limited arsenal at the water and only saw one other fish (also with lockjaw)


    Packed up and left the hole, for sure I would get them biting on the way back.....

    Next small pool upstream I managed 2 little guys around 7" or so



    headed upstream again and hit a few other pools that produced well for me last year but it was not to be this time.


    Next pool I remembered from last year, I didn't get one last year but I did turn a few, so I figured I'd give it a shot..


    2nd cast in another break off on a fish (maybe time to switch back to Mono for the extra stretch)


    4th cast, Fish On!! and a big one!

    got it in with no probs(PHEW!!!) and wished I had my tape measure with me since It's one of the biggest trout I've ever caught out of this stream






    got to play with my new camera as well but it's kind of tough to hold it with one hand and keep the fish steady and make sure it's in the shot, while trying to revive it at the same time!







    after that I went up one more pool but I really didn't care if I got another, that was the last fish of the day and I felt like the day was a success!



  6. You were misrepresenting a quote. End on story. Every one else sees it.


    all depends on your point of view. I can see how it could be misinterpreted in a pro-habs thread.


    and for the sake of this thread (no need to lock it down),


    *swallows his pride* go habs go


    please don't tell my kids I said that

  7. Dude I don't watch golf, I'd rather watch paint dry. I've watched or listened to at least 90% of the playoff games between this year and last years playoffs and yes many of them were montreal games, let me help you out with your fixation on the Leafs, book a tee time here and mybe you can get an autograph.

    Southern Pines




    JJ go back to cheering your own golf team and save the PK drivel.

  8. JJ I respect your opinion. I just think you look too much into that one comment...but PK is not dirty,rude,disrespectful nor does he intend to injure anyone like Sean Avery and Matt Cooke LOL



    guys I was just passing on a relavent news item, I happen to think that PK is a very talented player and never once said he was a dirty player, it will be his mouth that gets him into trouble not his on ice play, a young guy like that (I was young with attitude once to lol) might not alway realize the best time to bite that tongue before a regretful comment slips out.



  9. this quote... “Asked Subban today if his spin-o-rama could be construed as cockiness. ‘Well, then Bobby Orr was the cockiest player in NHL history.’”

    this was your first line in the post. "Check out this article where Subban directly compares himself to Bobby Orr"

    That first line was a false interpretation of statement and sounded like a news anchor trying to hook an audience to listen to a news story then after hearing it...the audience being like oh...well that's not interesting... How misleading LOL Do you work in media? Run a gossip column? You should...

    In my opinion there is no way it can be understood as PK comparing his talents to being the next Bobby Orr's. He's defending himself from the criticism he's received. I'm tired of all the monotone hockey player interviews and political correctness. I love his sarcasm and flare. It pissed me off when Jacques Martin scolded him at the start of the year for excessive celebrating and flamboyancy. Jacques has always been conservative and old school. Any buzz is good buzz. Lame veterans don't like flamboyant youngsters coming in the league and stepping on toes no doubt. Is PK supposed to get run over by veterans and keep his mouth shut? Is he supposed to change the style of hockey he plays which has made him the player he is so that he can play simple ABC hockey? It's not who he is and probably wouldn't be in the NHL. Was Ovechkin's enthusiasm not a complete turn around in Washington? He was criticized even more than PK obviously. Eyes are on Montreal and a young confident upcoming superstar! He will never have Bobby Orr's numbers. The league and everything about it is different but how many other defense men can skate and shoot the puck like that? The Prongers and Lidstroms have their place. Not many like Subban though so he sticks out...also he's a black Dman in the NHL. Yet another thing that sets him apart to stand out. IT'S HIS ROOKIE SEASON and he is in the upper echelon of NHL defense men already. He has proven he is in no way detrimental to the team or the league.


    Everything I have posted is easily found with a simple google search(except maybe the satellite radio quote)

    Once again I DID NOT WRITE THE BLOG!!! you have your opinion and I have mine, which apparently if it's contrary to yours, is not valid, and no I'm not in media I'm a truck driver, my analysis of the Quote is as follows: The reporter asks PK if he thinks it's cocky to do the spin-o-rama, PK replies, "well then bobby orr was the cockiest player in NHL history." Nowhere in the question did the reporter mention bobby orr, so one can only think that PK is comparing his Spin-o-rama to bobby orrs and thus his game to bobby orrs. IMO!!!!!!!!!!!


    Next point: what type of critisism was he receiving last November when the article was written? I was under the impression that he was the toast of the town back then?


    As far as the attitude he presents, I say bring it on, we need more quality Sean Avery and Matt Cook type mouths in the league, next thing you know they'll be taking down the glass and installing ropes and turnbuckles. This is the NHL home of the classiest athletes on the planet, not the WWE or NFL.... IMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  10. Careful with jjcanoe`s link it had my puter doing some crazy things had to re-boot in safe mode, the mods might want to remove the link!





    Really which one? no probs on my end and I've opened and read them several times before posting them, but I can remove them if anyone else is having a problem......

  11. Check out this article where Subban directly compares himself to Bobby Orr

    My link

    (here's the text from the article if you don't have time to read the whole thing)


    No one will ever confuse Subban for let’s say former Hab Saku Koivu, whose actual leadership skills were equalled only by his sense of modesty. Subban’s got skills, and he isn’t afraid of letting people know it or of people thinking less of him for it, as this tweet today from local reporter Arpon Basu will surely prove:



    “Asked Subban today if his spin-o-rama could be construed as cockiness. ‘Well, then Bobby Orr was the cockiest player in NHL history.’”



    Somehow Subban is able to both make the greatest comeback ever AND seem like a delusional schizo for comparing himself to Orr! How does he do it? Who knows? Just one of his many skills, it looks like. He’s got charisma, and that’s why we love him.



    My linkMy link


    Might need facebook to open these 2 links


    and yes I think he is a much better player than Coulton Orr, it was just a quote I heard on the satellite radio NHL channel last year that stuck with me, but comparing himself to Bobby Orr (that article was written last November) after just a handfull of NHL games? He must need special order hockey pants to fit his nutz in there!



  12. That may go down as oneof the dumbest posts ever. He's no Bobby Orr but he is definitely a talented player.


    really? dumbest ever? because that's who habs fans were comparing him to last year in the playoffs.....after 5 or 6 games...... just saying......

  13. Yeah baby, everytime PK touches the puck and the Bruins fans start booing my smile grows larger. Wearing the 76 jersey every game!!!!



    man all these habs fans think that Subban is the next Bobby Orr..... He's slightly better than Coulton Orr......

  14. if you want to send a message to the gas companies, don't waste your time, they won't listen and don't care.


    the only way a protest will work is in a small one station town, and here's what will happen, get the residents of the town together and organize your picket, stop buying gas from the station, and keep tourists/passerbys from doing the same for a few days or more. If you can manage not getting arrested long enough, the station will close down....YOU WIN!!!!!!!!! now you need to drive out of town for gas :wallbash:



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