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Posts posted by Ramble

  1. I was outside standing in the wind this morning and I realized that I'm almost ready for spring. I love all the seasons, but I can only tolerate each of them for so long. I've got a few more weeks of ice fishing left in me and then I'll be ready for the softwater, and the warm sun.


    It's going to be a good summer I think. I already have a 3 day trip planned into Algonquin in May, and a 7 day trip in August. I'm working on another one. Not to mention the usualy 2 months of guiding...and the places around home.


    I'm dreaming of it already.










    Yup, it's going to be a gooooood year!


    In the mean time i have 4 more lakes on my TO DO LIST before the ice leaves.


    I hope everyone has a good weekend.


    Ramble Out

  2. Wow. Can't say i'm too surprised tho. Who would have thought that situation would have ever come up?


    As far as the Law is concerned he has "paid his dept" THAT little idea is one of the major problems i have with the justice system...but that's a rant for another time.


    Kickin i don't mean to single you out, but the logic isn't flawed, the conclusion just isnt right.


    For example:

    If I see a dog and see that the dog is brown, then I find another dog and that dog is also brown, then I conclude that all dogs are brown.I have made a totally logical statement. The conclustion supports the premises. HOWEVER that conclusion is obviously incorrect.


    That's our philosophy lesson for the day. Class dismissed.



  3. that's 2 years of college and 2 years of university so far...And there is nothing wrong with my logic.... My dictionary comment was ment to be a joke.


    Do a little research into lauguage, it's a fluid thing constantly chaning and evolving...in some cases simplifying. (That's not ment to be an attack)My point is, the defintion of sport in todays society does NOT appy to things like fishing and hunting. THAT is a different kind of Sport in my book. Just because you can make the subject conform to some defintion does NOT mean that it applies. Maybe we need to invent a new word for "things" like fishing?



  4. Not a sport and Not Athletes. Fishing is a past time at best...energetic tho it maybe. If it wasn't for the laws there would be no rules. Originally it was a method for getting food....that time has past for the most part, but it's still not a sport.


    Pro-Fisherman arn't athletes. When Im guiding I work about 98 hours a week...about 60 hours of that is strickly on the water...I get paid, am I a pro athlete? NO WAY! Could you make the argument??? Yup. But that doesn't mean it's a sport or that i'm an athlete.


    Just because there is compition involved, that doesn't mean it's a sport either, Or else a bunch of guys i went to college with are athletes in sports no one would play....


    i suppsoe it's a personal opinion thing. But i think fishing is more of a past time or a hobby...


    As far as the Dictionary goes...my name isn't Webster or Oxford, so it doesn't apply to me!



  5. Northern Lights is my Favourite. My uncle and Grandmother paints...i know how hard it is to get Northern lights to look good. You definatly have skill, there is no doubt about that. One thing i always take note of when i look at art, is how the technique changes between artists. Here is a picture my grandother painted and gave to me. The photo is what she baed the painting on. It's from her favourite trail in Algonquin.





  6. That's a healthy looking Northern. I bet you guys had a lot of fun. You reminded me of one of my favourite quotes....."Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." ~Henry David Thoreau


    The fish are a bonus... the trip is always a riot.


    Have a good one.



  7. This place won't help your fishing addiction. It will make that worse, and in about a month you'll realize your addicted to the forum as well. I've quite fighting the fishing addiction, and i now look at the rest of the world as a "hobby", and fishing as "reel life" Pun intended.


    Cya Around



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