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Posts posted by Ramble

  1. What weight of jig heads? I tie my own flies, but havn't gotten to jigs yet. I have some idea's for small stream brookies.


    In the summer long shanked hooks improve hook ups on days when the fish are biting light. Another colour you might want to try is brown rabbit fur. I have a racoon pelt at home the i use from time to time..the long guard hairs of the coon fur make for an interesting profile. those are just a few ideas.


    Keep up the good work.



  2. I had one of my ice fishing rods set up with a 20 LB seaguar leader, and had a about a 4 lb OOS smallie do the "run around the hole" thing while i was holding the line in my hand. The leader took all of nasty grindage... and there wasn't a scratch on the stuff. I was really impressed cause those spud bar holes have some sharp angles on them. That Fluoro is some good stuff.



  3. lundboy i am not a Secondary School teacher lololol That's some funny stuff. I HATED and continue to HATE the primary and secondary school education system. I also have a major beef with the how the universities determine our grades. But that's a rant for another time. I'm a Biology major for the school year, and guide in the summer.



    As for this..


    In the next 3-4 years this is some of what you will see:

    -A huge global economy crises

    -The introduction of a new north American currency to replace the worthless US, Canadian , and Mexican currency (part of the Problem, Reaction, Solution paradigm)

    -The complete integration of the three countries into the North American Union

    -Food shortages in the west (oh right that's because of climate change, not Monsanto's meddling with mother nature and buying up farms))


    Huge global Economy Crisis in 3-4 years...i think not. A shift in the economy is certain. Some changes need/will occur but that's to be expected.


    Change of currancy....to something unified... accross the North American Union? NO WAY. Im aware of the N.A.U. paper work was signed, but try convincing the people of north america its a good idea is another ball of wax. The Americans are isolationists. No way would they agree to open boarders with Canada and Mexico. Not to mention i feel there is a growing consensus that the NAFTA wasn't the best idea we ever had. Further globalization i think will be scrutanized.


    Your food shortages in the west are due to 2 major things... Changing percipitation patterns and changing soil chemistry. The work Genetic manipulation of our food has been going on since the begining of time....some of the stuff they do now-a-days has some serious potentional I think needs to VERY closly monitored. Besides that the genetic food is built to produce more, higher quality results.....so how that leads to a food shortage i'm not sure.


    The shortages are a result of our own bungling. Climate Changes (whatever the cause) is altering precip. patterns, so they dig wells and pump water from the ground....over time this causes salination of the soil and things won't grow. I think Alberta alone is around 3 million acres at rist of being to salty to grow food.....so you bet that the levels it is at right now is reducing total yield. There is a working hypothesis that irrigation resulting in the soil becomeing to salty to grow crops is the major mechanism which causes civilizations to collapse. So far it has yileded some interesing results in the reading i've done. If you look at other soil factors, such as the phytotoxic effects of metals, how acid rain effects soil nutients as well as nitrification of the soil you will discover a major area of research that is in it's infancy. Once you get an understanding of the nutirent cycles, and some of the biological processes occuring you will get an idea of why Climate Change is so potentially bad. If we alter the imputs into the system such as heat, it has a HUGE effect on the biological processes, adn the things that occur.


    If you want to worry about a real threat the 36 and a half hour work week for 2 bucks more then minimum wage is much more worthy of your energy.


    I'm flattered about the secondary school teacher thing....i didn't think my spelling was that good LOL


    I'm sure ill hear from you soon



  4. maybe a stocker rainbow thats half retarded might have loose eggs in the fall but that doesnt mean anything. i have caught rainbows in july in the middle of lake O with loose roe...


    LOL those poor stockers:clapping:


    Loose roe? Does that mean she is permiscuious??



  5. I just recieved my Turkey certification last year, and havn't been out yet. But i have some permission this year, and hope to get into a bird beofre i head north. My friend who's last year was also his 1st shot his a nice bird.


    A wounded turkey is almost impossible to find. My cousin hunts them with a bow and has hammered a few over the 20 lb mark. 2 years a got he got a hit and the turkey flew off the lengh of the field. He went home and got his dog, they went back and found it dead in a thicket. Shot placement is critical.


    Keep us posted on how you do this year. I'd like to know.



  6. Ben,

    A new guide brought one a scale last year, and there was almost a riot lolol


    I had a fly-fisherman going for a world record at one point (cath and release) and he had permission to weigh only fish that might be close enough to the mark. Even then i rigged up a string for my cradle so i could weigh the fish horizontally, while it was supported.


    They shouldnt be allowed to weigh them by the gill or lip or tail unless they are dead...those practices on trouphy fish can be a death sentance.



  7. its a fish. a musky isnt any better than a pike and people spear them all the time...get over it.



    My comment isn't regarding the fact that they speared a Musky it's regarding the fact they stommped a mud-hole in the fish to get it off the spear. That isn't showing that fish any respect. Fish i keep are killed quickly as soon as they are in the boat or on the ice if they are keepers.


    As far as the fishing reg's in Quebec are concerned.....i wouldn't touch that issue with a 10 foot clown pole!


    However i don't believe in spearing, and if it makes you feel better i more strongy object to spearing of sturgeon, then i do the musky.


    But being a conservationist at heart, i hate to see big fish killed, except for the odd northern, from trout lakes.


    I'm not saying anyone is wrong here LEGALLY, but i'm saying that some of these rules are left over from the days of olde. The morals and ethics of people today will lead to better conservation, and a better fishery in the end. The 1 fish rule for a musky over 40" i think in a great rule. Same with putting the 50 fish limit on perch, when there used to be no limit.


    I think spearing may have it's place for some species such as carp which have a large impact the ecosystem in some places, but for fish like northerns and musky i can't agree with it, apex predators are essential in an ecosystem.


    (I'm sorry to all of you who are fans of carp...i engoy them as well but they do more harm then good to our lakes. If you could see it in your heart not to tar and feather me, i'd appretiate that very much. :clapping: )



    Anyway fellas, it's a good discussion on the morals and ethics of the regualtions. If we can keep the banter civilized we all might learn something here.



  8. Oh Lundboy....you accuse us of being brain washed, when it appears you yourself have been brain-washed by the conspieracy theororists of the world as long as they can argue a point. I'm saying that they are all worng, i'm just that #1 you might wanna be a little more careful about which arguments you parade around, and #2 you shouldn't be parading them around a fishing board.



  9. I dont know what you guys think happens in post secondary institution science classes. BUT i assure you it's anything but a gov't sponsored agenda. We are taught to THINK objectivly, to search out sources of BIAS in a theory, paper or stand point. Science isnt about mearly presenting facts...it's a way of thinking and presenting those facts such that you EXPLAIN any possible biases so that data stands ON ITS OWN. Those abilities allow scientists to figure out what the data is saying, and where the short commings are. So even though the scienteats sound UNSURE....as far as science goes, all data indicated that we are changing the earths climate. To put a their stand point into context... Graviety is just a theory, and the planets revolving around the sun is STILL just a hypothesis. You need to trust these guys alittle more....THEY are the experts. I'm not saying don't critcize them, but do n't reject what they are saying...if they say something as a COMMUNITY you bet you're bottom dollar they are on to something.





    The suggestion that im unaware of the planets warming and cooling trends is frankly wrong. I'm aware of the research on the plants warming/cooling trends since before the pre-cambrian colapse, as well i'm also aware of what the atmosphere was composed of during these times. That information actually supports the Climate Change theory.


    As far as the differance between Climate and Weather im well aware of that too. Looking at treads, like the total number of huricans each year, melting premafrost, and sea ice in the arctic, where drought/ hurricans are occuring. How about the fact that accross the north countries there is unified documentation that spring arrives on average 7-10 days earlier then it used too? Or do have i been brain washed into believeing this stuff?


    The biggest problem i have found with most people arguing agaisnt climate change they don't understand what the stmptoms are. You know that near-record snow fall in Haliburtan this year... SYMPTOM OF GLOBAL WARMING!!! Huge snow falls in colorado...SYMPTOM!...Increased Floods in eastern US and India...SYMPTOM! Lack of rainfall in western South america SYMPTOM! Increased Melting arctics SYMPTOMS! Increased Droughts in africa SYMPTOM! Increased Hurricans and their severity SYMPTOMS! This long cold winter.....guess what SYMPTOM!!!!!!!!!


    IM SURE im about to hear about how YOU AGREE WITH climate change, but it's the causes and the remadies you don't argeee with. All policies begin with baby steps....not agreeing with them because they arn't comprehensive enough is FOOLISH! A small reduction in emissions is better then NO attempt to reduce at all. You only have to look at chemical pollution regulations to see how progess in regulations occurs in small steps...agruing that the Plan needs to be comprehensive or Not at All is totally unproductive. If we used that logic back in the 50's they'd still be driving down our streets fogging with DDT. A comprehensive guide is WHAT we need, but a regulations like that doesnt occur all at once.



    This my last post on the suject....i already look like a big enough mook for battling people on a topic like this on a fishing board. If anyone wants to discuss this stuff a little more, we can take it to a pub...



  10. Well Lundboy since everyone else seems to be avoiding confrontation i'm going to take the bait.


    YOU better believe i'm rolling my eye's at you're little theory here. You have all this research "proving your point" RIGHT, but in the process you're ignoring the information on what actaully is happening.


    You'd better look up CLIMATE CHANGE again.... see what what the syptoms are...then have a look around.


    Besides not agreeing with Climate Change for whatever reasons. What HARM is their in living more sustanably within the environment? It doesnt make sence to me to fight things that will improve our quality of life.


    Maybe a better way of looking at climate change is to make a list of things you like about nature in your area, and around the world, then research what climate change will do to those things.....


    Then think about whether you want to risk losing those things over something that's preventable.


    The cost of dealing with the climate chnage/pollution problems in our society is nothing compared to the good it will do people to make these changes.




    One of the fundimental problems in our culture is that people only care about themselves, and do things for based how it will influence them.... you need to consider how these types of choices/problems will impact your grand children. Even at the tender age of 22, i want my future grand kids to be able to fish/hunt/canoe/hike in the same places, with the same species around that existed when my grand father covered and i want it in the same state or improving their whole life.


    You can dig up all the info you want that says it isn't happening cause there is more then twice that much stuff saying it is happening.....Did i mention climate change has reached a general consensus in the scientific community?



    So far none of you sources would be valid or classified as RESCENT in any of my classes.... The news article isn't scientific...and the site would not be classified as crediable....Wikipedia is a HUGE NO, NO. It's an good place to start to get background info, but should NEVER been used as FACT. See if you can dig up some open biased reports which are peer reviewed that support your claim published aftter 2000. Then we'll have some thing to talk about.



  11. #1 The should have NEVER allowed building in flood plains AT ALL PERIOD!


    They (gov') needs to seriously re-evaluate the regulations for building on wetlands and flood plains, because it is't going to help US the people at all, by having a house in a flood plain.....were just as happy on a hill.


    As far as these jokers go, they have a responcibilty to maintain the health of the lake, i'm sure this issue isn't even close to settled yet.



  12. Doesn't come as much of a surpirse too me. Every fish species i've ever had in my tank i have trained without any trouble. time. Repitition is the biggest factor. I don't buy my fish at the store i use my minnow trap and fishing rod. I have had them eating out of my fingers with out much work. i had some cats that would come to the top and wait for food when the light came on in the morning.


    The stickle back i've kept have had the best persoanlity of any species. The shiners i've had of any species tend to be a little more dumb thenother species, and are pretty skittish.... all of the dace species train easy, central mudminnows DO NOT adapt well to the tank life.


    Cats are pretty entertaining and train easy BUT will eat anything they can fit in their mouth....including other fish.


    Sunfish and bass are alright but don't do a whole lot....they are very territorial...if you have 2, one will constantly pick on the other. One individual is better. Perch are similar to bass. Suckers are pretty entertaining as long as they are small....the larger they get the more they want to sit on bottom.


    SO i think that their project is entirely do-able.....but i question what ecological effect releasing all these fish will have their habitat range. The fish farming in the ocean is alreadty a growning problem.



  13. I helped a friend a few years back clean a couple buckets full of them ....lets just say i lost interest in keeping cats after that lol.


    We used pliers, you score the skin around the head cut the barbed fins off close to the body and then use the pliers to pull the skin off...kinda like a sock. trim off head, tail and remove the guts. He cooks them on teh BBQ as well. Driving a nail through their head in to a board can make the job a little easier.


    i'm not big fan of eating cats. They are better in the spring, then later in the year. And yes they do have bones, like any other fish, but the meat falls off them once they are cooked really easily and i don't rememeber encountering any bones when i was eating them.


    I have a friend who prefers channels to bullheads....but i think that is because he doesnt like cleaning cats, and would rather do 1 then 6.


    I find a sinker and a floating head jig with a gob of worm about 2 inches off bottom is more effective then just letting it rest on the bottom for bullheads. If you can get them just after they spawn you can catch really high numbers in a short amount of time. Rivers running into bodies of water where you know they exist is a good start, target eddies. I know some guys use boats earlier int eh spawn to try and find them schools off river mouths...they stage like trout and move up rivers in mass at night to spawn.


    hope that's some help.



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