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Everything posted by MistyHollow

  1. CrowMan, I am hoping to try Dain City if it ever freezes solid this year.
  2. Sitting here hoping for some ice down south here this year, but not holding my breath with the way the temperatures are suppose to climb again, so sitting and thinking about some spring smelt fishing. Yes I am old enough to remember netting in the glory days with pails of smelt, beach cook outs of frying smelt, and taking naps on the rocks beside the fire. I was lucky to fish the big runs of the early70's growing up and later the smaller runs of the 80's and then the Niagara runs in the 90's still bringing home a pail or two to last the family for the year. I know the old runs are gone but I also know that there are still a few smelt along the Port Maitland pier and I wonder about the Port Dover pier. Does anyone on here watch for them along either of these spots? I know come about the 2nd week of April I will be out looking in the old haunts and then about the 3rd or 4th week be heading up Huntsville / Dorset way to meet up with a couple of friends to see if we can connect with a few for the pan. If anyone is catching them through the ice I would love to hear about it as I have never tried this yet, although I am hoping to if the Welland River freezes up or if I can get some information on trying this on Simcoe. Thank All
  3. Bruce, I Like that rule! Dan
  4. I am trying to get it in book form so the boys can do it as a group at the Scout hall. The Coast Guard Safe Boating Guide would be welcomed aswell. Dan
  5. OhioFisherman, the library has one copy, that I have borrowed to get them started. I am hoping to find 4 copies so each has one to study from. Thanks for the suggestion, Dan
  6. Looking for a helping hand from forum members. I have four Venturer Scouts that would like to aquire their Pleasure Craft Operators Cards. I would like to obtain copies of the Basic Boating Safety Course Study Guide by The Navigators. As these books are around $22 dollars apiece I am hoping that there maybe some forum members that have copies collecting dust that would be willing to donate them to the boys. The plan is for the boys to get their cards and then using a couple of my boats to do a river trip camping and fishing for a couple of nights. Thanks to anyone that can help out. Dan
  7. A well placed load of 5's.... and they do fit inside a large stainless steel roasting pan! mmmmmm roast peafowl
  8. According to the video 11:23 pm Wed. May 4th two people stole my canoe from the Caledonia Auto Body property. This canoe was there for a repair and paint. If anyone knows or hears of the two that did this theft please inform them that I would like it returned. They can drop it off in the same place, no questions asked.....or I can turn the video over to the police.....the one where you looked directly into the camera. Dan
  9. I am on that section of the Grand all the time canoes, kayaks, and wadding. Just wondering if we know each other? I am always more comfortable recommending someone I am familiar with or know, and I have lived in the area for a LOT of years. Send me a pm Dan
  10. He really has grown, My oldest and I started doing the same when he was born. I have a picture on the wall of him with his first trout at 3, he is 21 now we were on the creek yesterday. Dan
  11. Great news, I lost the use of sight in one eye for around 3 weeks once....difficult is just the beginning of that sentence.....not knowing if you are going to gain the sight back and the worry play very hard on you. Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan
  12. As a youngster.....yes a very long time ago........ I kept bees with the old neighbour across the road. 12 hives that we gathered from producing jars of all natural honey. I became allergic to stings, he past on and I still play with bees. I have had a wild hive in a red oak trunk for the past 8 years on the farm. The hive has split twice, and getting ready to do so again, so this year I am putting two top bar hives up in the hedge for them. I might add that unlike commercial hives I have yet to have a hive die off over winter in this tree. Dan
  13. John, Having just lost someone 6 months ago I can feel where you are at. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, if there is anything I can do to help let me know. Dan
  14. what about a roof rack on the truck and put the sled up top? Dan
  15. Glad to here things went well. I have been in the same situation myself with our Parents, Children. and Wife. It is always hard.......scary, but for me when it is my wife it is terrifying. Our best to your Wife, and a bit extra from me to you. Dan
  16. Thanks for the replies very much appreciated. Does lake Simcoe give them up on the lake trout grounds? Wondering if a lake trout hut rental combined with night fishing may pan out. Thanks Dan
  17. I know its early yet, but have been thinking of taking my 3 littles out a couple of times to target burbot this winter. For perch, walleye, lakers, and pike I have areas that are known. I have never purposely targeted burbot before. Not looking for gps co ordinates, but can anyone point me in the right direction, or does anyone know of an outfitter targeting this species. Thanks, Dan
  18. NineMile will produce smaller fish with the odd decent one thrown in, however if you take a canoe/kayak along and take the portage trail back into Turtle lake you will hook into some decent fish. If you head up give a wave to the three cottages on the left just as you enter Moon Bay,they were the first cottages built on the lake and have been in the family from day one. Will hopefully be heading up with my boys this summer at some point. Oh and watch for bears along the road in as someone hits at least one a year. Dan
  19. Usually a week to two weeks with a couple of good strong nights. The run usually starts shortly after ice out, sometimes there will still be off shore ice.
  20. Did anyone get out this year? Dan
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