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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Awesome. We have maybe a touch more snow than you right now (got close to a foot Saturday and a little more today) but I'm waiting for a ball joint to come in for my safari. Looks like we're gonna lose it all mid-week anyways!

  2. Burbots: like bullheads, or ling? We only get the bullheads in the spring, and this year I missed them. Last year I pressure canned a bunch. In fact if I find my recipes, which I did write down, both types (filleted and bone-in) were tasty, and I could put these recipes up here.



    Ling. Bullheads are barbotte. I would be interested in the pressure canning recipe, would be interested in applying it to herring and suckers. The ling are an absolute delicacy, I have a couple friends that prefer them to walleye and perch.

  3. yeah its too bad saw them in the summer at riot fest hes not looking good held his own more or less but not like it used to be very unique guy one of a kind bass player

    remeber the first time i saw them in toronto in the 80's at the el mocombo with the big bomber rig.


    ive never been the same hahahaha




    Just listening to their 2013 album Aftershock for the first time, friggin awesome! Probably their best since Inferno or at least Kiss of Death.

  4. Funny how most people of the 'let nature sort itself out' persuasion live in the city where there are no bear interactions. Yes, we are intruders of their habitat, but its a little late for that level of hippydippy idealism. Should I pack up and go rent a loft on queen st so as to not intrude on the poor bears??

  5. what this means is that a bunch of idiots will probably go out and shoot a bunch of female bears with cubs and then run away leaving the dead bear and its cubs to starve...cant say i agree with this one at all.


    How in the hell is a CO ever going to enforce the fine for shooting a bear with a cub when the guy that shoots it will most likely just run away. I think this is ridiculous.


    Trying to alter the bear-person interaction through unnatural means is ridiculous in the first place. Stop putting your hand in everything and let nature sort it out. Humans are the problem here, not the bears.

    Do you have any facts to back that up or are you just running your mouth because you think bears are cute? Prior to the end of the spring hunt, bear numbers in Ontario were very healthy and the industry was bringing in tens of millions per year. It is easy to identify a bears gender by appearance to anyone familiar with the animal. This hunt would not have been re-opened if scientific data didn't suggest that it was sustainable. Poachers will poach anyway (I know people that shoot bears around here year-round), legal hunters should not be denied the right to a sustainable hunt that will bring in tourist dollars because it upsets non-hunters opinions (not based on fact I might add).
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